Rulings Under Examination

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does it mean for a ruling to "be under examination"?
    The ruling is preliminary and might be changed later.
    Sometimes there's only one good example of an uncommon interaction, so it's hard to extrapolate how that sort of interaction ought to work in general. What seems right in the moment for that particular case might turn out to be a poor fit when the design space is explored further. (For a simple example of this, consider the game Stage caused by the early-placed Stage III card against The Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia Level 2+.) Changing the ruling later comes with the cost of players having to re-learn the interaction when the ruling changes, with many not even realizing that it ever changed.
    Nevertheless, not having a ruling leaves the question unanswered for years while waiting for more examples to arise. A ruling tagged "Rulings Under Examination" gives players a workable answer in the short term, but signals to players that they should be prepared for the possibility they'll eventually get a different answer.
    Once such a ruling has been changed, it gets tagged as one of the few Changed rulings.
    Tags: Rulings Under Examination
General Play
  • What's the timing of ongoing effects expiring?
    All "this turn" effects wear off at the same time. For now, assume all normal Time Passes activity (discard, lose elements, clear damage, ongoing effects expire) is simultaneous. Cards like "Gift of Constancy" (which modify discarding Powers) or "Unquenchable Flames" work because they explicitly specify a timing.
    Rules for non-standard things that happen during Time Passes (like Shroud of Silent Mist's "Slow and Silent Death") can be done before or after effects wearing off unless otherwise specified.
    If it ever becomes clear that there really ought to be some sort of internal ordering to Time Passes, we'll call out that ordering in whatever expansion / FAQ it becomes relevant.
    Tags: Time Passes, Timing, Defend, Action Modifiers, 38 more...
Spirits and Innate Powers