Land Types

Frequently Asked Questions

Invader Actions
Power Cards
Spirits and Innate Powers
  • If playing with Ocean's Hungry Grasp and you Weave Together a land with an Ocean, how does that work? What if Ocean's Hungry Grasp loses all their Presence from that board?
    The joined land and all adjacent lands will be Coastal for all purposes, including Invader Actions. Invaders/Dahan already in the joined land don't trigger Ocean In Play (which Drowns after they move in), but when Weave Together wears off you can "move" pieces to the Ocean and Drown them. The joined land is a land all the time, not just for Powers/Blight, so other actions (Fear/Event/Invader/etc) affect it normally. Note that adding a piece (from, eg, a Build) is not the same as moving it; moving triggers Drowning, while adding does not.
    If OHG loses all Presence from the board, the joined land remains in play (and retains the printed Ocean area as part of its topology, so makes adjacent lands Coastal), but Ocean In Play no longer applies to it, so Invaders/Dahan aren't Drowned after moving there and it's no longer a Wetland for purposes of Powers/Blight (unless it's a Wetland for other reasons).
    In the extremely weird event that two Oceans are Woven directly together (via Finder of Paths Unseen) and OHG loses their Presence from both of them, the joined land stops being a land, but remains topologically joined. (This is possibly relevant if playing with an Archipelago.)
    (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Land Types, Archipelago, Weave Together the Fabric of Place, Open the Ways (Finder of Paths Unseen), 3 more...