If Finder of Paths Unseen has an action which both directly destroys Invaders, and *also* triggers their destruction by moving them, does it lose Presence twice from Responsibilities to the Dead? What's the timing?

If Finder of Paths Unseen has an action which both directly destroys Invaders, and also triggers their destruction by moving them, does it lose Presence twice from Responsibilities to the Dead? What's the timing?

As written, no — it's a single triggered action, so can only be invoked once per other action. It can just be invoked by two different things.
Responsibilities to the Dead is weird in that it's a triggered action which checks consequences of other triggers on the same action — it would be much cleaner if the game never did this, but just checked all triggers exactly once at the completion of each action. For now, we're going to roll with it as written, but if it proves a problem it'll need to be tweaked.
Category: Spirits and Innate Powers
Tags: Triggered Actions, Rulings Under Examination, Responsibilities to the Dead (Finder of Paths Unseen)
Products: Promo 2, Feather & Flame
Created: Mar 4, 2021 1:06:51 AM
Last modified: Oct 9, 2024 7:36:31 AM