Effect Rules

Errata / Updates

Core game - 4th and 5th printings
Errata for core Rulebook p. 19 (Repeat) -- The final line of details about Repeating a Power ("It does not count as using a new Power") should read "It does count as using a new Power". (Spurious "not".)
Tags: Repeat, Rulebook
Branch & Claw, Core game - all printings
Errata / clarification on older materials with imprecise wording -- Some earlier game materials use terms that are now ambiguous with the more precise terminology introduced in Jagged Earth. For the most part, they work just as they always have, but in case additional clarity is needed:
  • Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares - their Special Rule is a modifier - when your Power would Destroy Invaders, instead generate Fear (and perhaps Push them).
  • France lvl 6 - "After the normal Explore Phase," should read "After resolving an Explore Card,"
  • Event: Fortification - first sentence should read: After advancing Invader Cards: perform a Build Step for one terrain not shown under any Invader Action.
  • Event: Cash Crops Take Hold - first sentence should read: Perform a Ravage Step for one terrain not shown under any Invader Action.
The only mechanical change is that France 6 will behave slightly differently if there are 0 or 2+ Explore cards in a turn, adding one Explorer per card instead of a flat 1.
Jagged Earth - 1st and 2nd printings
Update for Badlands tokens -- Instead of "the first time an action damages Invaders", each Badlands token boosts damage "one time an action damages Invaders". (So it could be the 2nd time, 3rd time, etc.)
This is relevant only rarely – e.g., on "Pyroclastic Bombardment" (which deals damage to Invaders multiple times with different restrictions on which Invaders can take Damage), or "Voice of Command" (which causes a Ravage to deal damage to Invaders multiple times with different restrictions).
(Badlands works the same way for Dahan - boosting damage one time, rather than the first time – but there are no actions where that makes much of a practical difference.)
Tags: Badlands, Voice of Command, Pyroclastic Bombardment (Volcano Looming High)
Core game - 4th and 5th printings
Errata for core rulebook, p. 19, "Gather and Push" -- In the 2nd paragraph 4th line, there's an extra "not" - the text should read "If Pushing multiple things, they may go to different lands or not..."
Tags: Push, Rulebook
Core game, Branch & Claw, Promo, Jagged Earth - all printings
Errata / Clarification on which items are triggered actions -- Jagged Earth formalized how triggered actions work. The following earlier items are triggered actions ("after X, do Y") even though their wording doesn't use "after":
  • Vengeance of the Dead (Major Power, core game);
  • Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp special rule, core game);
  • Sworn to Victory1 (Thunderspeaker special rule, core game);
  • Blazing Presence2 (Heart of the Wildfire special rule, promo 1);
  • Constant Raiding (Dahan Insurrection Scenario rule, core game);
  • Military Response (Dahan Insurrection Scenario rule, core game).
The following items are also triggered actions ("after X, do Y") even though their wording doesn't use "after" (but practically speaking it doesn't matter much):
  • Portents of Disaster (Minor Power - Branch & Claw);
  • Forbidden Ground3 (Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds special rule - Branch & Claw);
  • Deep Layers Exposed to the Surface (Stone's Unyielding Defiance special rule - Jagged Earth)
1 = The trigger is "After a Ravage destroys 1 or more Dahan..." and does not involve Blight; see this FAQ entry for elaboration.
2 = This rule used to say "When you add or move Presence...". More recent printings of the Spirit correctly say "After you add or move [Presence] after Setup...".
3 = Read as, "After one or more lands become a Sacred Site for you, Push all Dahan from those lands."
See Summary of Action rules for more details on how triggered actions work in general.
Adversary instructions saying "After Setup:" are not triggered actions, but just a specification of when that rule applies ("not during Setup"). We apologize for the wording overlap, and will be using "During Play:" or "Post-Setup:" moving forward.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Vengeance of the Dead, Portents of Disaster, Sworn to Victory (Thunderspeaker), 5 more...
Branch & Claw - 3rd printing
Errata for B&C rulebook, p. 15: -- A bullet-point was missed; it should read, "◦ Defend Powers apply each time the Invaders do Damage in a land.
 ◦ Each time the land itself is Damaged is separate ... "
Tags: Rulebook, Defend

Frequently Asked Questions

When I can count one piece as another, can I change that mid-action? (eg: counting Many Minds Move as One's sacred sites as a Beasts?)
Not generally, no. Unless otherwise specified, the rule for "You may count Thing X as Thing Y" is that you choose per piece, per action, and your decision applies for that whole action.
You can choose differently for nested actions - eg, if you flip the Blight card and it has immediate effects. (Example: You play Insatiable Hunger of the Swarm, and count all of your Sacred Sites as Beasts. It adds Blight which flips the Blight Card, revealing the one which destroys 1 Beasts on each board. You choose to not count any of your Sacred Sites as Beasts for that. You then continue resolving Insatiable Hunger of the Swarm, and your Sacred Sites count as Beasts for it.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Counts As, Settle Into Hunting-Grounds, Many Minds Move as One, A Joining of Swarms and Flocks (Many Minds Move as One), 0 more...
However, it is possible to upgrade/downgrade a piece multiple times if they are replaced as part of different instructions (e.g., downgrading the same Invader with two different thresholds of Lost in the Endless Dark) or with two different actions (e.g., different players downgrading pieces in the same land with Trade Suffers at Terror Level III). Also, the special rule granted by Serene Waters explicitly allows choosing the same piece twice even if the timing is ambiguous.
Tags: Timing, Upgrade, Downgrade, Replace, 7 more...
If a Spirit has a Growth Action that adds or moves its Incarna, can it just leave its Incarna in place (whether on the island or in the supply)?
No, the Growth Action isn't optional: if the Incarna is in the supply, it must be added; if it's on the island already, it must be moved.
That being said, you can count an Incarna on the island as Presence for the purpose of checking where it moves. So, e.g., Wandering Voice Keens Delirium can count its Incarna as the Presence it's moving the Incarna to, thereby moving the Incarna to the land it's already in (which would then add Strife with Spread Tumult and Delusion).
Similarly, with its empowering growth option Ember-Eyed Behemoth can choose to move its Incarna to any land within range 1, including the land it's already in.
Tags: Move, Counts As, Incarna, Wandering Voice Keens Delirium, 3 more...
When do you resolve a Reminder Card in the Invader Deck when accelerating multiple cards out of the deck (e.g., during the Despicable Theft scenario)?
If a Reminder Card is revealed in the middle of accelerating the deck, set it aside and then resolve it after the action that caused the acceleration (and any actions it triggered).
For Despicable Theft in particular, all Thieves in one Coastal land escape as a single action, so if multiple numbered Thieves escape from that land, accelerate the deck from all of them before resolving the revealed Reminder Card.
Tags: Reminder Cards, Accelerate, Ordering, Despicable Theft, 1 more...
In the Confounding Mists case, this most commonly occurs due to a Build or Explore action, but can also happen due to Events, Adversary effects, or Scenarios.
Pieces that are pushed, gathered, brought, or otherwise moved then count as "moved," but not "added." Replacing one piece with another (or multiple others) counts as neither adding nor moving the new pieces; while the pieces representing that entity have changed, the entity itself is not a new arrival.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Replace, Push, Gather, Move, 11 more...
Unlike for other Incarna, there is no way to bring back the Incarna of the Lair and Warrior Aspects. What happens if those Incarna get Destroyed/Removed/Replaced?
They usually remain in the Incarna supply for the rest of the game, since there's normally no way to bring them back[†]. Letting this happen is generally not a good idea. Fortunately, it is effectively impossible to Destroy, Remove, or Replace an Incarna without deliberately trying to do so, since the owner can choose to count the Incarna as no piece other than itself, and very few effects Destroy, Remove, or Replace pieces in general.
[†] As of the release of Nature Incarnate, the only way to restore these Incarna is via the optional high-tracking rules for Fragments of Yesteryear.
Tags: Remove, Destroy, Replace, Incarna, 3 more...
How does Vitality interact with effects that add two or more Blight at once (e.g., Kingdom of Sweden Level 1)?
Each Vitality prevents 1 Blight. Depending on the number of Vitality relative to the number of Blight added, this may or may not prevent all of the Blight.
Tags: Blight, Vitality, Kingdom of Sweden, Towering Roots of the Jungle, 3 more...
Can triggered actions be triggered by the action that set them up?
Yes, you check "did this action trigger anything?" after the action is complete. Lure of the Deep Wilderness' first innate does this, for instance.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Forsake Society to Chase After Dreams (Lure of the Deep Wilderness)
The Violence Aspect and An Ominous Dawn / Waving Resolve both check for Power Cards with specific instructions. Are there any Power Cards that use the specific words but don’t count?
Yes, the ones that use those words as part of a different instruction – or as part of no instruction at all! The Violence Aspect checks for Powers that actively do Damage or Destroy things, while An Ominous Dawn and Wavering Resolve check for Powers that add Fear, not just reference Fear as a concept.
The Violence Aspect has no special interactions with Powers that:
  • Change how or how much Damage is done by something else, like Concealing Shadows and Flame's Fury;
  • Save pieces from destruction, like Birds Cry Warning and Flowing and Silent Forms Dart By;
  • Check when pieces are destroyed, like Portents of Disaster;
  • Interact with damaged/destroyed pieces, like Gift of Abundance and Vanish Softly Away, Forgotten by All; or
  • Only include "Damage" or "Destroy" in their reminder text, like Dread Apparitions and Stubborn Solidity
(Some Power Cards, like Instruments of Their Own Ruin, fit into one or more of the above categories but also Damage or Destroy pieces, so the Violence Aspect can use its extra plays on them.)
As of the release of Nature Incarnate, there are no Power Cards with the Fear symbol that don’t generate Fear, so An Ominous Dawn and Wavering Resolve have no sneaky exceptions. Also see this FAQ about Gift of Wind-Sped Steps, which has similar conditions, but for Gather and Push.
Tags: Checking for instructions, Damage, Destroy, Fear, 3 more...
If your Incarna is the only Presence you have left on the island, do you need to continually count it as Presence to avoid losing?
No. You can choose to count it as Presence for victory and defeat checks without having to count it as Presence for everything else.
Similarly, pieces that can count as Beasts don't need to continuously count as such against the Tsardom of Russia, just for the victory and defeat checks.
Tags: Victory and Defeat, Counts As, Incarna, Settle Into Hunting-Grounds, 3 more...
Can Isolate apply to Dahan?
Not unless you're checking adjacency between Dahan and an Invader piece.
Thematically, the Dahan both know the island and how to get around on it much better (so many things which will block or stall Invaders aren't as big an obstacle), and have good relations with enough Spirits that they can get some help in circumventing even supernatural effects.
Tags: Isolate
For example, Asphyxiating Smoke deals 2 Damage to 1 Durable Town, so that can be increased to 3 Damage to 1 Durable Town by Flame’s Fury.
Tags: Durable, Badlands, Damage, Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony), 7 more...
What's the timing of Strife removal? When Invaders have reduced Health per Strife, do they get it back before damage is dealt?
The Strife is removed before they deal Damage (JE rules p. 7, Ravage Timing sidebar). This means that if their Health is reduced by Strife (via effects like the Panic Fear card) they get their Health restored first.
This matters if Dahan are dealing damage simultaneously to Invaders, with powers like Words of Warning or Why Don't You and Them Fight.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Strife, Ravage, Panic, Unrest, 5 more...
When an effect checks if the Ravage Step added Blight to a board (e.g., "Invested Aristocracy" or Level 6 of The Tsardom of Russia), which sources of Blight count?
Count Blight added during the Ravage Step, no matter the reason Blight was added at that time. While this will usually be Blight added by a Ravage Card, the condition can also be met by flipping a Blight Card that adds Blight on each board, like "Disintegrating Ecosystem".
Tags: Ravage, Invested Aristocracy, Tsardom of Russia, Disintegrating Ecosystem, 1 more...
What does Vitality do in lands with Blight?
Nothing, aside from existing for effects that check how many Vitality tokens are in a land, like Heart-Tree Guards the Land. If the Blight is later moved or removed, the Vitality can be used for its normal function.
Tags: Blight, Vitality, Towering Roots of the Jungle, Enduring Vitality (Towering Roots of the Jungle), 2 more...
So, e.g., the Cultural Assimilation event tells you to replace a Dahan that's adjacent to a City. If either the land with the City or the land with the Dahan were Isolated, the players could nullify the adjacency. If every possible City - lone Dahan pair were separated this way, the players could thwart the Event on that board.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Isolate, Cultural Assimilation
If two effects change when Dahan in a land do Damage (e.g., Words of Warning and Warn of Impending Conflict), which one takes precedence?
Your choice. So in this example, the best outcome is usually applying Words of Warning first to make all Dahan do Damage at the same time as Invaders, and then using Warn of Impending Conflict to make some of those Dahan strike first. (If you applied them in the other order, then all Dahan would do Damage at the same time as Invaders, since Words of Warning would overwrite Warn of Impending Conflict.)
Overwriting a timing change doesn't overwrite any other part of the effect. The Event Engage on Their Own Terms will still reduce Dahan Damage even if something else changes when Dahan do Damage.
Tags: Timing, Ravage, Action Modifiers, Engage on Their Own Terms, 5 more...
This only applies if the Invaders are all being removed as part of a single action (e.g., in Inspire a Release of Stolen Lands or Wavering Resolve). If "each player" is removing Invaders (e.g., Seek Safety, Belief Takes Root, Depart the Dangerous Land), then that's one action per player – the totals can't be combined.
Tags: Health, Inspire the Release of Stolen Lands, Wavering Resolve, Seek Safety, 2 more...
When you add Fear to the Fear pool mid-game, what exactly happens?
You add the specified number of Fear markers from the box to the top part of the Fear Pool. They behave as normal, so for the rest of the game, it takes more Fear to earn each Fear Card.
Tags: Fear, Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking
Can Invaders be Added to an Isolated land with no Invaders?
Generally, yes. Isolate only prevents Invaders from being Added due to Explore Actions (mandatory) and due to effects that check what Invaders are adjacent to (optional).
Tags: Isolate
Does "you can't destroy the same Invader twice in one action" also apply to Presence destruction?
Yes — a single action can't destroy the same Presence more than once.
This can happen with "Flowing and Silent Forms Dart" by in concert with anything that adds Blight one after another in multiple lands, like cascades or Volcano's "Explosive Eruption".
Tags: Destroy, Saved From Destruction, Blight, Presence, 8 more...
When a Spirit with an Incarna adds Presence, may it add its Incarna?
Yes, but only to reposition an Incarna already on the island. If the Incarna is not on the island, it doesn't count as Presence, so it can't be added by an action that adds Presence.
The Incarna is considered added even if it's repositioned back into the land it came from. (It's not considered moved.)
Tags: Adding Presence, Repositioning Presence, Counts As, Incarna, 2 more...
Do Damage bonuses apply to actions that conditionally do Damage even if those conditions aren't met?
No, it's impossible to boost an effect that isn't happening, whether because a player chose a different option (e.g., choosing to add a Badlands with Sear Anger Into the Wild Lands), the action is happening in a land that doesn't meet the conditions for the effect (e.g., Sear Anger Into the Wild Lands in a land without Wilds), or the relevant threshold isn't hit.
Similarly, it's impossible to increase the Defend of an action that isn't already Defending, move more pieces with an action that isn't moving anything, etc.
This is in contrast to checking the instructions of a Power to see if it has the potential to do something, like Gift of Wind-Spread Steps checking for Push/Gather instructions or the Violence Aspect checking for Damage/Destroy instructions.
Tags: Badlands, Territorial Aggression (Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot), Might Aspect (Vital Strength of the Earth), Heart of the Wildfire, 4 more...
There's no “in between” state where it loses its Health bonus for being out of the first land, but hasn’t yet arrived in the second land; it’s either in the first land and has a Health bonus or in the second land and doesn’t have a Health bonus.
Moving a damaged piece into a land where it has a Health penalty works similarly.
Tags: Health, Damage, Triggered Actions, Durable, 16 more...
What happens to Blight that is replaced with another piece?
Any Blight replaced during play goes to wherever removed Blight goes: the Blight Card or Blight space.
Tags: Replace, Blight, Transforming Aspect (Heart of the Wildfire), Ravaged Undergrowth Slithers Back to Life, 0 more...
It's akin to counting up the number of rocks that are white or red – a rock that's both white and red would only be counted once.
Tags: Counts As, Beset by Many Troubles, Beasts Prey on the Injured (Beasts Event), Settle Into Hunting-Grounds, 3 more...
Can the Violence Aspect use a bonus play for a Power Card that only might deal Damage to or Destroy something, like Veil the Night's Hunt?
Yes. The Violence Aspect just cares if the Power card has a "Damage" or "Destroy" instruction, whether or not Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares will resolve that instruction later in the turn.
What exactly does "healing damage" refer to for Unquenchable Flames and Shroud of Silent Mist's *Slow and Silent Death*?
Damage healing during Time Passes (and any future effects that use the word "heal").
It does not affect damage being cleared when an Invader or Dahan is saved from destruction.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Saved From Destruction, Damage, Time Passes, Birds Cry Warning, 5 more...
Is it possible to Remove, Replace, or Destroy an Incarna that is counting only at itself?
Yes, with either Fragments of Yesteryear or thresholded Cast Down Into the Briny Deep. If you don’t have an easy way to get your Incarna back, using either of those Powers near your Incarna is not recommended.
Tags: Destroy, Remove, Replace, Incarna, 2 more...
If a Dahan is not participating in Ravage, can it still grant Defend 1 in that Ravage from Bargains of Power and Protection or Canny Defense?
No, if a piece is not participating in Ravage, it can’t grant Defend in that Ravage or count towards an effect that grants Defend in that Ravage. However, in the rare case that Invaders do Damage to the land or to the Dahan outside of a Ravage due to a Power or Event, the Dahan will grant Defend and reduce that Damage.
This is only a problem for effects that apply to the entire island, and are thus rechecked every time they are relevant. Effects that check for or count Dahan in a single land lock in their Defend amount earlier in the turn.
Tags: Do not participate in Ravage, Bargains of Power and Protection, Canny Defense, Coordinated Defense, 5 more...
If both a Beasts and something that counts as a Beasts (e.g., a sacred site of Many Minds Move as One) are in the same land and something destroys a Beasts there, can you choose which one is destroyed?
Yes. Even if there are two ordinary Beasts tokens in a land, players get to choose which one gets destroyed – it just doesn't usually matter which one you pick.
Similarly, if a Presence and an Incarna are both in a land and something would destroy Presence there, the Spirit can choose whether to destroy the Presence or the Incarna.
Tags: Counts As, Incarna, Many Minds Move as One, A Joining of Swarms and Flocks (Many Minds Move as One), 8 more...
When instructed to "Repeat this Power", do you have to obey the range/target land restrictions?
Only if it doesn't tell you where to Repeat it. If a Repeat specifies where to use it, you obey those instructions instead of the usual Range and Target restrictions (p. 19) even if the land would normally be untargetable. In the rare case that the origin land matters when instructed to Repeat a Power in a specific land, it's the same origin land as the original power use.
For example, The Land Thrashes in Furious Pain could be Repeated on an adjacent land without Blight.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Repeat, Targeting, Range, The Land Thrashes in Furious Pain, 19 more...
What happens if a Power that references an Incarna is used by a Spirit that doesn't have that Incarna (e.g., if it's transferred via "Entwined Power")?
Resolve the Power exactly as written. Though an Incarna is associated with a particular Spirit, it's still a piece that other Spirits can interact with — they just don't normally have a way to do so.
Depending on the Power and Incarna in question, this may be weaker than when used by the original Spirit. For example, while "Frightful Keening" can still push the Incarna of Wandering Voice Keens Delirium, and still generates Fear if pushing into a land with Invaders, only Wandering Voice Keens Delirium can use that Power to add Strife via "Keening Spurs Grievances."
Tags: Transferring Power Cards, Incarna, Entwined Power, Blazing Intimidation (Ember-Eyed Behemoth), 7 more...
If a Power has a cap on the amount of Damage it can do, can Damage bonuses allow it to exceed that cap?
Yes. The cap is on the "natural" amount of Damage the Power can do before any bonuses are applied.
Similarly, if there is a cap on any other effect (e.g., tokens added by Utter a Curse of Dread and Bone), apply any bonuses after checking the cap.
Tags: Badlands, Blood Draws Predators, Swallowed by the Wilderness (Lure of the Deep Wilderness), Utter a Curse of Dread and Bone, 9 more...
When Blight is Added, what order do you perform all of the effects of Adding Blight? If you were in the middle of a Ravage, do you finish the Ravage first?
Do the ‘Immediately’ effects on the Blight card, and then finish resolving whatever caused the card to flip (whether it's a Ravage or something else).
More precisely, the order is:
  1. Take Blight off the card. If this empties the card, flip it, refill the Blight pool, and resolve any ‘Immediately’ effects on the card as a nested Action.
  2. Actually put the Blight in the land.
  3. Destroy Presence and do anything else that cares “when” this happens, like Kingdom of Sweden Level 5, Tsardom of Russia Level 1, or the Blight card All Things Weaken.
  4. If Blight was already present, cascade (returning to Step 1 in that adjacent land).
  5. Finish resolving the Action (usually the Ravage) that caused the Blight card to flip.
  6. Perform any Triggered Actions that care about Blight being added, like Kingdom of Scotland Level 5.
In particular, if more Invaders are added to the land being Ravaged (e.g., with Promising Farmlands), they don't deal more damage, as that step has already happened; however, they are susceptible to a Dahan counterattack, and any new Dahan (e.g., with Unnatural Proliferation) would participate.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Blighted Island, Timing, Nested Actions, Blight, 13 more...
When Repeating a Power that has choices, do you have to make the same choice the second time?
No, when Repeating a Power, you can make different choices unless the Power explicitly says otherwise. This can include:
When Blight is added to a land with Vitality, does it destroy Presence?
Not if there's enough Vitality to prevent all of the Blight from being added.
Sufficient Vitality will also prevent extra effects of Blight being added, including those from Mining Rush (The Kingdom of Sweden Level 5), Irreparable Damage (The Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony) Additional Loss Condition), Runoff and Bilgewater (The Kingdom of Scotland Level 5), Fragile Sands (Varied Terrains), and All Things Weaken (Blight Card).
Tags: Blight, Vitality, Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony), Kingdom of Sweden, 7 more...