Invader Actions
Errata / Updates
Core game - 1st printing
Errata for core rulebook, p. 9 (Ravage) -- Ravaging Invaders damage Dahan and the land separately, equally,
and simultaneously.
(The word "simultaneously" was accidentally omitted on p. 9, though the example on p. 11 is correct.) Currently relevant in certain cases of a Ravage destroying one of Vital Strength of the Earth's Sacred Sites. (The Defend 3 reduces overall damage done to both land and Dahan.)
Branch & Claw - 3rd printing
Errata for B&C rulebook, p. 14 -- Truncated sentence should read, "Some Fear and Event Cards may change the usual orderly progression of Invader Cards along the Invader Action Track, causing there to be multiple - or zero - cards on an Action Space."
Tags: Rulebook
Frequently Asked Questions
What counts as a single Ravage when "the next normal Ravage" is affected?
A "normal" Ravage refers to the Ravage Actions caused by a single Ravage card during the Ravage Step printed on the board. Similarly the "normal" Build/Explore refers to the Actions caused by a single Build/Explore card during the Build/Explore step printed on the board.
(See B&C p. 15 or JE p. 27)
This usually isn't relevant, but it can be if the Ravage is destroying a Presence that affects Dahan survival.
In particular:
- Defend applies each time the Invaders deal Damage in a land – it isn't "used up" in the first Ravage.
- Each time the land itself is damaged is separate – it does not accumulate Damage during a turn the way Invaders and Dahan do. Only add a Blight when a single instance of Damage is enough to cause Blight.
- Similarly, Blight can be added to a land multiple times in a turn. Check each time the land takes Damage.
Tags: Ravage, Blight, Defend
The step is still the Ravage Step, so anything that specifically happens before, during, or after the Ravage Step will still happen at its normal time (but no Build Step effects will apply). Nevertheless, the resolved Invader card will obey all Build Card rules (both normal and Adversary-driven), cause Build Actions, etc.
Similarly, in the much less likely case that a Town or City is destroyed, replaced, or removed while resolving a Build Card, any Building already queued up by that Build Card stills happens even if the conditions for it are now no longer met.
If there is more than one Invader Card in the Build space, then Towns and Cities added/destroyed from the first card
do count for the second card. Likewise if there is a build from England's "High Immigration": Any buildings added from that rule will count for (e.g.) the regular Build. In general, you check what lands will Build at the beginning of looking at the Build Card.
This can happen, eg, if the event Farmers Seek the Dahan for Aid (the next normal Ravage becomes a Build) occurs on a turn when there is no card in the Ravage slot, and on the next turn the event Urban Development (during the next normal Ravage, each City does +2 damage) occurs. Because of Farmers Seek the Dahan for Aid, the Ravage is skipped, so Urban Development remains active until the next turn.
Individual modifiers are things like “Cities deal +3 Damage”,
Mesmerized Tranquility (“Each Invader deals -1 damage”), or Strife tokens. Per-land modifiers are things like
Destroy the Unnatural (above), or anything which says “Invaders deal +N Damage (per land) …”
Tags: Strife, Damage, Ravage, Mesmerized Tranquility, 17 more...
This applies both to lands that "naturally" match the Ravage Card (e.g., a Jungle when the Ravage Card is Sands+Jungles) and to lands that match the Ravage Card due to an extra effect (e.g., lands with 3+ Explorers against the Tsardom of Russia Level 3+). Thus, for instance, against the Tsardom of Russia level 3+, if a Ravage pushes an Explorer by the Level 2 effect "A Sense for Impending Disaster", it can't cause a Ravage to happen by the Level 3 effect "Competition Among Hunters" from the same card, but can cause a Ravage from a following Ravage Card added by the Level 5 effect "Entrench in the Face of Fear."
Each card separately determines where it creates Invader Actions. If a land matches multiple cards, it can thus get an Invader Action from each one! Clarifications for specific actions:
Anything effect that checks which lands match the Invader Cards in a particular space (e.g., the
Hard-Working Settlers Event) or the terrains showing on those cards (e.g., the
Fortification Event), checks
all of those cards. (It generally won't matter how many times those lands match or those terrains appear, just
if they do.)
Tags: Invader deck, Matches, Tsardom of Russia, Surges of Colonization, 6 more...
For instance, Russia Level 5 will put Invader cards directly in the Build space. When that card is resolved for the first time (usually Building on the next Invader phase), it will also trigger the Escalation effect.
If an Event tells you to perform a single Build action – e.g., "On Each Board: Build in a land with Dahan" – don't check whether that land has Invaders.
But if it tells you to resolve an entire Build Step / Build Card for a particular terrain, it works just like it would if you had a physical card – you're making a list of which lands match and will be affected, so the normal Build/Explore restrictions apply. The Events "Fortification" and "New Cash Crops Take Hold" work this way (and do not usually build in empty lands), though it's not how they're phrased.
(See the Errata in the JE rulebook p. 27)
Tags: Build, Explore, Ravage, Events, 3 more...
A few Powers treat damage to Dahan and to the land differently:
Concealing Shadows will only protect the Dahan, for instance.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Defend, Ravage