Frequently Asked Questions
If you resolve Explorers are Reluctant on an odd-numbered turn where you’re not resolving any Explore Cards, the "next normal Explore" and "next Invader Phase" are both on the next turn, so the two halves of the effect cancel each other out and the Fear Card essentially has no effect.
- Powers Long Forgotten: Make the "per player" setup instructions "per board" instead. (So you have enough tokens for all the boards, if playing on balanced. )
- Blitz - Setup - "an additional Blight per player" should be "per board". Rule Changes - "1 less Blight per player" should be "per board".
- Second Wave - After the First Game - the "per player" measurements should be "per board" (though the tokens saved do not need to be exactly 1 per board - eg, in a 2p, 3-board game, you could save 3 Beasts across the whole island, not limited to precisely 1 per board). Second Game Setup - "2 Blight per player" should be "2 Blight per board".
- The Great River - Additional Loss Conditions - the per-player measurement should be per-board (but you can't just substitute "per board" because that implies it matters which board they escape from, so something like "If more than (3 x # of boards) Towns escape...")
- Ward the Shores - Setup Changes - "4 Markers per player" should be "4 Markers per board"
Note: an extra board may synergize very painfully with some Scenarios - most notably those which involve controlling / affecting territory, like The Great River, Despicable Theft, Ward the Shores and perhaps Powers Long Forgotten. If you want to avoid the extra Difficulty boost caused by this, you can opt to have some or all of the Scenario effects skip one board. (eg: The Great River could skip just Population Spills Across the River on one board, or all Rule Changes.) This will, of course, dilute the feel of the Scenario a bit.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Extra Island Board, Powers Long Forgotten, Blitz, Second Wave, 3 more...
To be clear, that's +1 Blight from the Blight that was in the First Wave - you do
not add +1 Blight from the box for every Wave!
Tags: Blight, Second Wave
If their Destiny was already empty before resolving Entwined Power, resolve it like normal.
When you make a Slow Power Fast (via Swiftness of Lightning or similar) gain a 1 Energy rebate.
If a Fast Power Card (or a Power Card made Fast) costs 1 or more Energy, also reduce its printed cost by 1 (e.g., for Repeating it with Gift of Strength or checking when it's played by Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo).
In the Second Wave scenario, where exactly can a power from the first wave be used? What if the power is targeted from a Sacred Site? What about (one of many weird exception cases)?
The power can target any land or Spirit it normally could – no current Spirit needs to have a Sacred Site (or Presence in a land of the correct terrain, etc.) The power is being "played" by the Spirit from the prior game – if it cares about the originating land, or where the Spirit has Presence / Sacred Sites, it can assume that for purposes of targeting and resolution the Spirit has up to 2 Presence in each land. The Power can't affect the playing Spirit (which is not in the game). Technically, Energy/other costs can't be paid, but it's more fun if you say that costs up to 8 Energy / 4 Time, can be paid. (Or rough equivalent, so "Elemental Teachings" can grant 3 of any element(s), "Draw Towards a Consuming Void" could redo its effects once, etc).
The long version: If you went past a Still-Healthy Island Card, after following the Blight instructions, put it – original Healthy side up – atop the stack of Blight Cards (so you encounter it first, just like you did this game).
If you reached (but did not pass) a Still-Healthy Island Card, treat it as a Blighted Island Card for the Blight instructions – but in your next game, if you get past it to a new Blight Card, you will need to add new Blight from the box rather than from the pool by the side of the card.
If you use Isolate to make the shortest path to a board’s Ocean longer than usual
without completely blocking a Thief in, it will attempt that longer journey, even if that puts it onto another board. (In that case, on future turns it’ll head towards that board’s Ocean.)
Tags: Isolate, Despicable Theft
This might be revisited if future content results in weird situations, as some of the cases are kind of borderline (eg: Rituals of the Destroying Flame), but for now the simplicity of "always" wins out.
Element Markers placed on the board for Elemental Invocation are not considered "pieces" - the first printings of Jagged Earth considered them as pieces that were basically non-interactable (since they're not in any land); it's cleaner to just not count them as pieces at all.
Tags: Element markers, Pieces, Changed rulings, Despicable Theft, 9 more...
(If your playgroup wants a larger challenge, you can create a secondary pool of (1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 7xblank) using the core game Scenario Markers.)
Tags: Despicable Theft
This might mean you only need to pay the 2 Energy for one or the other, if one targets a land within 1 of a Flame Marker but the other doesn't.
Tags: Repeat, Rituals of the Destroying Flame
The idea is that Presence in one Sands is in
any Sands the Spirit wants... but if you try to phrase it that way a a zillion questions and edge-cases arise, so it's much cleaner/more predictable to phrase it as "you can put the Presence into another Sands but it's not a move". (Thematically, it doesn't represent movement, but the Spirit acting through its Presence in a different place.)
Tags: Move, Repositioning Presence, Powers Long Forgotten
Explorers added in the first card will be sources of Explorers for the second card. Also, if a land matches multiple cards, it can get Explored multiple times.
Tags: Explore, Invader deck, Surges of Colonization
If the Invaders are entirely prevented from Exploring on a board, then they don't add any extra Explorer. If there are multiple Explore Cards during a single turn, the effect happens for each of them. The event "Promising Farmland" from Branch & Claw works the same way.
All the Invaders are treated as being in the same place for Build (and Explore), so they will often Build in empty Sands, and may well build a City there. Note that each Build is a separate action, so a City built in one Sands could cause a Town to be built in the next one (by changing the answer to "are there more Towns than Cities?").
Can you mix two or more Scenarios?
You can, but it's not officially supported (they're not tested in pairs), so you'll need to use your own judgment when combining them - what will play well together, how Difficult it might be, and if there are any tweaks you need to make to avoid degenerate situations.
Scenarios exist on sort of a spectrum between "mods" (Varied Terrains, Elemental Invocation) and "goal-driven" (Ward the Shores). Mixing two Scenarios on the goal-driven end of the spectrum tends to result in more oddness, whereas mixing a mod-like Scenario with others tends to be cleaner (though Difficulty may be notably impacted by synergies / anti-synergies between the two).
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Difficulty, Varied Terrains, Elemental Invocation, Ward the Shores, 0 more...
When the players collectively perform the Ritual of Terror, whose Action is it?
Rituals that are not explicitly associated with one Spirit are Spirit Actions for the purpose of anything that cares what type of Action they are (e.g., Vengeance as a Burning Plague destroying its Presence as part of a Ritual of Terror), but are not an individual Spirit's Action for the purpose of their Special Rules. (No, not even in solo play, for the sake of consistency.)