Nature Incarnate clarifies that when a Spirit does stuff with Presence, it refers to that Spirit’s Presence unless otherwise specified.
This is sort of a change from the previous default (the previous default wasn't consistent – e.g., Growth choices never bothered to specify that you were Adding your own Presence), but it only impacts two older items: Draw Towards a Consuming Void (which gets an updated version in Nature Incarnate) and Finder of Paths Unseen (which can definitely move Presence from any Spirit, but reprinting the Spirit Panel and 4 Uniques in NI would be somewhat prohibitive, so it's getting this erratum). Tags: Presence, Move, Finder of Paths Unseen, Lay Paths They Cannot Help But Walk (Finder of Paths Unseen), 4 more...
This can happen with "Flowing and Silent Forms Dart" by in concert with anything that adds Blight one after another in multiple lands, like cascades or Volcano's "Explosive Eruption". Tags: Destroy, Saved From Destruction, Blight, Presence, 8 more...
So in a 4-player game, if you choose the "destroy Presence" option for every board, you'll destroy 8 Presence. If a given board doesn't have 2 Presence on it to destroy, you must choose the other option if possible. (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Events, Total, On Each Board, Presence, 5 more...
For instance, Gift of Living Energy (a Minor Power) wouldn't count it towards "If you have at least 2 Sacred Sites...", nor would Fear of the Unseen (a Fear Card) treat it as a Sacred Site for scaring away Invaders.
Note that if you Entwine with River Surges in Sunlight, their River's Domain Special Rule only applies to them (read it as "counts as your Sacred Site"). So for targeting, they would treat any Wetland where either of you have Presence as a Sacred Site, but you would still need 2+ Presence as usual. Tags: Sacred Sites, Presence, Entwined Power, River's Domain (River Surges in Sunlight), 6 more...
This logic doesn't apply to Moving or Repositioning your only Presence, however - in those cases, there's never a point in time when the Presence is off the island, so you still can measure Range or have a valid "your land". Tags: Adding Presence, Repositioning Presence, Move, Presence, 2 more...
If a Spirit is so sensitive to Blight that it has trouble adding Presence to lands having any, its Growth choices will explicitly reflect that. (eg: Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds, Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island.)
To draw a parallel: if you're in a house when it catches fire, you can die. But if you move into the half-charred ruin a year later, you don't suddenly burn to death. (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Presence, Blight, Growth
What happens to Presence when it gets removed or replaced?
If it is replaced during play, it goes to the destroyed Presence pile in the supply unless the particular effect says to put it elsewhere. From there, it can be restored by any effect that returns destroyed Presence to the island.
Anything replaced during setup is out of the game.
As of the release of Nature Incarnate, only four Presence-removing/replacing effects send the Presence somewhere special: "Transform to a Murderous Darkness," "Call Forth Predators" (Sharp Fangs Behind the Leaves special rule), and both Bargains remove replaced Presence from the game. (Though Bargains put the Presence on reminder cards, this is just to help players track how many times they made the Bargain; Bargains scale with the number of times they are made, not the number of Presence on the reminder card.) Tags: Replace, Presence, Remove, Bargain, 13 more...
Very few effects currently let you add destroyed Presence, like the "Steady Regeneration" special rule for A Spread of Rampant Green or the major power "Blazing Renewal." (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Presence, Growth, Destroyed Presence
Can cascading Blight kill Presence twice?
Yes, it can. Each time you add one or more Blight to a given land - including cascades - destroy 1 Presence from every Spirit there. (p. 15)
So if you had a hideously bad cascade that added Blight to 4 different lands, in each of those 4 lands you'd destroy a Presence from each Spirit.
In the very odd case that you decided to double-back a Blight cascade to hit the same land a second time, you'd again destroy 1 Presence from every Spirit there then continue cascading. This is nearly always a terrible idea. (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Blight, Presence
Do Range buffs apply to Powers that affect "a land with your Presence" or "one of your lands"?
No. "A land with your Presence" specifies a requirement for the land you're affecting (similar to, eg, "a land with Dahan" or "a land with Blight"), not a numeric Range. While it is usually the same in practice as "a land at Range 0", when using effects that modify Range the distinction matters.
For powers like Punish Those Who Trespass or Firestorm that have a base effect with normal range and a further effect referring to "lands where you have presence", the range on the base effect can be extended, but the further part cannot.
For instance, if you reach all the thresholds of Punish Those Who Trespass and have extended range, you can use the base effect to deal damage in a distant land and use the further part to deal damage where you have presence (without extension). (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Range, Presence, Targeting, Reaching Grasp, 10 more...
How does one move Presence during Growth?
When a Growth choice says "Move Presence" (with a curved arrow), move one of your Presence up to the shown number of lands away from where it currently lies. When the Growth option says "Add Presence", but instead of adding from your Presence track you choose to add one already on the board (per the p. 14 sidebar), you can take it from anywhere. (This is still considered "adding a Presence", not "moving a Presence"; later reprints of the rulebook use the term repositioning.)
As of 2020, the only published Spirits for whom getting around land-type restrictions is relevant are Ocean's Hungry Grasp (base game, cannot normally have Presence in inland lands), Lure of the Deep Wilderness (Jagged Earth, cannot normally have Presence in coastal lands), and Volcano Looming High (Jagged Earth, can normally only have Presence in Mountains). (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Presence, Indomitable Claim, Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island, Ocean's Hungry Grasp, 2 more...
Some printings of the core game and Jagged Earth came with an extra token of each color. Use these as a spare. For the scenario Guard the Isle's Heart, the extra Presence at the start of the game comes from your Presence tracks, not this extra token.