Frequently Asked Questions
The extra Element lets Immense still get a benefit from advancing to having an odd number of plays, despite the 3rd and 5th plays not actually allowing Immense to play any more Power Cards.
Tags: Elements, Immense Aspect (Lightning's Swift Strike)
Can the Intensify Aspect spend any Element markers on Push, Gather, Bring, Upgrade, or Downgrade instructions?
Yes. Push, Gather, and Bring are all special forms of Move, so they can be boosted with Water markers. Upgrade and Downgrade are special forms of Replace (or Remove, in the case of downgrading Explorers), so they can be boosted with Moon markers.
Tags: Element markers, Upgrade, Downgrade, Push, 3 more...
Dark Fire essentially tracks only seven Elements: Sun, Darkfire, Air, Water, Earth, Plant, and Animal. As far as it's concerned, a Power in play with both Moon and Fire on it has 2 Darkfire symbols on it, and a 4 Moon 2 Fire threshold is a 6 Darkfire threshold.
Tags: Elements, Dark Fire Aspect (Shadows Flicker Like Flames)
By expanding in from another board, it's thus possible to make an Ocean that's split into two parts: the printed Ocean and the bay formed from the Ocean on another board. Since the two parts make up a single Ocean, they're one land any time the Ocean is treated as a land, all pieces in one are also in the other, etc. While it may be more thematic for each land to become part of the Ocean it was sunk from, playing that way ends up raising a bunch of extra rules questions and requires extra tracking.
If an action affects multiple lands, can the Intensify Aspect spend prepared Element markers to affect multiple lands?
Yes, but it must spend separately for each land, and is still limited to one marker of each type for the whole action. It's thus uncommon to usefully increase the effect in multiple lands, but, e.g.,
Bloodwrack Plague could be boosted with an Animal marker to add an additional Disease in target land, an Earth marker to increase the Defend in one adjacent land, and (with threshold) a Fire marker to increase the Damage in a different adjacent land.
Tags: Action Modifiers, Bloodwrack Plague, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages)
As an example, consider
Infestation of Venomous Spiders. In the Fast Phase, Intensify can spend an Animal marker to add +1 Beasts and a Water marker to gather up to +1 Beasts. If it hits the threshold, it can also spend Fire each time the Damage triggers (usually in the Ravage Step, Build Step, or Explore Step) to increase that instance of Damage by 1.
Tags: Timing, Element markers, Triggered Actions, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), 0 more...
However, this rarely matters. Reclaimed by the Deeps will almost certainly change the contents of the land anyway by doing at least one of:
They generally can't spend Element Markers to boost the Powers of other Spirits, even if those Powers involving Shifting Memory of Ages making choices, since using a Power is the action of the Spirit targeting the Power, not the Spirit being targeted.
To cover some of the more unusual cases:
- Intensify can spend Element markers on actions granted to it by other Spirits to use at a later point in the turn, like adding a Disease with Scream Disease Into the Wind or doing Damage with Gift of the Sparking Sky.
- Intensify can spend a Fire marker on a Ritual of Destroying Flame.
- Intensify can't spend Element markers on benefits that aren't actions, like the ongoing defense from Bargains of Power and Protection.
If the Mentor Aspect gives another Spirit Elemental Boon, which Element Markers can they pick from? How about if it gives Gift of Nature’s Connection?
While not in play,
Elemental Boon counts has having whichever Elements on it are most convenient, so Mentor can get 2 Element Markers of their choice when gifting that Minor Power.
Gift of Nature's Connection, on the other hand, has no Elements printed on it, so Mentor gets only 1 Element Marker when gifting it.
Tags: Element markers, Elemental Boon, Gift of Nature's Connection, Mentor Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), 0 more...
This also applies in the rare case that the Dark Fire Aspect is gifted "Elemental Teachings" and spends a prepared Element marker to have an Element for a single action. But it
doesn't let the Dark Fire Aspect use Moon markers as Fire markers or vice versa, whether to spend with "Elemental Teachings" or spend for the effect via the Intensify Aspect. (The Dark Fire Aspect has flexibility in the first case only because even though it spends a Moon Marker as a Moon Marker, the resulting Moon Element can instead count as a Fire Element.)
Tags: Elements, Element markers, Elemental Invocation, Dark Fire Aspect (Shadows Flicker Like Flames), 2 more...