Spirits and Innate Powers

Errata / Updates

Nature Incarnate - 1st printing, 2nd printing
**Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine** -- When multiple pieces Escape the Endless Dark, they may go to different lands.
(The relevant sentence in Terror Stalks the Land should read, "When pieces Escape, Move them to non-Ocean lands with your Presence/Incarna; if they have no legal lands to move to, you lose.")
Tags: Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, Terror Stalks the Land (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine)
Promo 2, Feather & Flame - 2022 and earlier
"Everything still works like you thought" Erratum for Finder of Paths Unseen -- All of Finder's Powers which move Presence can move Presence from any Spirit(s), not just Finder's Presence.
Nature Incarnate clarifies that when a Spirit does stuff with Presence, it refers to that Spirit’s Presence unless otherwise specified.
This is sort of a change from the previous default (the previous default wasn't consistent – e.g., Growth choices never bothered to specify that you were Adding your own Presence), but it only impacts two older items: Draw Towards a Consuming Void (which gets an updated version in Nature Incarnate) and Finder of Paths Unseen (which can definitely move Presence from any Spirit, but reprinting the Spirit Panel and 4 Uniques in NI would be somewhat prohibitive, so it's getting this erratum).
Tags: Presence, Move, Finder of Paths Unseen, Lay Paths They Cannot Help But Walk (Finder of Paths Unseen), 4 more...
Core game - 4th and 5th printings
Errata for A Spread of Rampant Green, special rule "Choke the Land with Green" -- using this ability is optional. (A "may" was omitted.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Many Minds Move as One says "when *you* Gather or Push Beasts" - is that identical to "when *your actions* Gather or Push Beasts"?
Nearly. In theory it could include some other sort of action that said "Target Spirit may Push a Beasts" or "Each Spirit Pushes a Beasts"... but in practice no such things exist, so functionally speaking it's identical.
("Each player may Push a Beasts" would not be sufficient - cases like that don't represent Spirits doing things, the game just needs a player to make a decision for a Fear or Event card. It would have to use the word "Spirit".)
Usually, the wording "when you (do X)" is used for your pieces or other game components: e.g., "when you Forget a Power Card" or "when you uncover this spot on your Presence track" or "when your Presence is destroyed". Those can obviously happen as a result of many different sorts of actions, not only your own.
Tags: Actions, Beasts, Fly Fast As Thought (Many Minds Move as One), Many Minds Move as One, 0 more...
Are pieces in The Endless Dark still on the island?
Yes, they are still on the island for all purposes, even though they aren't in a land or on a board.
In particular:
  • Invaders in The Endless Dark block a Terror Level victory.
  • Presence in The Endless Dark prevents loss from Spirit elimination.
  • Beasts in The Endless Dark count towards preventing a loss against the Tsardom of Russia.
  • Towns in The Endless Dark count towards a loss against the Kingdom of France.
  • Presence in The Endless Dark can be destroyed by Events and Blight Cards that destroy Presence from each Spirit (but not those that destroy Presence from specific boards).
However, it is not a land, and thus:
  • The Endless Dark does not count for loss conditions that are based on contents of a particular land, like Habsburg Mining Colony or the Kingdom of England.
What do the "x2" and "x3" mean in the Growth choices for Fractured Days Split the Sky?
They represent 2 (or 3) separate choices: N times, choose either (option A) or (option B).
Each is a separate action, if that ever becomes relevant.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Growth, Fractured Days Split the Sky
Can Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares combine Damage-dealing Powers usefully with Damage from other Spirits?
It depends on ordering. Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares can take advantage of partially Damaged Invaders: e.g.: if another Spirit does 2 Damage to a City, then Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares could afterwards use a 1-Damage Power to earn 5 Fear (because 1 Damage would have destroyed the City). It could even use several Damaging Powers in a row to earn 5 Fear for each! But if Bringer uses a 1-Damage Power on an unhurt City, it will do nothing, and have no lingering effects that would interact with anything done later.
For each Power Bringer uses, briefly imagine a universe where you resolve the entire Power normally. Whenever it would destroy an Invader in that universe, in the real game you earn 0/2/5 Fear and Push it if it's an Explorer or Town. But whatever Bringer does, it doesn't change the actual amount of damage on the piece.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Damage, Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares, To Dream a Thousand Deaths (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares)
If Rising Heat of Stone and Sand has a Sacred Site in a land for targeting purposes due to "Entwined Power," do Invaders there have -1 Health from its "Blistering Heat" Special Rule?
No, the Spirits can use each other's Presence for targeting only, not for any other purpose (even in the period of targeting).
To expand on the situation, a land contains one Presence from Rising Heat of Stone and Sand, one Presence from another Spirit, and a Town with 1 Damage. "Entwined Power" is used between the two Spirits, and then Rising Heat uses a Power that requires a Sacred Site there for targeting. Even though targeting the Power is legal by "Entwined Power," the land only counts as a Sacred Site for Targeting, not for the Special Rule "Blistering Heat."
Tags: Counts As, Rising Heat of Stone and Sand, Blistering Heat (Rising Heat of Stone and Sand), Entwined Power, 0 more...
Do Dances Up Earthquakes' Impending Power Cards count as being in hand, play, or discard?
No, impending cards are set aside out of play until they accumulate enough Energy to be played. They can't be played (except by Rhythmic Powers Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo), can't be discarded, and can't be reclaimed. They also don't count as being in play for, e.g., Earth Shudders, Buildings Fall or Gift of Seismic Energy.
When Ocean’s Hungry Grasp is on a board, can Powers and Special Rules measure Range through that board’s Ocean?
Yes, Powers and Special Rules can treat the Ocean as a land via Ocean in Play, so they can measure Range through it. Measuring Range through Land 2 is usually just as good, so this only matters if something has altered the board layout in some way:
Can Relentless Gaze of the Sun usefully Repeat a Power Card with Relentless Punishment if the first use makes the land untargetable for the second use? (e.g., if Lure of the Unknown Gathers a Town into a land, preventing that land from being a land without Invaders.)
Yes. When the source of a Repeat specifies which land it affects, ignore the normal Range and Target requirements. In this case, the second use of Lure of the Unknown can Gather an additional Explorer/Town, since the "no Invaders" targeting condition is ignored.
This won't let you get around any conditional requirements in the Power's effects though. For example, if Sear Anger Into the Wild Lands destroys the last Invader in a land, a Relentless Punishment Repeat of the Power can no longer meet the "if Wilds and Invaders are present" condition in the Power's effect to add more Fear.
Tags: Repeat, Targeting, Shadows of the Burning Forest, Lure of the Unknown, 8 more...
Can Gift of Wind-Sped Steps affect a Power which *might* Gather or Push something, like Devouring Teeth's innate power Death Approaches From Beneath the Surface?
Yes. Gift of Wind-Sped Steps can make Fast any Power with "Gather" or "Push" in the text effects, even if the Gather/Push is conditional or optional.
Tags: Gather, Push, Action Modifiers, Gift of Wind-Sped Steps (Sun-Bright Whirlwind), 1 more...
Can Dances Up Earthquakes Forget an impending card when it gains a Major Power? How about to pay for a Choice Event?
Yes, in both cases — impending cards are still Dances' cards, so they can be forgotten. Discard all Energy on the impending card when you forget it.
However, Dances can't use them to assist with paying for a Choice Event in any other way. Impending cards are not in play, so they don't contribute Elements for being in play, and they are not in hand, so they cannot be discarded for Elements.
Tags: Forgetting, Choice Events, Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo (Dances Up Earthquakes), Begin a Dance of Decades (Dances Up Earthquakes), 1 more...
Those are both Builds, so A Spread of Rampant Green's special ability Choke the Land with Green can prevent them.
England can build multiple times in the same land, and A Spread of Rampant Green would need to decide each time whether to sacrifice a Presence to prevent it.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Kingdom of England, Choke the Land with Green (A Spread of Rampant Green), A Spread of Rampant Green
Do impending cards grant Elements once they’re in play?
Once Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo puts an impending card into play, it is no longer impending and works just like any other card in play.
Power cards don't grant Elements while impending because they aren't in play. There isn't an extra effect that stops them from granting Elements forever.
Tags: Elements, Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo (Dances Up Earthquakes), Begin a Dance of Decades (Dances Up Earthquakes), Dances Up Earthquakes, 0 more...
Can Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares destroy already-damaged pieces by moving them into/out of lands that affect their Health? (Eg: moving a Dahan that has taken 2+ Damage out of a land where it's getting a Health bonus from Promises of Protection.)
Yes. The Power itself isn't performing any damage or destroy effects, which is what To Dream a Thousand Deaths modifies; it's just changing where a piece is. From that, the game's core rules cause the piece to be destroyed.
The destruction does still happen within the scope of the action (Power), so triggered actions like Vengeance of the Dead will trigger after the action (Power) is complete.
Tags: Damage, Health, To Dream a Thousand Deaths (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares), Infinite Vitality, 3 more...
Can Dahan be moved into a land affected by Stubborn Solidity?
Yes. Once there, they are affected by Stubborn Solidity and cannot be moved out.
This will not change the amount of Defense provided.
Tags: Dahan, Stubborn Solidity (Stone's Unyielding Defiance)
If a Special Rule cares about Elements, when does it check your Element total?
Each time you use the ability. If you gain or lose Elements throughout the turn, these special rules may become stronger or weaker.
If the special rule has a limited number of uses (e.g., Swiftness of Lightning), you can only use it again if you haven't used it more than your current Elements would allow. The total number of Elements you have had earlier in the turn doesn't matter.
Tags: Elements, Lightning's Swift Strike, Downpour Drenches the World, Swiftness of Lightning (Lightning's Swift Strike), 1 more...
Can Wounded Waters Bleeding claim more than 5 Healing Markers?
Yes. There is no limit on the number of Healing Markers that Wounded Waters Bleeding can claim
In the rather unlikely case that you don’t completely heal on Turn 5, place any additional Healing Markers near the others.
Tags: Element markers, Claim, Seeking a Path Towards Healing (Wounded Waters Bleeding), Wounded Waters Bleeding, 0 more...
If it used "Move" — e.g., "Move 1 Presence to the target land" — then it could happen at any Range, like Fathomless Mud of the Swamp's Spreading and Dreadful Mire.
Tags: Targeting, Gather, Range Boosts, Death Approaches Beneath the Surface (Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot), 3 more...
If all you can do with an innate power is change its Speed or Range (eg: either of Thunderspeaker's innates with 4 Air only), is that enough to target and use the Power?
No, a power needs to have the potential to do something (not just modify its own attributes) in order to be targeted or used.
This is usually irrelevant, but can occasionally be important (for, e.g., Scream Disease Into the Wind, or other "after using a power on a land..." effects.)
It does not need to actually do something, as long as it has an instruction that could in theory modify the game state. Setting up a triggered action for the current Power only (eg: Lure's first innate) doesn't count, either; it's effectively an internal modifier as well, despite using a trigger for timing.
Tags: Targeting, Resolving Powers, Range Boosts, Range, 4 more...
How many times can Ember-Eyed Behemoth use Unrelenting Strides if its Incarna is Empowered?
Still just once, and only if Smash, Stomp, and Flatten hasn’t been used at all.
Unrelenting Strides checks if Ember-Eyed Behemoth has used an Innate Power in any way; it doesn’t replace one use of an Innate Power.
Tags: Empower, Incarna, Unrelenting Strides (Ember-Eyed Behemoth), Ember-Eyed Behemoth, 0 more...
Remember that if there are explicit instructions about where to Repeat a Power, those take priority. So if a Power Card says "Repeat this Power in an adjacent land", you may (and must) target a land adjacent to the original, rather than choosing a new target the usual way.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Repeat, Targeting, Shadows of the Dahan (Shadows Flicker Like Flame)
This isn't necessarily obvious: To Dream a Thousand Deaths affects the instructions of Bringer's powers (see FAQ), and unlike most damage modifiers, Badlands applies when the results of an action deal Damage (otherwise "Badlands don't apply if Damage is reduced to 0" makes no sense). So on first blush, Badlands shouldn't apply.
However, the effects of To Dream a Thousand Deaths key off "what Invaders would this Damage/Destroy instruction have destroyed if this Power were doing Damage/Destruction to those Invaders normally?" – and the answer to that depends on Badlands.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Badlands, Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares, To Dream a Thousand Deaths (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares), Flame's Fury (Heart of the Wildfire), 1 more...
What's the point of using "Elemental Teachings" (Shifting Memory of Ages) on yourself? Don't you have those Elements available anyway?
If you spend Element Markers via "Elemental Teachings," you get those Elements for the entire turn, not just for a single Action via "Insights Into the World's Nature." But yes, the Power Card is generally more useful targeting other Spirits.
Tags: Elements, Element markers, Prepare, Shifting Memory of Ages, 2 more...
Thematically, it should be "one land pushed to which has Town/City", but that's not how the card's written. Feel free to play it the thematic way if your playgroup prefers.
Tags: Fear, Harbingers of the Lightning (Lightning's Swift Strike), Dread Apparitions (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares), Foreboding Aspect (Shadows Flicker Like Flame), 0 more...
How much energy can Ocean's Hungry Grasp gain for Drowned invaders?
For every X health worth of invaders, Ocean gains 1 energy, where X is the number of players. For instance, in a 4-player game, Ocean can trade 1 Town and 2 Explorers for 1 energy.
You can make change as needed. For instance, in a 2-player game, Ocean can trade 1 City for 1 energy and 1 Explorer.
Tags: Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
What happens when Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares uses Instruments of their Own Ruin?
The normal effect (Invaders with Strife deal damage), works like all damage-dealing powers used by Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares: it causes Fear and/or Pushing but does no actual Damage.
However, the threshold effect (Invaders do Ravage damage to Invaders in adjacent lands) is not actually causing damage - it's modifying an upcoming Ravage Action - and therefore works normally.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares, Instruments of their Own Ruin
How does Mists Shift and Flow interact with a Power targeting two lands?
You get to move 1 Presence for each of the two target lands. ("When targeting a land" applies twice.)
You don't check whether the targets are legal (for Range) until after both Presence have moved, so you could use the Presence movement to make a Sacred Site in a land where you'd had no Presence.
Tags: Targeting, Mists Shift and Flow (Shroud of Silent Mist), Shroud of Silent Mist, Fire and Flood, 0 more...
How many Powers does Lightning's Swift Strike get to use as Fast?
Lightning can use one Power as Fast for each Air (purple) Element in play. Since all of its starting cards have Air, this will often end up being all the Powers.
Lightning's Innate Power, Thundering Destruction, is another Power that can be made Fast, so this can sometimes force a choice of which Power to leave as Slow.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Speed (Fast/Slow), Lightning's Swift Strike
What happens when an Incarna would go to place off the island that only Presence goes, like being returned to a Presence Track by "Numinious Crisis" or moved to Serpent's "Deep Slumber" track by "Absorb Essence"?
It leaves the island, ceases to be Presence because it's no longer on the island, and returns to the Incarna supply instead of wherever it was going to go. It can then be added to the island normally by anything that adds that Incarna.
For "Absorb Essence" in particular, both Serpent and the other Spirit will get the immediate benefits of using the Power, but Serpent's Presence limit won't go up.
Tags: Counts As, Incarna, Absorb Essence (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island), Deep Slumber (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island), 2 more...
Can Fear/Event actions destroy Invaders in The Endless Dark?
Yes. While Event and Fear Card actions generate Fear rather than removing Invaders, those actions are free to destroy, damage, replace, or otherwise harm the Invaders in any way that doesn't use the keyword "Remove" (other than downgrading Explorers, since that's defined as removing them).
Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine has no such restrictions with its own Powers, and is free to Remove Invaders or Downgrade Explorers like normal.
Tags: Remove, Replace, Damage, Destroy, 3 more...
  • Have no targeting restrictions;
  • Only target Inland lands (e.g., Here There Be Monsters);
  • Can't target specific terrains (e.g., Dry Wood Explodes in Smoldering Splinters);
  • Check for pieces that are currently in The Endless Dark (e.g., Territorial Strife targeting The Endless Dark if a City is present there); or
  • Specifically target The Endless Dark (e.g., Lost in the Endless Dark).
Breath can't target The Endless Dark with Powers that target specific terrains or Coastal lands, check for pieces that aren't currently in The Endless Dark, or that have origin requirements that Breath doesn't satisfy (e.g., The Jungle Hungers if Breath has no Presence in Jungles).
Tags: Targeting, Terrain, Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, The Endless Dark (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), 2 more...
For Finder of Paths Unseen growth option that lets you ignore ranges or Presence icon that gives you +1 Range, what does this effect?
Everything. Any time there is a range arrow, you can either increase the number by 1 or ignore the range check altogether.
If another Spirit gets hold of "Elemental Teachings" (from Shifting Memory of Ages), can they Prepare element markers?
Yes. While Shifting Memory's panel defines what "Prepare" means, other Spirits can do so if they are able to use a Power that instructs them to. They can spend those element markers on "Elemental Teachings" or for whatever Shifting Memory's special rules say those markers are for (normally getting extra Elements for a single action via "Insights Into the World's Nature").
While a strict reading of the text of "Insights Into the World's Nature" would have the other Spirit store its prepared markers on Shifting Memory's panel, don't do that. It just wasn't worth convoluting the wording of that paragraph to cover the extreme edge-case. As of the release of Nature Incarnate, "Prepare" is a general game keyword, so the exact text of the first paragraph of "Insights Into the World's Nature" is just a reminder of how things normally work for Shifting Memory of Ages.
If an Aspect replaces "Insights Into the World's Nature," the function of Element markers also changes for other Spirits. For example, if Shifting Memory is using the Intensify Aspect, Element markers can be spent by other Spirits to increase the effects of one of their Spirit Actions, but can't be spent to gain Elements for a single action.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Elements, Transferring Power Cards, Element markers, Prepare, 5 more...
Can Shifting Memory of Ages spend element markers to give other Spirits elements?
Only by using their Unique Power "Elemental Teachings." The normal "gain an Element for 1 action" benefit is for Shifting Memory only.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Elements, Element markers, Prepare, Shifting Memory of Ages, 2 more...
For Finder of Paths Unseen's special rule Open the Ways, what does "once between actions" mean? Can you only change the choice once per turn?
Practically speaking, it nearly always means "During each action, one pair of your lands may be adjacent to each other." It can be a different pair of lands each time. For Fear/Event cards, you get to read them prior to the first Fear/Event action they cause, because revealing the card isn't part of the action.
It's phrased oddly so that it can maintain the adjacency while no action is happening; this is relevant only in weird edge-cases like "Which lands match this Coastal Lands Invader Card?"
Tags: Actions, Open the Ways (Finder of Paths Unseen), Finder of Paths Unseen
If Trickster uses Let's See What Happens, do they automatically get elemental thresholds?
No, you check as normal to see if you have the elements you need.
Since you don't get the elements on the card you drew, you have to be lucky to hit the threshold.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Let's See What Happens (Grinning Trickster Stirs Up Trouble)
For Shifting Memory of Ages' innate which lets them prepare element markers: does damaging pieces count? How about adding Strife? Scenario markers?
Damaging a piece doesn't change which pieces are in the land, so no. Adding Strife adds a new piece, so yes. Scenario markers aren't generally considered pieces, so no.
Tags: Strife, Element markers, Prepare, Observe the Ever-Changing World (Shifting Memory of Ages), 1 more...
If Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares uses a Power that Damages/Destroys Dahan, what happens?
Nothing happens to the Dahan. Bringer's Powers cannot Destroy anything other than its own Presence, so you ignore that instruction.
The rest of the Power takes effect normally. ("General Principle: Do as much as you can", p. 17)
Tags: Dahan, To Dream a Thousand Deaths (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares)
If a Power moves Dahan into the Ocean when Ocean's Hungry Grasp is in play, can Thunderspeaker move its Presence with them into the Ocean?
Yes, Presence can end up in the Ocean this way. The same is true with Sharp Fangs Behind the Leaves moving with Beasts.
These special rules modify the action of the Power, which is allowed to to target the Ocean as a Coastal Wetland by the special rule Ocean In Play.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Thunderspeaker, Sharp Fangs behind the Leaves, Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), 0 more...
How does "Heavy Mining" (The Kingdom of Sweden Level 1) interact with the "Bestow the Endurance of Bedrock" special rule of Stone's Unyielding Defiance?
The two Blight from "Heavy Mining" are added simultaneously, not sequentially, so "Bestow the Endurance of Bedrock" checks against the final Blight total.
"Heavy Mining" stating that the second Blight cannot destroy Presence or cascade is just a reminder of the general rule that Presence destruction and cascades happen if Blight is added, not on a per-Blight basis – it's not a special ability granted to Sweden's second Blight to make it uniquely less harmful. (In the base game, this effect was the only was the only way 2 blight could be added simultaneously, so the rule was printed on the Adversary.)
Tags: Blight, Kingdom of Sweden, Bestow the Endurance of Bedrock (Stone's Unyielding Defiance)
When does Ocean's Hungry Grasp get to Drown invaders?
Apart from specific power cards, Invaders are Drowned after they are moved into the ocean on a board where Ocean's Hungry Grasp has any Presence. They do not get drowned when moved in to any other land, and Ocean's Hungry Grasp does not need to have Presence that is actually in the ocean, just on the same board.
They also do not get Drowned by any other means of Destroying the Invaders, even if it seems thematically appropriate. However an Invader is Drowned, they are Destroyed (causing Fear) and then placed on Ocean's mat for later conversion to Energy.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Cast Down into the Briny Deep, Tsunami, 0 more...
If Vengeance as a Burning Plague destroys Presence to prevent a penalty from a Blighted Land Event, does it get Disease from its 'Lingering Pestilence' special rule?
A: Yes. Though Vengeance is making a choice both to destroy Presence and which Presence to destroy, the Event Action is what actually causes the destruction.
Tags: Events, Actions, Vengeance as a Burning Plague
What happens if Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares uses its special rule to push a Town into the sea on a board where Ocean's Hungry Grasp has presence?
The Invader is Drowned, by Ocean's Hungry Grasp's special rule. It is Ocean's Hungry Grasp doing the destroying, so that works as normal.
This generates 3 total Fear: two for the "destruction" by Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares, plus another 1 Fear for the actual destruction by Ocean's Hungry Grasp.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares
More recent printings of these Spirits have adjusted the wording to reflect the intent.
Tags: Adding Presence, Presence, Blazing Presence (Heart of the Wildfire), Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), 0 more...
Thematically, Relentless Gaze of the Sun should have to restore as many Destroyed Presence as possible (max. 3), but enforcing this in the few cases it matters (e.g., preventing "Blazing Renewal" combos) wasn’t worth the trouble of players thinking that they could only take that Growth Action if they could return exactly 3 Destroyed Presence, or in extreme cases, that they couldn’t even choose that Growth Option – and its critical Reclaim All Power Cards Growth Action – unless they had at least 3 Destroyed Presence.
Tags: Growth, Destroyed Presence, Relentless Gaze of the Sun
Can Eyes use its Dahan Trust the Watchers special rule to Gather Dahan when targeting a Spirit with Encompassing Ward?
No. Even if all of target Spirit's Presence is in one land, the Power doesn't add Defend to the land, but rather grants the Spirit a new effect.
Tags: Defend, Encompassing Ward, Dahan Trust the Watchers (Eyes Watch From the Trees), Eyes Watch From the Trees, 5 more...
When Relentless Gaze of the Sun uses Consider a Harmonious Nature to destroy Presence instead of adding Blight, which Presence can it pick?
It can destroy any of its own Presence anywhere on the island, which includes Presence in The Endless Dark.
Gaze can't destroy Presence that's not on the island, including:
If Ocean's Presence is moved/destroyed entirely off a board in the middle of an action, when does "treat the Ocean as Coastal Wetlands" expire?
It stays in effect until the end of the action tree (you're not in the middle of an action, and have no triggered actions about to happen).
Tags: Presence, Actions, Action tree, Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), 1 more...
How do the elements placed onto Starlight's Presence tracks work?
Once set, they work exactly like Elements on other Spirits’ Presence Tracks. If Presence is returned onto an Element, leave the Element Marker in place.
Tags: Elements, Presence track, Element markers, Starlight Seeks Its Form, 2 more...
When placing Wildfire's Presence, Finder's action itself did not cause any destruction. It "directly triggers" the destruction (via Wildfire's special rule), but it did so by adding Presence, not by moving Dahan or Invaders. (Earlier printings of Wildfire incorrectly said "when" instead of "after" for the Special Rule; see the errata / clarifications on triggered actions.)
Collapse in a Blast of Lava and Steam is phrased as a modifier - when Volcano's Presence is destroyed, it modifies the current action to also do 1 Damage. If that action is Finder's, it's Finder dealing the damage. (This would have worked more thematically if Collapse in a Blast of Lava and Steam had been a triggered action, since then it would have been Volcano dealing the damage.)
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Triggered Actions, Finder of Paths Unseen, Responsibilities to the Dead (Finder of Paths Unseen), Blazing Presence (Heart of the Wildfire), 3 more...
The same applies to Presence placement during Growth or Growth options allowing movement.
You can use Mists Shift and Flow to move Presence into the Ocean, as that happens as part of the targeting of a Power.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Growth, Move, Finder of Paths Unseen, Ocean's Hungry Grasp, 8 more...
You cannot treat the Ocean as a Coastal Wetland during Growth, since it is not a Power use.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Ocean's Hungry Grasp
(Some Spirit-targeting Powers technically have origin lands for specific Range checks in their effects, like for the Damage in Unleash a Torrent of the Self's Own Essence, but the Power as a whole still doesn't have an origin for Relentless Punishment to count Presence in.)
Tags: Range, Relentless Punishment (Relentless Gaze of the Sun), Relentless Gaze of the Sun, Unleash a Torrent of the Self's Own Essence, 3 more...
If a Spirit has an unusually-shaped Presence Track, how does it determine the number of Energy/Plays it has access to each turn?
Use the highest single Energy number and Plays number, then add any +Energy and +Plays from other spaces on the tracks.
For example, if Finder of Paths Unseen has uncovered its spaces with:
  • Sun
  • 1 Energy, Moon
  • 2 Energy, Water
  • +2 Energy
  • +1 Energy, +1 Range
  • +1 Card Play/Turn
Then it has 5 Energy/turn (2 + 2 + 1, ignoring the Moon space because the Water space grants a higher base amount) and 2 Plays/turn (1 + 1).
Tags: Presence track, Finder of Paths Unseen, Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island, Wounded Waters Bleeding, 1 more...
Impending cards are put into play by Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo immediately after gaining Energy each Spirit Phase, before Power Cards are played from hand. By the time the 0-Energy card is made impending, the chance for impending cards to come into play has already passed.
Tags: Playing Power Cards, Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo (Dances Up Earthquakes), Begin a Dance of Decades (Dances Up Earthquakes), Dances Up Earthquakes, 0 more...
The special rule says "whenever a Dahan moves ... you may move 1 Presence ...". Had you been limited to a single Presence, the rule would have been phrased, "whenever 1 or more Dahan move ... you may move 1 Presence ...".
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Move, Dahan, Gather, Push, 1 more...
If Exhale Confusion and Delirium stops Invaders with Strife from participating in Ravage, does Spread Tumult and Delusion still use that Strife to stop Dahan from participating as well?
Yes, which pieces are participating in Ravage is determined simultaneously. There is no point at which the Strifed Invaders are not participating, but it's still undetermined if the Dahan will participate.
Tags: Do not participate in Ravage, Strife, Wandering Voice Keens Delirium, Spread Tumult and Delusion (Wandering Voice Keens Delirium), 1 more...
When something lets Dances Up Earthquakes play a Power Card during the Fast, Invader, or Slow Phases, can they make that Power Card impending?
Yes, and they may pay any amount of Energy when doing so, like when making a card impending during the Spirit Phase. They don't need to pay the full Energy required by that effect (usually the cost of the card).
Tags: Playing Power Cards, Begin a Dance of Decades (Dances Up Earthquakes), Dances Up Earthquakes
When does the damage from the 2nd level of Let Them Break Themselves Against the Stone happen?
At the same time - as part of the same triggered action - as the damage from the first level. (So, e.g., Badlands only boosts the damage once.)
It's phrased the way it is because If it also used the wording, "After Invaders deal 1 or more Damage to target land...", it would set up a separate triggered action.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Let Them Break Themselves Against the Stone (Stone's Unyielding Defiance)
What happens if Fractured Days Split the Sky uses Visions of a Shifting Future on the Invader deck, and there is a reminder card right below the top card?
Set aside the reminder card, look at the top Invader Card, and shuffle the top two Invader Cards (one of which was previously below the reminder card). Then put the cards back on top of the deck, with the reminder card below the top card.
If you instead choose to put the top Invader Card on the bottom of the deck, resolve the reminder card before moving on with the rest of the Slow Power Phase.
Unless otherwise specified, Reminder Cards mark a position in the deck. They are not Invader Cards.
Tags: Reminder Cards, Invader deck, Visions of a Shifting Future (Fractured Days Split the Sky), Fractured Days Split the Sky, 1 more...
What counts as "creating a Sacred Site" for the special rule of Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds?
Any time a land that wasn't Keeper's Sacred Site becomes its Sacred Site, treat it as creating one, regardless of the details.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Sacred Sites, Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds, Forbidden Ground (Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds)
What happens if the Durable Towns of Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony) Level 4 are moved into the Ocean? Do they Drown? Does Ocean's Hungry Grasp gain Energy?
Maybe. Drowning is a special form of Destroy, so it works just like a restricted Destroy effect ("2 Damage to those Towns only" per Town moved into the Ocean). It only grants Energy for Invaders successfully destroyed by that Destroy instruction.
E.g., After you move a Town into an Ocean, the Town takes 2 Damage. If that’s enough to Destroy it (because the Ocean has Blight or the Town was already Damaged), then it Drowns normally. Otherwise, it follows the usual rules for Invaders/Dahan that fail to drown in the Ocean: you Push it to a non-Ocean land. If the land it goes to has Blight, it will immediately be Destroyed, but Ocean’s Hungry Grasp will not gain Energy.
If 4 undamaged Towns are pushed into the Ocean with a single Action, that results in “8 Damage to those Towns only”, which you could distribute as you wished. If you used it to immediately Destroy 2 of the Towns, those Towns would be successfully Drowned and grant Energy.
Tags: Destroy, Durable, Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony), Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), 2 more...
If you choose to apply Offer No Firm Foundations first, it switches the Build from a City to an Explorer, so More Rural Than Urban doesn’t apply. On the other hand, if you choose to apply More Rural Than Urban first, it switches the Build from a City to two Towns, which Offer No Firm Foundations then switches to two Explorers.
Tags: Build, Action Modifiers, Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony), Offer No Firm Foundations (Fathomless Mud of the Swamp), 1 more...
What happens if Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares uses the threshold effect of Cast Down into the Briny Deep?
Per its special rule, Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares will not destroy the targeted board, nor anything on the targeted board other than its own Presence. Since all the Invaders there would be destroyed, they instead are pushed and/or generate Fear, per Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares' usual rules.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Cast Down into the Briny Deep, Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares, To Dream a Thousand Deaths (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares)
For Shifting Memory of Ages' innate which lets them prepare element markers: if a single power changes a bunch of things in the target land, can I get multiple element markers?
No. You can only earn 1 Element Marker per Action, no matter how many changes that Action makes to the land. (Because the rule is phrased as “After X do Y “, it triggers exactly once after each qualifying Action.)
Tags: Triggered Actions, Actions, Element markers, Prepare, 2 more...
  • The original use of the Power;
  • Any time Relentless Punishment repeated that Power;
  • Any time that Power repeated itself (e.g., Winds of Rust and Atrophy repeating itself with its threshold); and
  • Any time something else repeated that Power (e.g., Powerstorm)
Thus, if at all possible, you want to target the land where you're going to use Relentless Punishment before you use any other Repeats.
Tags: Repeat, Relentless Punishment (Relentless Gaze of the Sun), Relentless Gaze of the Sun
If the Invaders are in a Coastal land, with Sweep into the Sea you can choose to either push them into the nearest Ocean (which is right there) or destroy them; with Ocean's Hungry Grasp in play, it will usually be better to push and Drown them.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Sweep into the Sea
When Dances Up Earthquakes plays a Major Power via Unlock the Gates of Deepest Power, what happens if you make that Power Card impending?
If you choose to Forget the Power at end of turn, then nothing useful happens: you make the card impending, then Forget it when the turn ends without ever using it.
If you choose to pay with Energy, Begin a Dance of Decades lets you pay any amount of Energy – even more than the amount you'd normally have to pay. This may be advantageous if you want reduce the time it will spend impending. The impending card will then come into play on a future turn, like impending cards normally do. It won't automatically gain all elemental thresholds on that future turn, and it won't have an energy discount, since those effects of Unlock the Gates of Deepest Power expire when Time Passes this turn.
Tags: Forgetting, Unlock the Gates of Deepest Power, Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo (Dances Up Earthquakes), Begin a Dance of Decades (Dances Up Earthquakes), 1 more...
Can Lure of the Deep Wilderness win the game in Terror Level 1 by using Enthrall the Foreign Explorers?
Changed answer: No. Lure's ability effectively means "do not participate in Ravage", and pieces not participating in Ravage aren't ignored for Victory / Defeat.
It would be better phrased as, "For each of your Presence in a land, up to 2 Explorer do not participate in Ravage."
When Roiling Waters Bleeding adds a non-Beasts piece that counts as a Beasts token (e.g., the Presence of a Spirit under "Settle Into Hunting-Grounds"), does it deal Damage?
Generally, no. "Lands of Blood and Savagery" checks if the piece that's being added is already a Beasts, not if it will be a Beasts once it arrives.
Nevertheless, Roiling Waters Bleeding deals Damage if repositioning a piece on the island that already counts as a Beasts, whether that's the Incarna of Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, the Presence of a Spirit under "Settle Into Hunting Grounds", or a Sacred Site belonging to Many Minds Move as One.
Tags: Counts As, Repositioning Presence, Roiling Waters (Wounded Waters Bleeding), Wounded Waters Bleeding, 5 more...
If Vengeance as a Burning Plague's presence is saved from destruction, does it still get to add a Disease?
No. Both because of the phrasing "...where each Destroyed Presence was", which is meaningless if no Presence is actually destroyed; and because the replacement must be applied before other modifications.
The phrasing on this is pretty unclear – "...where each Destroyed Presence was" is a check that should happen after Presence might be destroyed, not at the moment Presence might be destroyed. The rule would have been better done either as a triggered action ("After your Presence is destroyed..."), or phrased as "...instead Replace your Presence with a Disease".
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Saved From Destruction, Vengeance as a Burning Plague, Flowing and Silent Forms Dark By (Shroud of Silent Mist), Lingering Pestilence (Vengeance as a Burning Plague), 3 more...
What does "move 1 Beast up to two lands" mean on Guide the Way on Feathered Wings?
You may move 1 Beast to an adjacent land, then may again move that same Beast to an adjacent land.
"Move" is used rather than "Push" because Many Minds' special rule about Pushing Beasts doesn't apply.
Most Powers which use the word "move" move pieces directly from one land to another without going through the intervening lands - e.g., Wrap in Wings of Sunlight, Strong and Constant Currents. Technically this one does too, but in each case the move is constrained to an adjacent land, so in practice it acts more like Call to Migrate.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Move, Guide the Way on Feathered Wings, Many Minds Move as One, Wrap in Wings of Sunlight, 2 more...
Finder of Paths Unseen has three Unique Powers which move/push pieces to "a land". Does that have to be a single land for the whole Power use?
Yes – if you could move/push them freely it would say "to lands" or "to one or more lands" instead of "to a land".
By contrast, Traveler's Boon can move pieces from different lands – though they have to all end up in the same place.
Tags: Move, Push, Finder of Paths Unseen, Paths Tied by Nature (Finder of Paths Unseen), 3 more...
Formally, "Destroy X [Presence]" is just a part of the innate that doesn't require any elements. Doing so counts for the Power to have been considered "used", for things like Scream Disease Into the Wind, even if you Destroyed just 1 Presence (the minimum for that Power).
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Resolving Powers, Explosive Eruption (Volcano Looming High), Collapse in a Blast of Lava and Steam (Volcano Looming High)
What is the strange icon on the special rule for Heart of the Wildfire?
The paw print represents a Beasts token, part of the Branch & Claw expansion.
Ignore that part of the effect if you are not using the expansion.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Heart of the Wildfire
If *Gift of Searing Heat* is used on Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot, and Devouring Teeth chooses to do 1 Damage, does it get the +1 Damage bonus from its Territorial Aggression special rule?
No. Territorial Aggression affects only Powers belonging to Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot. Gift of Searing Heat belongs to a different Spirit, even though it is letting Devouring Teeth do something.
Tags: Damage, Action Modifiers, Gift of Searing Heat (Rising Heat of Stone and Sand), Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot, 1 more...
When Relentless Gaze of the Sun is the only Spirit in the game, can it choose itself for the Plant thresholds of Consider a Harmonious Nature?
No, the "another Spirit" exception in solo play only applies to the "Target" box, not the effects of the Power. The last two thresholds will simply fail to do anything, since choosing another Spirit is impossible.
Tags: Solo games, Consider a Harmonious Nature (Relentless Gaze of the Sun), Relentless Gaze of the Sun
In particular:
  • The Kingdom of England can't count The Endless Dark as a "Proud and Mighty Capital" to cause a loss.
  • The Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony) can't make Towns Durable there with "Herds Thrive in Verdant Lands."
  • The Habsburg Mining Expedition can't match The Endless Dark with its Salt Deposits card, nor can Russia match The Endless Dark to a Ravage Card via "Competition Among Hunters."
Can Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares do real damage (destroying cities, etc) with Power X?
The answer, in general, is 'no'. If the Power says "damage" or "destroy", it doesn't matter if it also says that Dahan, Beasts, Invaders, or anything else are doing that damage, the source is still ultimately Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares and is only nightmare damage.
This applies even if the power has some other spirit doing something (eg, Blazing Renewal). If Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares played the power, it cannot do real damage.
But: note that Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares can "remove" or "replace" Invaders without restriction, can trigger Invader Actions (ie, cause a Ravage, which will involve real damage), can modify how Invader actions work, and can usefully add Defense (without changing how the Dahan deal their retaliation damage in the Ravage).
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Veil the Night's Hunt, Manifestation of Power and Glory (Thunderspeaker), Instruments of their Own Ruin, Insatiable Hunger of the Swarm, 6 more...
Strife tokens will escape with the Invader they are attached to, but do not count towards the number of pieces escaping.
Tags: Move, Strife, Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, The Endless Dark (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), 1 more...
Is Lure of the Deep Wilderness' ability to ignore Explorers the same as saying those Explorers do not participate in Ravage?
Yes. You may ignore Explorers for determining which lands Ravage and for individual Ravage actions, as per "does not participate in Ravage" (JE rulebook, p. 14; NI rulebook, p. 6).
Tags: Ignore, Do not participate in Ravage, Changed rulings, Enthrall the Foreign Explorers (Lure of the Deep Wilderness), 0 more...
What happens if 1 or more Invaders/Dahan moved into the Ocean aren't successfully destroyed by the Ocean in Play special rule?
Push them to non-Ocean lands (as part of the same action). If the Push also fails somehow (perhaps due to Isolate), the pieces will be left in an illegal state and cleaned up to the nearest land after all triggered actions complete – human pieces cannot remain in the Ocean between "action trees" (a primary action and all other actions following from it). Regardless, Ocean's Hungry Grasp does not get Energy for them.
This isn't formally specified on Ocean's panel because it's virtually never relevant with just the core game, and spelling it out would both take up a lot of space and needlessly increase complexity / confusion-potential for players who only have the base game. However, it becomes very relevant when playing vs. The Habsburg Monarchy Lvl 4+ (Jagged Earth), which blunts "Destroy Town" effects; see this FAQ if you need details.
The fact that the Push is part of the triggered action means that it can trigger further actions – e.g., Melt Earth Into Quicksand or Call to Guard in the land Pushed to – which cleaning up illegally placed pieces does not do.
As a very specific edge-case, if the Ocean is also a normal land due to Weave Together the Fabric of Place, humans can hang out there without trouble (until end of turn when the effect expires).
Tags: Illegally placed pieces, Triggered Actions, Push, Durable, 5 more...
What is the penultimate space on Dance Up Earthquakes' top track? Is it a track action that lets it gain 2 extra Energy onto each impending card?
No, just gives 2 total Energy onto each card, and not as a track action. (For instance, it cannot be skipped.)
Dances Up Earthquakes has two kinds of Energy icons on its top track. The highest normal Energy icon determines how much Energy Dances gains into its stockpile, and the highest Energy-on-an-impending-card icon determines how much Energy Dances gains onto each impending card.
Tags: Presence track, Energy, Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo (Dances Up Earthquakes), Begin a Dance of Decades (Dances Up Earthquakes), 1 more...
If playing with Ocean's Hungry Grasp and you Weave Together a land with an Ocean, how does that work? What if Ocean's Hungry Grasp loses all their Presence from that board?
The joined land and all adjacent lands will be Coastal for all purposes, including Invader Actions. Invaders/Dahan already in the joined land don't trigger Ocean In Play (which Drowns after they move in), but when Weave Together wears off you can "move" pieces to the Ocean and Drown them. The joined land is a land all the time, not just for Powers/Blight, so other actions (Fear/Event/Invader/etc) affect it normally. Note that adding a piece (from, eg, a Build) is not the same as moving it; moving triggers Drowning, while adding does not.
If OHG loses all Presence from the board, the joined land remains in play (and retains the printed Ocean area as part of its topology, so makes adjacent lands Coastal), but Ocean In Play no longer applies to it, so Invaders/Dahan aren't Drowned after moving there and it's no longer a Wetland for purposes of Powers/Blight (unless it's a Wetland for other reasons).
In the extremely weird event that two Oceans are Woven directly together (via Finder of Paths Unseen) and OHG loses their Presence from both of them, the joined land stops being a land, but remains topologically joined. (This is possibly relevant if playing with an Archipelago.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Land Types, Archipelago, Weave Together the Fabric of Place, Open the Ways (Finder of Paths Unseen), 3 more...
When Invaders have increased health, does Ocean's Hungry Grasp get a bonus when exchanging them for Energy?
No. As the Special Rule says, ignore modifiers to Invader Health when trading Invaders for Energy.
This applies to all modifiers, whether permanent (e.g., England Level 5) or temporary (e.g., the Event card Tight-Knit Communities).
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Health, Kingdom of England, Tight-Knit Communities, Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), 2 more...
What does "When an Event or Blight Card directly destroys Presence" mean, for Stone's innate Hold the Island Fast with a Bulwark of Will?
It means the Event / Blight card uses the words “Destroy (Presence)” rather than, e.g., adding Blight that then happens to Destroy Presence. This Innate’s effect can be used even if the Presence Destruction was a choice, paying a cost or otherwise optional.
Tags: Events, Hold the Island Fast with a Bulwark of Will (Stone's Unyielding Defiance)
When Finder of Paths Unseen reveals its "+1 Range" space by placing a Presence, can it use that to extend the range at which it places that Presence?
No. The Presence goes straight from the Spirit Panel to the island, there's no point at which the +1 Range is revealed but the Presence isn't already on the island.
Tags: Range, Presence track, Adding Presence, Growth, 1 more...
Does Drowning Dahan give energy to Ocean's Hungry Grasp?
No. If Dahan are Drowned they are destroyed with no benefit.
Thematically, the Energy gained is canceled out by the loss of propitiation from other Dahan.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Dahan, Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
Discarding two cards is not listed as a requirement or cost, but as a Growth effect. You must perform that effect to the extent possible. (In this case, you would be left with no cards to play.)
Tags: Growth, Downpour Drenches the World, Ember-Eyed Behemoth
  • When it moves a piece in a way that decreases the Health of a damaged Dahan or Invader so it has now taken lethal Damage (one of many ways Finder's action can destroy the Dahan/Invaders with its own action);
  • When it moves an Invader/Dahan in a way that directly triggers their destruction by another action (Finder directly triggering their destruction by moving them).
The first case can happen by causing a Health penalty (e.g., Pushing a damaged Town/City into a Sacred Site of Rising Heat of Stone and Sand) or removing a Health bonus (e.g., Pushing damaged Dahan out of a land with Infinite Vitality or Gathering a Blight into a land with a damaged Durable Town against Habsburg Monarchy Livestock Colony Level 4).
The second case most commonly occurs in conjunction with Powers like Melt Earth Into Quicksand and Call to Guard and when teaming up with Ocean's Hungry Grasp to Push Invaders into the Ocean (but not when moving Heart of the Wildfire's Presence, since moving the Invaders/Dahan isn't what triggers Blazing Presence).
If something prevents the destruction, then Finder does not need to pay. If one triggered action triggers another triggered action that causes destruction (like moving pieces into another Spirit's Bargain of Coursing Paths, which then moves those pieces into another Spirit's Melt Earth Into Quicksand), this does not count as "directly triggering" the destruction.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Triggered Actions, Durable, Health, Responsibilities to the Dead (Finder of Paths Unseen), 8 more...
If Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares uses "Mists of Oblivion," do they get the Power Card's bonus fear for destroying Towns/Cities? (Relatedly, can they trigger "Vengeance of the Dead"?)
No. No Towns/Cities are actually destroyed, so "Mists of Oblivion" grants no bonus Fear. And similarly, "Vengeance of the Dead" doesn't deal any Damage.
"To Dream a Thousand Deaths" only changes what happens when Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares would destroy/damage Invaders. It doesn't change what happens if an effect checks whether or not Invaders actually got destroyed.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Fear, Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares, Mists of Oblivion, To Dream a Thousand Deaths (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares), 5 more...
In this Spreading and Dreadful Mire example, the only targeting restriction is having Invaders. While some thresholds of the Power will push Dahan if possible, Fathomless Mud of the Swamp isn't required to target a land with pushable Dahan.
Tags: Targeting, Spreading and Dreadful Mire (Fathomless Mud of the Swamp), Fathomless Mud of the Swamp
Can *Gift of Furious Might* be used on Rising Heat of Stone and Sand to increase the damage from *Gift of Searing Heat*?
Yes. Gift of Furious Might lets a Spirit boost the Damage of one of its Powers by +3. Gift of Searing Heat is one of Rising Heat's Powers (even though it's working with/through another Spirit) so it qualifies.
Tags: Damage, Action Modifiers, Gift of Searing Heat (Rising Heat of Stone and Sand), Gift of Furious Might (Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot), 2 more...
Can Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine use bonus Damage from Badlands to Abduct Invaders?
No, Badlands increase an existing instance of Damage rather than creating a new one. Either:
Does Mists Shift and Flow make Range 0 powers effectively Range 1?
You can move Presence to satisfy the targeting requirement, so effectively yes, if you move into the target land.
But note you cannot move your last Presence out of the target land for a Range 0 Power.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Targeting, Mists Shift and Flow (Shroud of Silent Mist), Shroud of Silent Mist
When can Dances Up Earthquakes put Energy on impending cards?
Dances Up Earthquakes can only put Energy on impending Power Cards in two ways:
This is rarely relevant, but can matter for the Blitz Scenario: you can't "make a Power Fast" during the Spirit Phase to lower its cost by 1, only "make a Power Fast" during the Fast Phase to gain a 1-Energy rebate.
Tags: Speed (Fast/Slow), Swiftness of Lightning (Lightning's Swift Strike), Blitz
When playing Fractured Days Split the Sky solo, is Pour Time Sideways useless?
In a one-board game, yes, it's nearly useless. (JE p. 31) This is why you get 1 Time as compensation during Setup. Solo games are no longer strictly single-board, however, with the addition of "use an additional board" as a Play Option.
In a one-board game, Fractured Days Split the Sky is apt to want at least one Major Power if not more, so it can be useful for Forgetting.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Solo games, Pour Time Sideways (Fractured Days Split the Sky)
What is the timing of specifying a new Presence-track Element for Starlight?
As soon as it's revealed, even mid-action. Its panel should read "When you reveal a (star)", not "After you reveal a (star)". This rarely matters, but is also more consistent with how other Presence-track elements work.
(Technically as written, if you revealed multiple stars in the same action, you would only cover one of them, which is why the change above matters.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Elements, Timing, Triggered Actions, Action Modifiers, 2 more...
When Wounded Waters Bleeding claims a Healing Card, does it go to their hand?
No, it goes straight to the Spirit Panel, as though you added an Aspect in the middle of the game.
Tags: Claim, Seeking a Path Towards Healing (Wounded Waters Bleeding), Wounded Waters Bleeding
How does Reach from the Infinite Darkness work with Presence from Spirits with restrictions on where they can move Presence?
Since Reach from the Infinite Darkness ignores these restrictions, Presence from those Spirits can be abducted without any issue. However, that Presence can only escape to lands that it could normally be moved to, whether Coastal lands (Ocean’s Hungry Grasp), Inland lands (Lure of the Deep Wilderness), or Mountains (Volcano Looming High). If Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine doesn’t have Presence or its Incarna in any legal lands, you must choose to let a different piece escape or lose the game.
Every Growth option has a way to add or move Presence or the Incarna into a new land, so this generally won't be a loss threat unless multiple such Spirits have their Presence abducted and Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine is unusually low on Presence.
Tags: Move, Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, Reach from the Infinite Darkness (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), The Endless Dark (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), 7 more...
When Ocean's Hungry Grasp is in play, can Blight, other Spirit Presence, Beasts, or other tokens end up in the Ocean?
Yes, the Ocean is a Coastal Wetland for many purposes, and Blight and any of the tokens from Branch & Claw can end up there. Spirit Presence from other spirits cannot be placed there during the Spirit Phase, but can end up there as a result of cards like "Indomitable Claim" or "Flow Like Water, Reach Like Air." So long as Ocean's Hungry Grasp has Presence on the board, non-human pieces in the Ocean continue to behave normally and are considered "in play" — so a Disease would count for an Event which checks if the board has Disease, for instance, even though that's an Event Action.
Invaders never take actions there, so many of the tokens will have no effect.
When using Dances Up Earthquakes' third growth option, can you pick the same impending card twice? Can you gain extra Energy onto one impending card and less Energy onto another impending card?
No and yes, respectively. You first choose which 0-2 cards you're going to affect and then separately decide which of the chosen cards (if any) will gain +1 Energy and which (if any) will gain -1 Energy when you gain Energy later that Spirit Phase.
Tags: Growth, Action Modifiers, Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo (Dances Up Earthquakes), Begin a Dance of Decades (Dances Up Earthquakes), 1 more...
When is the Range bonus of Reach from the Infinite Darkness determined?
When measuring Range for a Power. Count up your Presence in The Endless Dark to determine your bonus Range at that moment.
This could be different than the amount of Presence that was in The Endless Dark when Reach from the Infinite Darkness was used earlier in the turn!
Tags: Timing, Range Boosts, Reach from the Infinite Darkness (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), The Endless Dark (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), 1 more...
What's the timing of Shroud of Silent Mists' Fear? If Well-Prepared Explorers gives Explorers +1 Health until end of turn, do you earn Fear before a damaged Explorer is destroyed by the effect wearing off?
Yes, you may earn Fear before the Health buff wears off. Slow and Silent Death simply says "During Time Passes", but doesn't specify precise timing, so you can do it before or after all ongoing effects end.
The details of timing within Time Passes are only freshly relevant; it's possible that they might shift in the future, but for now this is the answer.
Tags: Time Passes, Timing, Slow and Silent Death (Shroud of Silent Mist), Well-Prepared Explorers, 0 more...
When does Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine check if a piece is alone for the purpose of abducting it?
Just before resolving the sentence with the Damage/Destroy instruction.
The "+" before Damage in Power thresholds (e.g., on "Accelerated Rot") is non-functional; that's a separate Damage instruction from the one in the main Power effect.
Tags: Damage, Destroy, Timing, Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, 2 more...
What happens to items left in the ocean if the last Presence of Ocean's Hungry Grasp is removed from the Island Board?
Pieces not representing humans physically remain where they are, but are considered out of play until/unless that Ocean returns to play. Invaders and Dahan are cleaned up to the nearest legal land (though it's rare for this to be relevant, since they're also cleaned up to the nearest legal land every time you complete a primary action.)
This answer used to be different, but Jagged Earth development resulted in general-case rules for what happens to pieces left in an illegal state/location.
Tags: Illegally placed pieces, Changed rulings, Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), 0 more...
When does Relentless Punishment check how many of your Presence are in the origin land?
When you target the land with the original use of the Power, before resolving any of its effects. This most commonly matters for Focus the Sun’s Rays, but it can also matter if Presence is destroyed/removed/replaced as part of Power resolution.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Timing, Focus the Sun’s Rays (Relentless Gaze of the Sun), Relentless Punishment (Relentless Gaze of the Sun), 1 more...
Does Grinning Trickster's rightmost Growth Option just use the Card Plays revealed on the Presence Track, or does it include modifiers *(eg, Back Against the Wall, or Invader benefit 4 in Powers Long Forgotten)*?
The printed number on the Plays track. In general, effects that scale via the Energy/Plays on Presence tracks use the printed numbers rather than the amount of Energy or Plays actually usable during a given Spirit Phase, whether or not they explicitly say so.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Growth, Grinning Trickster Stirs Up Trouble, Back Against the Wall, Powers Long Forgotten, 5 more...
During Growth, can Lure of the Deep Wilderness see which Power Card its gains before it decides whether to Reclaim or Add Presence?
Yes. The only difference between Lure and other Spirits that freely choose 2 or 3 Growth Options is that Lure can't pick both from the left pair or both from the right pair.
Tags: Ordering, Growth, Lure of the Deep Wilderness
What happens when Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine abducts Presence belonging to Heart of the Wildfire?
While Abducting Wildfire’s Presence does move it, The Endless Dark isn’t a land for Blazing Presence. On the other hand, Blazing Presence will trigger when the Presence eventually escapes.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Move, Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, The Endless Dark (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), 4 more...
If Finder of Paths Unseen has an action which both directly destroys Invaders, and *also* triggers their destruction by moving them, does it lose Presence twice from Responsibilities to the Dead? What's the timing?
As written, no — it's a single triggered action, so can only be invoked once per other action. It can just be invoked by two different things.
Responsibilities to the Dead is weird in that it's a triggered action which checks consequences of other triggers on the same action — it would be much cleaner if the game never did this, but just checked all triggers exactly once at the completion of each action. For now, we're going to roll with it as written, but if it proves a problem it'll need to be tweaked.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Triggered Actions, Rulings Under Examination, Responsibilities to the Dead (Finder of Paths Unseen)
As of 2020, the only published Spirits for whom getting around land-type restrictions is relevant are Ocean's Hungry Grasp (base game, cannot normally have Presence in inland lands), Lure of the Deep Wilderness (Jagged Earth, cannot normally have Presence in coastal lands), and Volcano Looming High (Jagged Earth, can normally only have Presence in Mountains).
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Presence, Indomitable Claim, Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island, Ocean's Hungry Grasp, 2 more...
Both Serene Waters and Roiling Waters can only be claimed as a first Healing Card, and both Waters Renew and Waters Taste of Ruin can only be claimed as a final Healing Card.
Though it’s not advantageous to do so, you can skip both Serene Waters and Roiling Waters to fully heal with only one Healing Card, or even never gain a Healing Card at all!
Tags: Claim, Roiling Waters (Wounded Waters Bleeding), Serene Waters (Wounded Waters Bleeding), Waters Renew (Wounded Waters Bleeding), 3 more...
On the last Growth option of Relentless Gaze of the Sun, when do you gain the extra Energy?
In the rare case that this matters, gain this Energy when you gain Energy normally during the second part of the Spirit Phase.
Doing it this way, you are not penalized if you need to move Presence with this Growth Option before you add Presence off the top Presence track with the first Growth Option.
Tags: Growth, Relentless Gaze of the Sun
The list of places on Ethereal Conjunction that you can choose Power Cards from is a reminder of where your Power Cards will usually be, not the complete list. Impending Cards are still Dances' Power Cards, so they can be chosen for this Event.
Tags: Begin a Dance of Decades (Dances Up Earthquakes), Dances Up Earthquakes, Ethereal Conjunction
This Growth Option checks if you have already claimed a Healing Card; it doesn’t “look ahead” to whether or not you’re going to claim a Healing Card at the end of the current Spirit Phase.
Tags: Claim, Seeking a Path Towards Healing (Wounded Waters Bleeding), Wounded Waters Bleeding
If Many Minds Moves as One gathers multiple Sacred Sites into one land with an action, do they still count as separate Beasts for the rest of that action?
Yes, while Many Minds can only use A Joining of Swarms and Flocks on one pair of Presence in each of its Sacred Sites (Jagged Earth, page 29), those Presence-pairs-as-Beasts remain Beasts for the rest of the action even if they move to new lands. In particular, Many Minds can use The Teeming Host Arrives to gather Presence pairs from three different lands with the middle threshold and then Push each of those Presence pairs with the final threshold.
This doesn't let Many Minds gather multiple pairs of Presence from the same land with a single Gather instruction, so The Teeming Host Arrives can't gather more than two Presence from one land.
Tags: Counts As, A Joining of Swarms and Flocks (Many Minds Move as One), The Teeming Host Arrives (Many Minds Move as One), Tigers Hunting, 5 more...
Terror Stalks the Land abducts lone Invaders if Breath would attempt to damage or destroy them, while A Sense for Impending Disaster only makes an Explorer flee if that Explorer would actually otherwise be destroyed.
Tags: Action Modifiers, Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, Terror Stalks the Land (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), Tsardom of Russia, 0 more...
What's the timing on using new Growth options?
Growth choices are made one at a time, so if you unlock a new Growth option by placing Presence, you can choose it immediately if you still have choices left. If you return Presence to a Growth row for some reason, you can’t use that Growth option until the row is unlocked again, and your selection of which Growth to cover remains. (You don’t get to revisit that decision.)
Tags: Growth, Starlight Seeks Its Form
Can Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine abduct pieces that can't move (e.g., because they're at the Lair Incarna)?
No, abduct is a special form of movement and prevented by things that prevent movement.
Similarly, escape is a special form of movement and is affected by things like Bargain of Coursing Paths.
Tags: Move, Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, Terror Stalks the Land (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), Lair Aspect (Lure of the Deep Wilderness), 3 more...
As Volcano, when destroying your own Presence for "Explosive Eruption," can that Presence be saved (by, e.g., "Flowing and Silent Forms Dart By")?
Yes, but not usefully. It doesn't count towards the eruption threshold requirements / effects (because they check the # of Presence actually destroyed) or for "Collapse In a Blast of Lava and Steam" (because "destroy" gets replaced with "push" before the rule "when your Presence is destroyed, deal damage" kicks in).
Prior to the ruling that cancellation/replacement always happens before changes/additions, you could decide on the ordering, and apply damage from "Collapse In a Blast of Lava and Steam" before the "Flowing and Silent Forms Dart By" substitution. but this is no longer true.
Tags: Saved From Destruction, Action Modifiers, Presence, Destroy, 4 more...
Must Gather/Push effects which don't say "up to" move exactly that many things? Eg: Does Fields Choked with Growth move exactly 3 Dahan?
Yes, if possible. If a card gives a number of pieces to move, you must move that number if you can, or as many as possible if there aren't enough of those pieces there.
Most "move some Dahan" powers represent the Spirit asking/working with the Dahan or calling in favors. A few, like this one, are more "the Dahan decide to get the heck out of Dodge". This applies to other kinds of pushes, as well.
Other cards with similar wording are Terrifying Chase (Sharp Fangs behind the Leaves), Sacrosanct Wilderness (Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds), and Twilight Fog Brings Madness.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Gather, Push, Fields Choked with Growth (A Spread of Rampant Green), Terrifying Chase (Sharp Fangs behind the Leaves), 2 more...
  • Anything that interacts with adjacent lands, including Push and Gather (since there are no adjacent lands);
  • Invader Actions;
  • Anything conditional on having a particular terrain or being Coastal;
  • Anything that references the board that target land is on.
Effects that do resolve, but generally not in a useful way:
  • Defend and other Damage penalties to Invaders;
  • Isolate;
  • Skipping Invader Actions.
All other standard effects (Fear, Damage, Destroy, Remove, Replace, Add, Upgrade, Downgrade) work as they normally would, albeit with the exception that adding Blight doesn't destroy Presence or cascade, since the Endless Dark isn't a land. (Thematically, there isn't a real ecosystem to damage.)
The Endless Dark counts as "target land" for the purpose of resolving any of the Power's effects, since that's meant to refer to the place you are targeting rather than being an additional check if that place is a land.
Tags: Blight, Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, The Endless Dark (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), Shadow-Touched Realm (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), 0 more...
How exactly does Pour Time Sideways work?
It affects each individual Invader Action – so if they’re Ravaging in Sands, on the board you move Presence to, each Sands with Invaders will Ravage twice. (Then similarly for both Build and Explore.) On the board you moved Presence from, each Sands with Invaders will Ravage zero times. It’s phrased as “one more time” and “one fewer time” instead of “twice” and “zero times” so it works properly if the Power is Repeated.
If you use a Power like Infestation of Venomous Spiders that lets you skip a number of Invader Actions in a land where they would Ravage twice, it has to skip each of the two individually.
The phrase ‘“Each board/Each land...” Actions’ refers to any Action (generally Event Actions, Fear Actions, or Adversary Actions like Escalation) which does something on each board or in each land, even if there are qualifiers (e.g., “In each land with Beasts...”)
Tags: Skipping Actions, Pour Time Sideways (Fractured Days Split the Sky), Infestation of Venomous Spiders
When does Observe the Ever-Changing World expire?
It expires when Time Passes like other effects do. The Element Markers stacked up in in the target land are a reminder of how many more times it can trigger this turn, not an actual change to the board state that persists into future turns.
All effects in Time Passes expire simultaneously, so if something else causes the pieces to change during Time Passes, Observe the Ever-Changing World does not trigger.
Tags: Time Passes, Element markers, Observe the Ever-Changing World (Shifting Memory of Ages), Shifting Memory of Ages, 0 more...
How does Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island work in a solo game?
The Presence limit from its special rule Deep Slumber still applies. It can use Absorb Essence on itself [p. 22]. Presence on its Deep Slumber track is not "on the Island" and does not count against the limit. It cannot get a double benefit from the Serpent Wakes in Power innate power.
Tags: Solo games, Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island, Deep Slumber (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island), Absorb Essence (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island), 1 more...
As of the release of Nature Incarnate, this includes:
  • The early Stage III card of Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia Level 2.
  • The early Stage II cards and Coastal card of Kingdom of Scotland Level 2, and the early Stage III card of Scotland Level 4.
  • The interleaved Stage III cards of Tsardom of Russia Level 4 (but not the Stage II cards they alternate with).
  • The Salt Deposits card of Habsburg Mining Expedition Level 4.
The only Event that is currently specially placed is France's Slave Rebellion.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Invader deck, Visions of a Shifting Future (Fractured Days Split the Sky), Fractured Days Split the Sky, Kingdom of Scotland, 4 more...
Can Invader Actions happen in a place that isn't a land (e.g., in The Endless Dark)?
No. If a Power would cause an Invader Action there (e.g., Manifest Incarnation causing a Ravage), skip that instruction because it can't be resolved.
Tags: Ravage, Build, Blur the Arc of Years (Fractured Days Split the Sky), Manifest Incarnation, 4 more...
In particular, any Spirit can target range 2 or range 3 Powers bridging over Finder's "adjacent" lands, even if neither land is the origin or destination of the Power.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Finder of Paths Unseen, Open the Ways (Finder of Paths Unseen)
Can Dances Up Earthquakes make a Power Card impending when Repeating it?
No. Repeating a Power Card in play just lets you use it again; it doesn't re-play the card.
Tags: Repeat, Begin a Dance of Decades (Dances Up Earthquakes), Dances Up Earthquakes
Does hitting both the first and second thresholds of Downpour's 'Rain and Mud Suppress Conflict' reduce Dahan counterattack damage to 0 in Downpour's lands?
No. The total counterattack damage is reduced, not the damage per Dahan. (You can intuitively think of it as Defend that also protects the Invaders from the Dahan.)
Tags: Ravage, Defend, Rain and Mud Suppress Conflict (Downpour Drenches the World)
In the Jagged Earth expansion, it can't affect Gather the Scattered Light of Stars — while that Power Card has "Gather" in its name, it doesn't have a Push/Gather instruction as part of its effect. (Other expansions have similar effects that check for specific instructions.)
Tags: Gather, Push, Action Modifiers, Checking for instructions, 4 more...
When playing Fathomless Mud of the Swamp solo, can it gain 2 Power Cards with Exaltation of Tangled Growth?
Yes. It can pay 1 Energy to gain a Power Card as “target Spirit,” and then can pay 2 Energy to gain a Power Card as “you.”
Tags: Solo games, Exaltation of Tangled Growth (Fathomless Mud of the Swap), Fathomless Mud of the Swamp
The Special Rule says, "When your Presence is destroyed...", which means the damage is done as part of whatever action destroyed your Presence.
(If it were instead a triggered action, it would say "After your Presence is destroyed".)
Tags: Actions, Action Modifiers, Badlands, Explosive Eruption (Volcano Looming High), 2 more...
The intent is that this is a triggered action (which makes the timing more obvious) but the special rule would be clearer if it started with "After...".
Tags: Timing, Adding Presence, Deep Layers Exposed to the Surface (Stone's Unyielding Defiance), Stone's Unyielding Defiance, 0 more...
(And both Dahan are considered to have moved, even though the ending board state may appear the same.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Move, Dahan, Let's See What Happens (Grinning Trickster Stirs Up Trouble), Strong and Constant Currents, 1 more...
This also means Bringer's Repeat cannot usefully combine Damage with its original – for instance a Repeated "2 Damage" Power couldn't do anything to an undamaged City. The original action would resolve, and 2 Damage isn't enough to destroy the City, so nothing happens. Then the second use of the Power resolves, and 2 Damage isn't enough to destroy the City, so nothing happens.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Repeat, To Dream a Thousand Deaths (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares), Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares
Does the Presence limit for Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island count destroyed Presence?
No, the Presence limit only counts Presence that is actually on the island, not destroyed Presence.
It is possible to get all the way to the end of your Presence track without ever using "Absorb Essence," if you never have more than 5 Presence on the board. Thematically, this is the Serpent being stung towards greater wakefulness.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Destroyed Presence, Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island, Deep Slumber (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island), Absorb Essence (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island), 0 more...
Can you use an optional “counts as” effect to get an Element marker from Observe the Ever-Changing World? (e.g., by making a Presence count as a Beasts with Settle into Hunting Grounds)
No, "counts as" effects don't change which pieces are in a land, just which traits those pieces have. A Presence turned into a Presence-Beasts-Badlands by Settle into Hunting Grounds is still the same Presence it always was; it just also counts towards effects that check Badlands and Beasts.
Tags: Counts As, Incarna, Observe the Ever-Changing World (Shifting Memory of Ages), Shifting Memory of Ages, 1 more...
Can Towering Roots of the Jungle replace Presence with its Incarna even if its Incarna is already on the island?
Yes. The Incarna leaves whichever land it was in and ends up where the Presence used to be.
If a Dahan is killed in a ravage but no blight is added (from say, Infinite Vitality) does Sworn to Victory (Thunderspeaker's special rule) still activate?
Yes. The wording of Sworn to Victory is purely meant to specify that the Presence loss happens after any Presence loss from Blight. (It predates the more precise Jagged Earth terminology.)
If written today, the wording would be "After a Ravage action destroys 1 or more Dahan, for each Dahan destroyed, destroy 1 of your presence within (range 1)"
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Triggered Actions, Sworn to Victory (Thunderspeaker)
If Eyes Watch From the Trees uses the threshold of *The Trees and Stones Speak of War*, do they get to Gather a Dahan afterwards? If so, when?
Yes, they may Gather 1 Dahan into the target land after the Power is 100% finished (including the threshold, even if the threshold Pushes out all of the Dahan).
It works because The Trees and Stones Speak of War only adds Defend to a single land. (The threshold effect may then move some of that Defend around.)
Note that Eyes' bonus Gather will not move any Defend with the Dahan. That's a special feature of The Trees and Stones Speak of War.
Tags: Defend, Move, Dahan, The Trees and Stones Speak of War, 2 more...
Does the Damage bonus from Gift of Furious Might persist when the affected Power is Repeated?
No, the bonus only increases one instance of dealing Damage, rather than boosting one Power for the entire turn. (This is more clear starting in the second printing.)
Tags: Repeat, Action Modifiers, Gift of Furious Might (Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot), Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot, 0 more...
With Pour Time Sideways and Dream of the Untouched Land could you use "skip actions on one board" on the "extra time" board (the board that Fractured Days' moved presence to)?
Yes. Dream of the Untouched land skips all Build Cards and "Each land"/"Each board" Adversary actions on one board, even if that board has had Time poured to it.
If this proves horribly abusive it'll be revisited, but that doesn't seem likely, it's pretty niche.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Actions, Skipping Actions, Pour Time Sideways (Fractured Days Split the Sky), Dream of the Untouched Land, 0 more...
What does "-X Cost" mean on a Growth option or Power threshold?
It means you have to pay that much Energy to pick that Growth option or use that level of your Power. [B&C p. 15, JE p. 11]
If you don't have the Energy, you can't pick that Growth option. If you don't have or don't want to pay the Energy, skip over that Power level and continue resolving the rest of the Power.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Energy, Sharp Fangs behind the Leaves, Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds, Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island, 4 more...
Can Dances Up Earthquakes use its third growth option to delay an impending card from being played even if there's no Energy on that card to remove?
Yes. That growth option doesn't immediately change the amount of Energy on the impending card — it changes how much Energy will be gained onto that card later in the Spirit Phase. It's possible to delay a 1-cost card with 0 Energy on it by gaining 1 fewer Energy onto it that turn.
Tags: Growth, Action Modifiers, Rhythmic Power Builds to a Cataclysmic Crescendo (Dances Up Earthquakes), Begin a Dance of Decades (Dances Up Earthquakes), 1 more...
When can Sharp Fangs behind the Leaves use the Call Forth Predators special rule, turning a Presence into a Beast token?
This can be used during the Spirit Phase, anytime during before, between, or after actions in Growth. It's possible to delay it to after gaining Energy from the top Presence track or even after playing Power Cards, though there's no particular benefit to waiting that long. Once players have started activating Fast Powers, it can no longer be used.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Replace, Sharp Fangs behind the Leaves, Call Forth Predators (Sharp Fangs Behind the Leaves)
If an effect changes the Health of all pieces that meet a particular condition, does that affect pieces in The Endless Dark?
Yes, so long as it checks the traits of the piece itself (e.g., what type it is, how much Strife it has) rather than the traits of the land it’s in (e.g., if Blight is present, if at least 3+ Invaders are present).
Tags: Health, Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, The Endless Dark (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), Kingdom of England, 9 more...
When using Spreading and Dreadful Mire, does it matter if you don't have a Sacred Site in the origin land when you resolve the first threshold (e.g., because you targeted via Entwined Power)?
No, "the origin sacred site" is just land you picked as the origin back when targeting the Power. There isn't a second check for if that land is still your sacred site.
This only matters if you still have Presence in that land (e.g., because you and the Spirit you're entwined with each had exactly 1 Presence there); if none of the Presence there is yours, there is no Presence you can move.
Tags: Sacred Sites, Spreading and Dreadful Mire (Fathomless Mud of the Swamp), Fathomless Mud of the Swamp, Entwined Power, 0 more...
Can Fathomless Mud of the Swamp target the origin land of Spreading and Dreadful Mire, or does that fail because moving Presence is required?
Yes, you can target the origin land: “this is required” is a reminder that if it’s possible to Move a Presence, you must, not that you must choose a target where moving Presence is possible.
(Also, while it's rarely relevant, you can technically Move a piece from a land to that same land, so long as the wording of the Power doesn't exclude doing so. Thematically, it’s moving within that land.)
Tags: Targeting, Move, Presence, Spreading and Dreadful Mire (Fathomless Mud of the Swamp), 1 more...
Against Tsardom of Russia Level 2+, if Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares uses a Power that would destroy Explorers, can it get the bonus Fear from Russia?
Yes. Both Russia's Level 2 and To Dream a Thousand Deaths modify what happens when you destroy the Explorers; you get to choose which one to use.
If not using the Violence Aspect, you could choose to use To Dream a Thousand Deaths if for some reason you didn't want the Fear.
This interaction is a change from the normal modifier rules specifically for Russia + Bringer. In general, pieces can't be saved from destruction (as Russia Level 2 does) when Bringer would directly destroy or Damage them, since Bringer never directly destroys or Damages anything other than its own Presence.
Tags: Action Modifiers, Saved From Destruction, To Dream a Thousand Deaths (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares), Tsardom of Russia, 1 more...
When Fathomless Mud of the Swamp uses Spreading and Dreadful Mire, does the moved Presence have to be Mud’s Presence?
Yes, when one of your Actions moves Presence, it means your Presence unless otherwise specified. (This is explicitly stated in later printings of Mud.)
Tags: Presence, Spreading and Dreadful Mire (Fathomless Mud of the Swamp), Fathomless Mud of the Swamp
The Fear is earned immediately, not when the invader piece is eventually spent for Energy.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
Does the event Lingering Plagues *("....Ignore Disease during Builds this Invader Phase")* stop Vengeance from gaining Fear by letting Builds happen where there's Disease?
No, Vengeance may still gain the Fear. Lingering Plagues should be read as "Disease doesn't prevent Builds this Invader Phase" - it modifies the same thing ("When Disease would prevent a Build") as The Terror of a Slowly Unfolding Plague, so you can choose to apply the latter first.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Action Modifiers, Disease, Build, Lingering Plagues, 3 more...
When Oceans are in play, can Invader or Dahan pieces remain in the Ocean if they avoid Drowning?
No, Invaders and Dahan are not allowed to exist in the Ocean long-term. If one manages to get there without being Drowned, move them to the closest legal land after finishing resolution of whatever got them there.
In the base game, the edge-case where this can happen is if Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares uses Vengeance of the Dead (with threshold) on the Ocean itself. A Town/City/Dahan is moved to the Ocean, triggering Ocean In Play which Drowns it. Drowning (destroying) it triggers Vengeance of the Dead. If Bringer deals VotD's "damage" in an adjacent land to "destroy" a Town or Explorer and Push it into the Ocean, Ocean In Play can't trigger again, because actions can't trigger themselves, even indirectly. So the Town/Explorer isn't Drowned.
In theory it can also happen if you use Infinite Vitality (with threshold) on the Ocean then Push Dahan into the Ocean, though that's usually a pointless play.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Pieces, Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares, 2 more...
How can Ocean's Hungry Grasp get Presence on inland lands?
With the base set and Branch and Claw, only by using Indomitable Claim (which explicitly says to ignore land-type restrictions – other presence-adding powers do not allow you to ignore the restriction). With Promo Pack 2 / Feather and Flame, Finder of Paths Unseen can potentially make inland lands Coastal with Open The Ways; if you add Presence to such a land while it's Coastal, it doesn't need to remain so for your Presence to remain there.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Adding Presence, Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Indomitable Claim, Finder of Paths Unseen, 1 more...
Similarly, when an Incarna counts as a Sacred Site, it's still just counts as one Presence.
While two Presence is enough to make a land a Sacred Site (as suggested by the iconography), the reverse is not true.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Sacred Sites, Counts As, Incarna, River's Domain (River Surges in Sunlight), 4 more...
When Relentless Gaze of the Sun chooses another Spirit with "Consider a Harmonious Nature," must that Spirit have Destroyed Presence?
No, Relentless Gaze of the Sun is free to choose any Spirit other than itself; the 3 Sun 1 Plant threshold just doesn’t do anything other than choosing a Spirit if the chosen Spirit has no Destroyed Presence.
The chosen Spirit can still receive Energy from the final threshold.
Tags: Destroyed Presence, Consider a Harmonious Nature (Relentless Gaze of the Sun), Relentless Gaze of the Sun
To lay out the steps in detail:
  1. Heat has two Presence. The Town has 1 Damage and 3 Health.
  2. Blight is added. The Town has 1 Damage and 1 Health.
  3. Destroy one Presence (Blight was added) and the Town (it took Damage equal to or greater than its Health).
    Tags: Blight, Timing, Blistering Heat (Rising Heat of Stone and Sand), Rising Heat of Stone and Sand, 1 more...
For instance, when you place Presence on the very first turn, you reveal one Fire icon and so get to do 1 damage after placing the Presence.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Heart of the Wildfire, Blazing Presence (Heart of the Wildfire)
When are the bonuses and penalties computed for Downpour's 'Rain and Mud Suppress Conflict' innate power?
When they're relevant. This power sets up ongoing effects tied to Downpour's Presence, not in a specific land, so if the configuration of Downpour's Presence on the island changes, so does the suppression of damage.
Practically speaking, check Defend whenever Invaders deal damage (Ravage, usually), Dahan damage reduction when they counterattack as part of Ravage, and Invader/Dahan health reduction whenever they take Damage (or for already-Damaged pieces, when their Health is reduced).
Tags: Health, Damage, Rain and Mud Suppress Conflict (Downpour Drenches the World)
Whether a land is Coastal is defined by whether the land is adjacent to the Ocean. Open the Ways can create an adjacency between two of Finder's lands, allowing it to make lands (temporarily) Coastal.
Ocean's specification of "for Powers and Blight" makes this question really murky, but allowing it is much more thematic and fun, so that's the way the ruling is going. If it proves a problem later, it'll get changed then.
Tags: Open the Ways (Finder of Paths Unseen), Coastal Lands invader card, Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Finder of Paths Unseen, 1 more...
If a Fear or Event effect causes damage, can Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares still use it?
Fear and Event cards are not Powers, so the special rule To Dream a Thousand Deaths does not apply. Thus the player who is playing Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares can, for instance, do real damage with the Dahan Raid fear card.
Thematically, the Dahan are actually doing a raid in the real world, it is not just a nightmare caused by Bringer. It also doesn't matter if it's a choice Event you pay Energy for: the damage is still real.
Similarly, if Bringer uses a Defense power, the Dahan deal real damage during the Ravage phase as normal; it's the Dahan dealing damage, not Bringer.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Fear, Events, To Dream a Thousand Deaths (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares), Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares, 0 more...
"Move X Together" means "X must be together for the entire movement," not "X must move in a way that they are all together at the end of the movement."
Tags: Move, Growth, Relentless Gaze of the Sun
Can the Healing Markers claimed by Wounded Waters Bleeding be used for anything other than checking which Healing Markers you have? (e.g., do they grant Elements?)
No, Healing Markers are just Healing Markers; they don't do anything else associated with Elements or Element Markers.
Element Markers don't inherently do anything; they're just used to track effects that are associated with Elements in some way. While Starlight Seeks its Form uses them to track permanent Elements, that's only because its Slowly Coalescing Nature special rule explicitly grants that effect. And while Shifting Memory of Ages can spend its prepared Element Markers for various effects, that's only because Insights into the World's Nature, Elemental Teachings, and its Presence Tracks grant those benefits.
Tags: Prepare, Element markers, Elements, Claim, 4 more...
Can Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares combine Damage from multiple Powers - eg, use a "2 Damage" Power and a "1 Damage" Power to earn 5 Fear for an unhurt City?
No. First the "2 Damage" Power resolves and does nothing (because that Power would not have destroyed an unhurt City). Then the "1 Damage" Power resolves and does nothing (because it would not have destroyed an unhurt City). Neither has any lingering effect of any kind.
If it were a single Power doing 2 Damage then 1 Damage, it would earn the Fear, because then that Power would have destroyed an unhurt City. For each Power Bringer uses, briefly imagine a universe where you resolve the entire Power normally. Whenever it would destroy an Invader in that universe, in the real game you earn 0/2/5 Fear and Push it if it's an Explorer or Town.
Tags: Damage, Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares, To Dream a Thousand Deaths (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares)
Can Spirits May Yet Dream be used to flip any Fear card?
Yes, Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares can use the first effect of Spirits May Yet Dream to flip any Fear card.
The Fear card could be already earned, on top of the Fear deck, or further down in the Fear deck.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Spirits May Yet Dream (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares)
When the row is cleared, the choice of which of the two Growth options to unlock cannot be revisited.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Starlight Seeks Its Form, Numinous Crisis, Growth Begets Growth (Starlight Seeks its Form)