Kingdom of Scotland

Errata / Updates

  • Promo 2 - 1st printing
    Errata for Kingdom of Scotland Lvl 1 -- Scotland's Level 1 "Trading Port" ability is missing a "1" in front of the Explorer. It should read " Coastal lands, Explore cards add 1 Town instead of 1 Explorer".
    So if an Explore would normally add 2 Explorers - due to an Event, or combining Scotland with France - it would instead add 1 Town and 1 Explorer.
    Tags: Explorer, Kingdom of Scotland

Frequently Asked Questions

Effect Rules
  • When Blight is added to a land with Vitality, does it destroy Presence?
    Not if there's enough Vitality to prevent all of the Blight from being added.
    Sufficient Vitality will also prevent extra effects of Blight being added, including those from Mining Rush (The Kingdom of Sweden Level 5), Irreparable Damage (The Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony) Additional Loss Condition), Runoff and Bilgewater (The Kingdom of Scotland Level 5), Fragile Sands (Varied Terrains), and All Things Weaken (Blight Card).
    Tags: Blight, Vitality, Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony), Kingdom of Sweden, 7 more...
  • When Blight is Added, what order do you perform all of the effects of Adding Blight? If you were in the middle of a Ravage, do you finish the Ravage first?
    Do the ‘Immediately’ effects on the Blight card, and then finish resolving whatever caused the card to flip (whether it's a Ravage or something else).
    More precisely, the order is:
    1. Take Blight off the card. If this empties the card, flip it, refill the Blight pool, and resolve any ‘Immediately’ effects on the card as a nested Action.
    2. Actually put the Blight in the land.
    3. Destroy Presence and do anything else that cares “when” this happens, like Kingdom of Sweden Level 5, Tsardom of Russia Level 1, or the Blight card All Things Weaken.
    4. If Blight was already present, cascade (returning to Step 1 in that adjacent land).
    5. Finish resolving the Action (usually the Ravage) that caused the Blight card to flip.
    6. Perform any Triggered Actions that care about Blight being added, like Kingdom of Scotland Level 5.
    In particular, if more Invaders are added to the land being Ravaged (e.g., with Promising Farmlands), they don't deal more damage, as that step has already happened; however, they are susceptible to a Dahan counterattack, and any new Dahan (e.g., with Unnatural Proliferation) would participate.
    (Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Blighted Island, Timing, Nested Actions, Blight, 13 more...
General Play
Invader Actions
Play Options
Power Cards
Spirits and Innate Powers