
Frequently Asked Questions

What is prevented by the Invader benefit #8 of Powers Long Forgotten?
The land cannot be selected as a target for Powers (Cards or Innate). There are no other restrictions.
For instance, you could target an adjacent land and Gather Invaders there, or you could place Presence there as part of Growth.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Powers Long Forgotten
What are the "spirit tokens" in power 7 of Powers Long Forgotten?
Any of the cardboard tokens that help spirits, currently Beasts, Wilds, Disease, Strife, and Badlands.
If specific Spirits/Aspects are in the game, this also includes Deeps, Quakes, and Vitality.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Spirit tokens, Powers Long Forgotten, Fragments of Yesteryear
How does Surges of Colonization interact with the Terror Level 2 effect of Explorers are Reluctant?
If you resolve Explorers are Reluctant on an even-numbered turn where you’re resolving multiple Explore Cards, resolve one fewer Explore Card that turn and resolve one additional Explore Card on the following turn, when you'd normally not resolve any Explore Cards.
If you resolve Explorers are Reluctant on an odd-numbered turn where you’re not resolving any Explore Cards, the "next normal Explore" and "next Invader Phase" are both on the next turn, so the two halves of the effect cancel each other out and the Fear Card essentially has no effect.
If Explorers are Reluctant applies to the final even-numbered turn and there aren't enough cards left for the final surge, it may cause a game loss on the following turn when attempting to Explore from an empty deck.
Tags: Normal Action, Explorers are Reluctant, Surges of Colonization
When playing with an extra board, do any Scenarios need adjusting?
Yes, a number of previously-printed Scenarios need to change "per player" to "per board":
  • Powers Long Forgotten: Make the "per player" setup instructions "per board" instead. (So you have enough tokens for all the boards, if playing on balanced. )
  • Blitz - Setup - "an additional Blight per player" should be "per board". Rule Changes - "1 less Blight per player" should be "per board".
  • Second Wave - After the First Game - the "per player" measurements should be "per board" (though the tokens saved do not need to be exactly 1 per board - eg, in a 2p, 3-board game, you could save 3 Beasts across the whole island, not limited to precisely 1 per board). Second Game Setup - "2 Blight per player" should be "2 Blight per board".
  • The Great River - Additional Loss Conditions - the per-player measurement should be per-board (but you can't just substitute "per board" because that implies it matters which board they escape from, so something like "If more than (3 x # of boards) Towns escape...")
  • Ward the Shores - Setup Changes - "4 Markers per player" should be "4 Markers per board"
Note: an extra board may synergize very painfully with some Scenarios - most notably those which involve controlling / affecting territory, like The Great River, Despicable Theft, Ward the Shores and perhaps Powers Long Forgotten. If you want to avoid the extra Difficulty boost caused by this, you can opt to have some or all of the Scenario effects skip one board. (eg: The Great River could skip just Population Spills Across the River on one board, or all Rule Changes.) This will, of course, dilute the feel of the Scenario a bit.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Extra Island Board, Powers Long Forgotten, Blitz, Second Wave, 3 more...
In Destiny Unfolds, if you only have Major Powers in your Destiny, can you gain Minor Powers normally from the deck? (Or vice versa)
Generally no. Rather than choosing a deck to gain from, you choose a single Power in your Destiny to gain. If your Destiny only has Major Powers, you must gain a Major Power.
However, if the source of the Power Card forces you to gain a Minor Power (e.g., "Gift of Power") and you have none in your Destiny, gain one normally from the Minor Power Deck (and similarly for an effect that specifically gains Major Powers).
Tags: Gaining Power Cards, Call on Midnight's Dreams (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares), Boon of Ancient Memories (Shifting Memory of Ages), Unlock the Gates of Deepest Power, 12 more...
It doesn't matter if Towns/Cities are pushed into the Ocean as well, because you can check the "no Towns/Cities" condition before or after the action.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Destroy, Despicable Theft, Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
How does the Transforming Aspect interact with the Dahan Insurrection Scenario?
The Transform Rather Than Consume Special Rule saves Towns/Cities from destruction and Replaces them instead, so it will not trigger Military Response.
Constant Raiding is a triggered Scenario Action, so it doesn't interact with Transform Rather Than Consume at all. The Dahan will do Damage normally and potentially trigger Military Response.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Saved From Destruction, Dahan Insurrection, Transforming Aspect (Heart of the Wildfire), 0 more...
Remember that you can re-use destroyed Warding Patterns or move existing ones.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Ward the Shores
For Dahan Insurrection, what types of actions are Constant Raiding and Military Reprisal?
They're Scenario actions, triggered after anything that moves Dahan or destroys Towns/Cities (respectively). If an action triggers both, Constant Raiding must come before Military Reprisal.
Tags: Dahan Insurrection
For instance, you can boost its range with Reaching Grasp, Repeat it with Powerstorm, or Discard it for the Event Outpaced. Note that it is 0-cost and requires Energy each time you Repeat it.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Playing Power Cards, Ward the Shores
To be clear, that's +1 Blight from the Blight that was in the First Wave - you do not add +1 Blight from the box for every Wave!
Tags: Blight, Second Wave
In the Dahan Insurrection Scenario, what is the timing of Coordinated Insurrection (the uprising instead of a terror victory)? Can the Insurrection trigger actions - eg, Vengeance of the Dead?
The Insurrection replaces the normal Terror Victory, so happens after the first action where you reach Terror Level 4. Yes, the Insurrection can trigger actions, which can can help fulfill victory conditions.
The new wording would be "When you would win a Terror Victory (Level 4), instead: in each land with Dahan, Dahan deal damage as if fighting back after a Ravage. After completing these actions (and any triggered actions), if you do not meet the Scenario victory conditions, you lose."
Tags: Triggered Actions, Victory and Defeat, Dahan Insurrection, Vengeance of the Dead, 0 more...
How does Entwined Power work in Destiny Unfolds?
If Target Spirit still has cards in their Destiny, they gain one of them and you gain another one if any remain. (If there was only one card in their Destiny, you won't get a card.)
If their Destiny was already empty before resolving Entwined Power, resolve it like normal.
You don't gain a card from your own Destiny, since “the Power Cards they did not keep” is their Destiny and not one of the decks.
Tags: Gaining Power Cards, Entwined Power, Destiny Unfolds
When does Blitz reduce the cost of a Fast Power and when does Blitz refund Energy for a Power being Fast?
When you play Power Cards by paying their costs {1}, total up the Energy cost of all of the Powers you’re playing and reduce it by 1 per Fast Power to determine how much you need to pay. If that number is negative, gain that much Energy as a refund.
When using a Fast Innate Power that has the potential to do something for the first time each turn, gain 1 Energy as a refund.
When you make a Slow Power Fast (via Swiftness of Lightning or similar) gain a 1 Energy rebate.
If a Fast Power Card (or a Power Card made Fast) costs 1 or more Energy, also reduce its printed cost by 1 (e.g., for Repeating it with Gift of Strength or checking when it's played by Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo).
{1} = This usually as part of the “Play and Pay For Power Cards” action in Spirit Phase, but sometimes a Power like Call on Midnight’s Dream tells you to do so.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Energy, Playing Power Cards, Blitz, Gift of Strength (Vital Strength of the Earth), 11 more...
When a Power Card is played face-down for the Ward the Shores Scenario, which Elements does it have for the purpose of Choice Events that are aided by a particular Element?
While in play, it contributes no Elements to Choice Events (and you can't Discard it to help). However, it can be Forgotten as if it had the Elements on the face-down side of the card.
Tags: Elements, Choice Events, Rulings Under Examination, Ward the Shores, 0 more...
When Fractured Days Splits the Sky plays Destiny Unfolds and gains a card from their Destiny, do they also put a card in Days that Never Were?
Yes, and they can usually put any card they could have picked from their Destiny into Days that Never Were; they don't have to pick a Power Card of the same type as the one they gained unless the gain effect had a restriction.
Tags: Gaining Power Cards, Days that Never Were (Fractured Days Split the Sky), Fractured Days Split the Sky, Destiny Unfolds, 0 more...
In the Second Wave scenario, where exactly can a power from the first wave be used? What if the power is targeted from a Sacred Site? What about (one of many weird exception cases)?
The power can target any land or Spirit it normally could – no current Spirit needs to have a Sacred Site (or Presence in a land of the correct terrain, etc.) The power is being "played" by the Spirit from the prior game – if it cares about the originating land, or where the Spirit has Presence / Sacred Sites, it can assume that for purposes of targeting and resolution the Spirit has up to 2 Presence in each land. The Power can't affect the playing Spirit (which is not in the game). Technically, Energy/other costs can't be paid, but it's more fun if you say that costs up to 8 Energy / 4 Time, can be paid. (Or rough equivalent, so "Elemental Teachings" can grant 3 of any element(s), "Draw Towards a Consuming Void" could redo its effects once, etc).
Along similar lines, it would be thematically appropriate to apply most sorts of Special Rules for the Spirit "using" the Power, but creating a precise formal specification for exactly what should/shouldn't be considered would get very finicky. Use your judgment.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Targeting, Player-convenience choices, Second Wave, Elemental Teachings (Shifting Memory of Ages), 12 more...
With the Second Wave Scenario, how do you handle Still-Healthy Island cards?
The short version is "rewind cards, and what you learned doesn't change" (you'll use the same cards next game).
The long version: If you went past a Still-Healthy Island Card, after following the Blight instructions, put it – original Healthy side up – atop the stack of Blight Cards (so you encounter it first, just like you did this game).
If you reached (but did not pass) a Still-Healthy Island Card, treat it as a Blighted Island Card for the Blight instructions – but in your next game, if you get past it to a new Blight Card, you will need to add new Blight from the box rather than from the pool by the side of the card.
(If this is too complex, you may also opt to simply omit Still-Healthy Island cards.)
Tags: Blighted Island, Still Healthy Island, Second Wave
If you use Isolate to make the shortest path to a board’s Ocean longer than usual without completely blocking a Thief in, it will attempt that longer journey, even if that puts it onto another board. (In that case, on future turns it’ll head towards that board’s Ocean.)
Tags: Isolate, Despicable Theft
When are Scenario Markers / Element Markers considered pieces?
Nearly anytime they're placed on the board. The only exception is if they're purely a visual reminder, like in The Great River, or if used to mark Inner Lands for Guard The Isle's Heart. (JE p. 35, "Piece")
This might be revisited if future content results in weird situations, as some of the cases are kind of borderline (eg: Rituals of the Destroying Flame), but for now the simplicity of "always" wins out.
Element Markers placed on the board for Elemental Invocation are not considered "pieces" - the first printings of Jagged Earth considered them as pieces that were basically non-interactable (since they're not in any land); it's cleaner to just not count them as pieces at all.
Tags: Element markers, Pieces, Changed rulings, Despicable Theft, 9 more...
This is indicated by the line "return [the Blight card] to Healthy".
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Second Wave
In the scenario Ward the Shores, what's a 'Fear victory'? Can you win without placing warding patterns?
A Fear victory is any victory with the usual terror-level-based victory conditions. You cannot win the game without placing warding patterns.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Ward the Shores
What happens if the pool of Thieves in Despicable Theft runs out?
There are no Thieves in the pool, so you don't add any more.
(If your playgroup wants a larger challenge, you can create a secondary pool of (1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 7xblank) using the core game Scenario Markers.)
Tags: Despicable Theft
In the Dahan Insurrection scenario, what's the timing and ordering of Constant Raiding and Military Response? If a Power both moves Dahan and deals damage *(eg, Vigor of the Breaking Dawn)*, which happens first?
Constant Raiding (Dahan that moved deal damage) triggers after each action that moves Dahan. Military Response (add Towns/Explorers for Cities/Towns destroyed) triggers after each action that destroys Towns/Cities. If both trigger, Constant Raiding happens first; this means that newly added Invaders won't be damaged by the Dahan that moved.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Triggered Actions, Dahan Insurrection
How does Isolate interact with the Military Response rule in the Dahan Insurrection Scenario?
Oddly. The simplest way to play it is "Military Response ignores Isolate". If you want a more thematic but more complex game, use "The new Invader must be added to a non-Isolated land. Ignore Isolate effects when determining which lands are closest."
Tags: Isolate, Dahan Insurrection
To cover specific cases:
With Powers Long Forgotten, when do you check whether a land is searched? Can a land be searched in the middle of a Power?
Yes, since the scenario says "whenever". For instance, if Call to Migrate gathers 3 Dahan to land A, then pushes the 3 Dahan to land B, both lands A and B are searched.
The Invaders will similarly search in the middle of an action.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Powers Long Forgotten
In the Great River Scenario, if a Town with a Health bonus and 2 Damage taken moves off the island due to Relentless Migration Eastwards, is it Destroyed or does it remain on the Scenario Card?
It remains on the Scenario Card. The Scenario checks if it successfully exited the island, not what state it would be in after the move if it ended up in a place where it didn’t have a Health bonus.
Tags: Durable, The Great River, Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony)
The only Tokens at the start of the game should be one of each type per player from the previous wave.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Second Wave
This might mean you only need to pay the 2 Energy for one or the other, if one targets a land within 1 of a Flame Marker but the other doesn't.
Tags: Repeat, Rituals of the Destroying Flame
For benefit #2 in Powers Long Forgotten, does "shifting" Presence count as moving it?
No. (Nor does it count as repositioning it.) You may physically put the Presence in a different land, but it doesn't trigger anything that cares about moving or adding pieces, because metaphysically it hasn't moved. Nor does it check restrictions on movement, for similar reasons.
The idea is that Presence in one Sands is in any Sands the Spirit wants... but if you try to phrase it that way a a zillion questions and edge-cases arise, so it's much cleaner/more predictable to phrase it as "you can put the Presence into another Sands but it's not a move". (Thematically, it doesn't represent movement, but the Spirit acting through its Presence in a different place.)
Tags: Move, Repositioning Presence, Powers Long Forgotten
When the Mentor Aspect plays in the Destiny Unfolds scenario, do they gain two cards from its Destiny when they gain a Power Card?
Yes, if there are at least two cards left. In the unlikely case that there's exactly one card left, they just gain that one.
They are free to mix and match between Majors and Minors, though gaining two Majors at once has the benefit that they need to Forget a Power Card fewer times over the course of the game.
Tags: Gaining Power Cards, Forgetting, Mentor Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), Destiny Unfolds, 0 more...
If playing Despicable Theft vs. Russia level 2+, do the Thieves get the benefits that Russian Explorers do?
No. "They are not Explorers for any other rule or purpose", including Adversary rules.
They're basically a new type of piece, and Spirit Actions which can interact with Explorers are retconned to be able to affect Thieves too.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Despicable Theft, Tsardom of Russia
In Elemental Invocation, can a Spirit use Element Markers to legally target an Innate Power that would do nothing (and thus be untargetable) without those Elements?
Yes, you can use those Elements to meet the requirement that a Power have the potential to do something. (But as usual, Range or Speed changes don't count as “potential to do something”.)
This was not clear in earlier printings, but is clarified on the Scenario panel in later printings.
Tags: Elements, Elemental Invocation
In the Surges of Colonization scenario, are the Explore Cards on surge turns resolved simultaneously or sequentially?
Sequentially, just like for other effects that resolve more than one Explore Card in a single turn.
Explorers added in the first card will be sources of Explorers for the second card. Also, if a land matches multiple cards, it can get Explored multiple times.
Tags: Explore, Invader deck, Surges of Colonization
What does "When exploring" mean? (e.g., the Blitz scenario) Can I add the extra Explorer anywhere I want?
On each board, in one of the lands the Invaders successfully Explored, add an extra Explorer.
If the Invaders are entirely prevented from Exploring on a board, then they don't add any extra Explorer. If there are multiple Explore Cards during a single turn, the effect happens for each of them. The event "Promising Farmland" from Branch & Claw works the same way.
For Blitz, this does affect the initial Explore during Setup.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Explore, Blitz, Promising Farmland (Event)
All the Invaders are treated as being in the same place for Build (and Explore), so they will often Build in empty Sands, and may well build a City there. Note that each Build is a separate action, so a City built in one Sands could cause a Town to be built in the next one (by changing the answer to "are there more Towns than Cities?").
(Remember you can evaluate lands for Invader actions in whatever order you want.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Powers Long Forgotten
Can you mix two or more Scenarios?
You can, but it's not officially supported (they're not tested in pairs), so you'll need to use your own judgment when combining them - what will play well together, how Difficult it might be, and if there are any tweaks you need to make to avoid degenerate situations.
Scenarios exist on sort of a spectrum between "mods" (Varied Terrains, Elemental Invocation) and "goal-driven" (Ward the Shores). Mixing two Scenarios on the goal-driven end of the spectrum tends to result in more oddness, whereas mixing a mod-like Scenario with others tends to be cleaner (though Difficulty may be notably impacted by synergies / anti-synergies between the two).
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Difficulty, Varied Terrains, Elemental Invocation, Ward the Shores, 0 more...
When the players collectively perform the Ritual of Terror, whose Action is it?
Rituals that are not explicitly associated with one Spirit are Spirit Actions for the purpose of anything that cares what type of Action they are (e.g., Vengeance as a Burning Plague destroying its Presence as part of a Ritual of Terror), but are not an individual Spirit's Action for the purpose of their Special Rules. (No, not even in solo play, for the sake of consistency.)
In Rituals of the Destroying Flame, it is an individual Spirit doing the Action, and so is that Spirit's Action and can benefit from special rules that apply to their actions.
Tags: Solo games, Actions, Rituals of Terror, Vengeance as a Burning Plague, 3 more...