Effect Rules
Errata / Updates
- Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares - their Special Rule is a modifier - when your Power would Destroy Invaders, instead generate Fear (and perhaps Push them).
- France lvl 6 - "After the normal Explore Phase," should read "After resolving an Explore Card,"
- Event: Fortification - first sentence should read: After advancing Invader Cards: perform a Build Step for one terrain not shown under any Invader Action.
- Event: Cash Crops Take Hold - first sentence should read: Perform a Ravage Step for one terrain not shown under any Invader Action.
The only mechanical change is that France 6 will behave slightly differently if there are 0 or 2+ Explore cards in a turn, adding one Explorer per card instead of a flat 1.
Jagged Earth - 1st and 2nd printings
Update for Badlands tokens -- Instead of "
the first time an action damages Invaders", each Badlands token boosts damage "
one time an action damages Invaders". (So it could be the 2nd time, 3rd time, etc.)
This is relevant only rarely – e.g., on "Pyroclastic Bombardment" (which deals damage to Invaders multiple times with different restrictions on which Invaders can take Damage), or "Voice of Command" (which causes a Ravage to deal damage to Invaders multiple times with different restrictions).
- Vengeance of the Dead (Major Power, core game);
- Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp special rule, core game);
- Sworn to Victory1 (Thunderspeaker special rule, core game);
- Blazing Presence2 (Heart of the Wildfire special rule, promo 1);
- Constant Raiding (Dahan Insurrection Scenario rule, core game);
- Military Response (Dahan Insurrection Scenario rule, core game).
The following items are also triggered actions ("after X, do Y") even though their wording doesn't use "after" (but practically speaking it doesn't matter much):
- Portents of Disaster (Minor Power - Branch & Claw);
- Forbidden Ground3 (Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds special rule - Branch & Claw);
- Deep Layers Exposed to the Surface (Stone's Unyielding Defiance special rule - Jagged Earth)
1 = The trigger is "After a Ravage destroys 1 or more Dahan..." and does not involve Blight; see
this FAQ entry for elaboration.
2 = This rule used to say "When you add or move Presence...". More recent printings of the Spirit correctly say "After you add or move [Presence] after Setup...".
3 = Read as, "After one or more lands become a Sacred Site for you, Push all Dahan from those lands."
Frequently Asked Questions
However, it is possible to upgrade/downgrade a piece multiple times if they are replaced as part of different instructions (e.g., downgrading the same Invader with two different thresholds of
Lost in the Endless Dark) or with two different actions (e.g., different players downgrading pieces in the same land with
Trade Suffers at Terror Level III). Also, the special rule granted by
Serene Waters explicitly allows choosing the same piece twice even if the timing is ambiguous.
Tags: Timing, Upgrade, Downgrade, Replace, 7 more...
That being said, you can count an Incarna on the island as Presence for the purpose of checking where it moves. So, e.g., Wandering Voice Keens Delirium can count its Incarna as the Presence it's moving the Incarna to, thereby
moving the Incarna to the land it's already in (which would then add Strife with
Spread Tumult and Delusion).
For Despicable Theft in particular, all Thieves in one Coastal land escape as a single action, so if multiple numbered Thieves escape from that land, accelerate the deck from all of them before resolving the revealed Reminder Card.
Tags: Reminder Cards, Accelerate, Ordering, Despicable Theft, 1 more...
In the Confounding Mists case, this most commonly occurs due to a Build or Explore action, but can also happen due to Events, Adversary effects, or Scenarios.
Pieces that are pushed, gathered, brought, or otherwise moved then count as "moved," but not "added." Replacing one piece with another (or multiple others) counts as
neither adding nor moving the new pieces; while the pieces representing that entity have changed, the entity itself is not a new arrival.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Replace, Push, Gather, Move, 11 more...
The Violence Aspect has no special interactions with Powers that:
- Change how or how much Damage is done by something else, like Concealing Shadows and Flame's Fury;
- Save pieces from destruction, like Birds Cry Warning and Flowing and Silent Forms Dart By;
- Check when pieces are destroyed, like Portents of Disaster;
- Interact with damaged/destroyed pieces, like Gift of Abundance and Vanish Softly Away, Forgotten by All; or
- Only include "Damage" or "Destroy" in their reminder text, like Dread Apparitions and Stubborn Solidity
(Some Power Cards, like Instruments of Their Own Ruin, fit into one or more of the above categories but also Damage or Destroy pieces, so the Violence Aspect can use its extra plays on them.)
As of the release of Nature Incarnate, there are no Power Cards with the Fear symbol that don’t generate Fear, so
An Ominous Dawn and
Wavering Resolve have no sneaky exceptions. Also see
this FAQ about
Gift of Wind-Sped Steps, which has similar conditions, but for Gather and Push.
Tags: Checking for instructions, Damage, Destroy, Fear, 3 more...
Thematically, the Dahan both know the island and how to get around on it much better (so many things which will block or stall Invaders aren't as big an obstacle), and have good relations with enough Spirits that they can get some help in circumventing even supernatural effects.
Tags: Isolate
So, e.g., the Cultural Assimilation event tells you to replace a Dahan that's adjacent to a City. If either the land with the City or the land with the Dahan were Isolated, the players could nullify the adjacency. If every possible
City - lone Dahan pair were separated this way, the players could thwart the Event on that board.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Isolate, Cultural Assimilation
This only applies if the Invaders are all being removed as part of a single action (e.g., in
Inspire a Release of Stolen Lands or
Wavering Resolve). If "each player" is removing Invaders (e.g.,
Seek Safety,
Belief Takes Root,
Depart the Dangerous Land), then that's one action per player – the totals can't be combined.
Tags: Health, Inspire the Release of Stolen Lands, Wavering Resolve, Seek Safety, 2 more...
Similarly, it's impossible to increase the Defend of an action that isn't already Defending, move more pieces with an action that isn't moving anything, etc.
There's no “in between” state where it loses its Health bonus for being out of the first land, but hasn’t yet arrived in the second land; it’s either in the first land and has a Health bonus or in the second land and doesn’t have a Health bonus.
Depending on the Power and Incarna in question, this may be weaker than when used by the original Spirit. For example, while "Frightful Keening" can still push the Incarna of Wandering Voice Keens Delirium, and still generates Fear if pushing into a land with Invaders, only Wandering Voice Keens Delirium can use that Power to add Strife via "Keening Spurs Grievances."
Tags: Transferring Power Cards, Incarna, Entwined Power, Blazing Intimidation (Ember-Eyed Behemoth), 7 more...
More precisely, the order is:
- Take Blight off the card. If this empties the card, flip it, refill the Blight pool, and resolve any ‘Immediately’ effects on the card as a nested Action.
- Actually put the Blight in the land.
- Destroy Presence and do anything else that cares “when” this happens, like Kingdom of Sweden Level 5, Tsardom of Russia Level 1, or the Blight card All Things Weaken.
- If Blight was already present, cascade (returning to Step 1 in that adjacent land).
- Finish resolving the Action (usually the Ravage) that caused the Blight card to flip.
- Perform any Triggered Actions that care about Blight being added, like Kingdom of Scotland Level 5.
In particular, if more Invaders are added to the land being Ravaged
(e.g., with Promising Farmlands), they don't deal more damage, as that step has already happened; however, they are susceptible to a Dahan counterattack, and any new Dahan
(e.g., with Unnatural Proliferation) would participate.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Blighted Island, Timing, Nested Actions, Blight, 13 more...
Sufficient Vitality will also prevent extra effects of Blight being added, including those from
Mining Rush (The Kingdom of Sweden Level 5),
Irreparable Damage (The Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony) Additional Loss Condition),
Runoff and Bilgewater (The Kingdom of Scotland Level 5),
Fragile Sands (Varied Terrains), and
All Things Weaken (Blight Card).
Tags: Blight, Vitality, Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony), Kingdom of Sweden, 7 more...