Nature Incarnate

Errata / Updates

Spirits and Innate Powers

Frequently Asked Questions

Blighted Island cards
  • When instructed to discard a card, which cards can you choose from? Where do those cards go?
    "Discard a card" without any other qualifiers means "put a Power Card from your hand into your discard pile." This most commonly occurs as part of paying for a Choice Event, but can also appear as a cost or detrimental effect.
    Some effects (most notably, the standard effects of Time Passes) discard Power Cards from play because they interact with a specific card that's in play or with cards in play in general. In that case, put the Power Card(s) from play into your discard pile. You can't discard a Power Card from play unless otherwise instructed to do so.
    If instructed to discard a card not controlled by a player, the card goes to that deck's discard pile. This most commonly occurs when gaining a Power Card, discarding the top card of the Event Deck on Turn 1, and when discarding a Minor Power as a randomizer.
    Tags: Discarding Powers as a randomizer, Choice Events, Turmoil's Touch (Wandering Voice Keens Delirium), Wandering Voice Keens Delirium, 19 more...
  • This can matter if one Action Tree will win the game and another will lose the game — the players can choose which Action Tree resolves first and check for Victory after that one.
    For instance, the Triggered Actions from Russia Level 6 each start their own Action Tree, each potentially winning the game (e.g., with Call to Guard) or losing the game (e.g., combined with France or England).
    Tags: Action tree, Triggered Actions, Victory and Defeat, Visions Out of Time, 0 more...
  • What are "your Actions"? (e.g., for Responsibilities to the Dead or Spread Tumult and Delusion)
    As a general guideline, anything done by your Spirit Panel or Power Cards, including any consequences directly following from the game rules (e.g., destroying Invaders/Dahan that have taken Damage equal to or greater than their Health, earning Fear from destroying Towns/Cities, destroying Presence / cascading when adding Blight).
    In particular, the following are your Actions.
    • Using one icon in a Growth option during the Spirit Phase [*]
    • Gaining Energy from your Presence track during the Spirit Phase
    • Playing and paying for all of your cards during the Spirit Phase
    • Using one Presence Track icon during the Spirit Phase [†]
    • Using one Power, whether the original use or repeating that Power (even if other Spirits make choices as part of resolving that Power)
    • Performing a triggered Action set up by one of your Powers (e.g., Vengeance of the Dead) or Special Rules (e.g., Ocean in Play)
    • Using a special rule that has an immediate, stand-alone effect (e.g., Sharp Fangs Behind the Leaves replacing its Presence with Call Forth Predators)
    • Doing something a Power grants you the option to do later at your discretion (e.g., adding a Disease with Scream Disease Into the Wind, dealing Damage with the stone Beasts created by Unearth a Beast of Wrathful Stone)
    Note that some special rules refer to "your Powers", which is more restrictive than "your Actions".
    [*] If a Growth icon has an "xN" (e.g., for Fractured Days Split the Sky) it means that you have N copies of that Growth icon; each one is its own action. If a Growth icon does something in "each" land that meets a condition (e.g., for Ocean's Hungry Grasp), it's one action in each of those lands.
    [†] Passive bonuses on Presence tracks, like Elements and Range bonuses, are always available; there is no action to gain them.
    Tags: Actions, Presence track, Triggered Actions, Responsibilities to the Dead (Finder of Paths Unseen), 8 more...
Effect Rules
Elements and Elemental Thresholds
Event Cards
General Play
Invader Actions
Play Options
Power Cards
Presence and Sacred Sites
Range and Targeting
Spirit Phase
Spirits and Innate Powers
~ Expansions, Promos, and Publishing
  • What Spirit Island games / expansions exist? Is there any required order to the expansions?
    The Spirit Island Wiki has this information in both list and graphical form, along with recommendations for frequently asked purchasing questions at the bottom. You can also click through to see the contents of different expansions.
    Retail and crowdfunding versions of Spirit Island products are equivalent; there is no exclusive content.
    • Sea Monsters (Major Power in B&C) – new version in JE (capping Fear)
    • Draw Towards a Consuming Void (Major Power in JE) – new version in NI (wording – no functional changes)
    • Growth Through Sacrifice (Minor Power in B&C) – replacement Minor in NI (Roiling Bog and Snagging Thorn)
    • Outpaced (Event in B&C) – retired as of NI
    • War Touches the Island's Shores (Event in B&C) – retired as of NI (which has a new Event with similar theme)
    • A Strange Madness Among the Beasts (Event in B&C) – retired as of JE/NI
    • Tipping Point (Blighted Island Card in B&C) – retired as of NI
    Farmers Seek the Dahan for Aid has not yet been replaced, because that replacement would best be done as part of a Dahan-centric expansion.
    It's fine – but not required – to retire game items "early" (i.e., without buying the expansion which officially says they're retired). That's awkward for replacing game items - since you need the replacement - though some players opt to omit Growth Through Sacrifice, finding the elemental distortion from its absence to be less impactful than it seeing use in play.
    Outpaced, War Touches, Strange Madness, and Tipping Point were all retired for an overly swingy play experience. Original Sea Monsters was so good with Many Minds that it trivialized the game. Growth Through Sacrifice was nearly always game-warpingly good. Draw Towards a Consuming Void was one of the very few things that moves other Spirits' Presence without explicitly stating so, and Nature Incarnate had space on the card sheet, so we printed a replacement.
    Tags: Retired or Replaced Game Items, Sea Monsters, Draw Towards a Consuming Void, Growth Through Sacrifice, 5 more...