
Frequently Asked Questions

When the Immense Aspect would grant an extra Element at the end of the Spirit Phase, do its Plays count as 1 Play or half a Play?
1 Play. Immense has just as many Plays as Lightning's Swift Strike normally does; it just has to spend twice as many of them to play a card at the end of the Spirit Phase.
The extra Element lets Immense still get a benefit from advancing to having an odd number of plays, despite the 3rd and 5th plays not actually allowing Immense to play any more Power Cards.
Tags: Elements, Immense Aspect (Lightning's Swift Strike)
Can the Intensify Aspect spend any Element markers on Push, Gather, Bring, Upgrade, or Downgrade instructions?
Yes. Push, Gather, and Bring are all special forms of Move, so they can be boosted with Water markers. Upgrade and Downgrade are special forms of Replace (or Remove, in the case of downgrading Explorers), so they can be boosted with Moon markers.
Tags: Element markers, Upgrade, Downgrade, Push, 3 more...
You can't target an area that used to represent a particular sunken land, only the entire Ocean on that board. All of the former lands that make up the expanded Ocean lost their Setup Symbols during the merge. You'll remove Presence, Tokens, and Blight, and add nothing back (except possibly Ocean's Presence if using the thematic option for the Power).
Tags: Fragments of Yesteryear, Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
For the third level of Exaltation of the Storm-Wind, what does "one of your respective lands" mean?
It meant "the land of the Spirit doing the Pushing". Lightning would Push Explorers from one of its lands, then the target Spirit would Push Explorers from one of its own lands.
Tags: Wind Aspect (Lightning's Swift Strike)
Can the Intensify Aspect still prepare Element markers without the Insights Into the World's Nature special rule?
Yes. Prepare is defined in the game rules as of Nature Incarnate, so Shifting Memory of Ages no longer needs to define what "Prepare" means. (Prepare works the same as described in Insights Into the World's Nature, so it can be helpful to leave the first paragraph uncovered for easy reference.)
Tags: Prepare, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), Insights Into the World's Nature (Shifting Memory of Ages)
How many Minor Powers does the Nourishing Aspect gain if Vital Strength of the Earth gains multiple Major Powers at once (e.g., from Entwined Power in solo)?
Just one. As a triggered action, Flourish with Nature's Strength can only gain 1 Minor Power per action, no matter how many Major Powers are gained during that action.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Gaining Power Cards, Nourishing Aspect (Vital Strength of the Earth)
Can the Intensify Aspect spend Moon to increase the amount of [thing not on the island] removed by an Action?
No, Intensify can only affect the number of pieces removed from the island by the Remove keyword. It has no effect on actions that remove pieces from other locations (e.g., removing Presence from Presence tracks with Bargains or Transformative Sacrifice ).
Tags: Remove, Bargain, Transformative Sacrifice, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), 2 more...
What happens to pieces left in a land when Deeps sinks it?
On the off chance that Invaders or Dahan survive the sinking, they are cleaned up into the nearest legal land — this is not considered a move, is not an Action, and does not trigger anything, it is simply a correction of the game state. This happens only once you are not in the middle of an Action, and there are no pending triggered Actions (i.e., after each Action tree), just before checking for victory/defeat.
All other pieces remain where they are, which means they are now in the Ocean on that board.
Tags: Pieces, Illegally placed pieces, Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
Does a land sunk by the Deeps Aspect still have [printed trait]?
Generally, no. The now-expanded Ocean does not gain the terrain, land number, or setup symbols of the sunken land.
However, the expanded Ocean is adjacent to any lands the sunken land was adjacent to — at least those that are not already part of the Ocean.
Tags: Terrain, Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
When the Mentor Aspect is the target of Unlock the Gates of Deepest Power, what happens?
Shifting Memory of Ages draws two Major Powers, gains them both, and forgets nothing. If they meet the threshold requirements, they can play one of the new Power Cards – since the identity of "the Major Power" is ambiguous, Shifting Memory of Ages chooses which one is being referred to.
It doesn't matter who played the Power, just that Shifting Memory of Ages with the Mentor Aspect is the target.
Tags: Gaining Power Cards, Unlock the Gates of Deepest Power, Mentor Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), Gift of the Primordial Deeps (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island), 0 more...
Can the Intensify Aspect add multiple token types with Hazards Spread Across the Island?
No. Hazards Spread Across the Island can only add more of the chosen token you are adding, even if other tokens could have been chosen instead.
Similarly, if a Power allows adding multiple token types in combinations you choose (e.g., Utter a Curse of Dread and Bone), Intensify can only add extras of token types that are already being added. And if you could add tokens in multiple places (e.g., Spill Bitterness into the Earth), you can only add extra tokens where you already added tokens of that type.
Tags: Spirit tokens, Action Modifiers, Hazards Spread Across the Island, Utter a Curse of Dread and Bone, 5 more...
When the Warrior Aspect deals Damage by Dahan bringing its Incarna, can it deal the Damage before the move?
No, the Damage must be in the destination land. The Incarna hasn't been brought until it arrives in a land.
However, if one Power results in the Incarna being brought along multiple times (e.g., Gather the Warriors moving Dahan twice), the Incarna can deal Damage in any one of the lands it arrives in, even if that land is not its ultimate destination.
Tags: Timing, Warrior Aspect (Thunderspeaker), Gather the Warriors (Thunderspeaker), Call to Migrate, 0 more...
When Reclaimed by the Deeps sinks a land that has no adjacent lands (not even the Ocean), what happens to the Deeps tokens?
Since there are no lands to Push the Deeps Tokens to, those tokens stay in place. Since they're all "remaining Deeps," they get flipped and become reminder markers.
Tags: Push, Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
If the Locus Aspect lets a Spirit Repeat a Power Card at its Incarna, what happens if that Spirit uses the Power Card again (e.g., via Powerstorm)? Can they Repeat the Power Card at the Incarna again?
Yes, but only if the Spirit has enough absorbed Presence. Each Repeat granted by Strength of the Waking Island counts against the total number of Repeats it grants that Spirit that turn.
Tags: Repeat, Locus Aspect (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island)
When the Intensify Aspect uses a Plant marker to increase the amount of destroyed Presence added with an action, can it only add one extra instead of two extra?
Only if there's exactly one extra destroyed Presence to add. If there are two extra destroyed Presence, both must be added, even if you'd rather leave one of them destroyed.
Tags: Presence, Element markers, Action Modifiers, Destroyed Presence, 1 more...
When Dark Fire counts Moon as Fire (or vice versa), is that in addition to still being Moon?
No. A Moon that counts as Fire no longer counts as Moon for that action (but may count as Moon again for a future action).
Dark Fire essentially tracks only seven Elements: Sun, Darkfire, Air, Water, Earth, Plant, and Animal. As far as it's concerned, a Power in play with both Moon and Fire on it has 2 Darkfire symbols on it, and a 4 Moon 2 Fire threshold is a 6 Darkfire threshold.
Tags: Elements, Dark Fire Aspect (Shadows Flicker Like Flames)
What happens when the Deeps Aspect expands an Ocean onto another board? How about if it connects two Oceans from different boards?
When the Deeps Aspect sinks a land, that land becomes part of the Ocean on its board, whether or not it's actually adjacent to the printed Ocean on that board.
By expanding in from another board, it's thus possible to make an Ocean that's split into two parts: the printed Ocean and the bay formed from the Ocean on another board. Since the two parts make up a single Ocean, they're one land any time the Ocean is treated as a land, all pieces in one are also in the other, etc. While it may be more thematic for each land to become part of the Ocean it was sunk from, playing that way ends up raising a bunch of extra rules questions and requires extra tracking.
Connecting two Oceans from different boards just means that those Oceans are now adjacent to each other; they don't merge into a mega-Ocean.
Tags: Island Boards, Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
However, Intensify can strengthen Transformative Sacrifice by removing a 4th Presence from the island (in a land where the Power was already removing Presence) to take and play an additional card, since that power explicitly scales with the number of removed Presence.
Tags: Bargain, Bargains of Power and Protection, Bargain of Coursing Paths, Transformative Sacrifice, 1 more...
When the Dark Fire Aspect is playing a Scenario that cares about the Elements of cards you own, can it count Fire as Moon and vice versa?
Yes. Though the Aspect only explicitly refers to Elements in play and to choice Events, it's also intended to work with scenarios like Rituals of the Destroying Flame and Elemental Invocation.
Tags: Elements, Dark Fire Aspect (Shadows Flicker Like Flames), Rituals of the Destroying Flame, Elemental Invocation, 1 more...
When the Dark Fire Aspect discards a card with both Moon and Fire to pay for a choice event, how much Energy does that count towards the cost? How about if it forgets the power card isntead?
2 Energy and 4 Energy, respectively. The discard and forget options for Choice Events check if a card has a relevant Element, not how many of that Element is on the card.
Tags: Choice Events, Elements, Sacred Sites under Threat, New Species Spread, 2 more...
If Shadows with Reach ignores Range for a Power, then later Repeats that Power, do they get to ignore Range again?
Yes. When used on Power, Reach is treated as a modification to the Power's Range. (And Range modifiers apply to Repeats.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Range Boosts, Range, Reach Aspect (Shadows Flicker Like Flame)
If an action affects multiple lands, can the Intensify Aspect spend prepared Element markers to affect multiple lands?
Yes, but it must spend separately for each land, and is still limited to one marker of each type for the whole action. It's thus uncommon to usefully increase the effect in multiple lands, but, e.g., Bloodwrack Plague could be boosted with an Animal marker to add an additional Disease in target land, an Earth marker to increase the Defend in one adjacent land, and (with threshold) a Fire marker to increase the Damage in a different adjacent land.
Tags: Action Modifiers, Bloodwrack Plague, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages)
Can a land sunk by Deeps be targeted with Powers?
Yes, but only insofar as it's part of the entire Ocean on that board, and that Ocean as a whole can be targeted (if Ocean's Hungry Grasp is still present on the board).
It's impossible to only target the part of that Ocean that was formally a particular land in the same way that it's impossible to only target the left side of a printed land, or only target part of a joined land created by Weave Together the Fabric of Place.
Tags: Targeting, Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
When the Nourishing Aspect gains an extra Minor Power because it gained a Major Power, can it Forget the new Minor Power?
No. Completely resolve the action that gained the Major Power, including Forgetting, before gaining the Minor Power.
Tags: Forgetting, Triggered Actions, Gaining Power Cards, Timing, 1 more...
When does the Intensify Aspect spend Element Markers? Does it have to have Element Markers handy when it plays a Power during Spirit Phase?
When it's actually performing the instruction it wants to boost. In the case of Powers, this generally means when using the Power in either Fast Phase or Slow Phase. However, if a Power creates Triggered Actions, the markers are spent when the Triggered Action actually happens, which might be at a later time.
As an example, consider Infestation of Venomous Spiders. In the Fast Phase, Intensify can spend an Animal marker to add +1 Beasts and a Water marker to gather up to +1 Beasts. If it hits the threshold, it can also spend Fire each time the Damage triggers (usually in the Ravage Step, Build Step, or Explore Step) to increase that instance of Damage by 1.
Tags: Timing, Element markers, Triggered Actions, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), 0 more...
Does Damage from the Deeps Aspect drown Invaders?
No, only drown Invaders if the instructions use the word "Drown," as in the second threshold.
Tags: Damage, Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
However, this rarely matters. Reclaimed by the Deeps will almost certainly change the contents of the land anyway by doing at least one of:
Can the final threshold of the Lair Aspect move an Invader more than once if at least 12 Explorers/Dahan are present?
Yes. Since the Gathers are resolved sequentially, you can choose the same Invader each time to be the one being gathered.
Tags: Timing, Lair Aspect (Lure of the Deep Wilderness)
What can the Intensify Aspect spend its Element markers on, aside from its Powers?
Any other Spirit action that Shifting Memory of Ages is doing. However, almost all of the Spirit actions that the Intensify Aspect can usefully boost are either the use of one of their powers or a triggered action created by their powers (e.g., increasing the Damage from Vengeance of the Dead).
They generally can't spend Element Markers to boost the Powers of other Spirits, even if those Powers involving Shifting Memory of Ages making choices, since using a Power is the action of the Spirit targeting the Power, not the Spirit being targeted.
To cover some of the more unusual cases:
  • Intensify can spend Element markers on actions granted to it by other Spirits to use at a later point in the turn, like adding a Disease with Scream Disease Into the Wind or doing Damage with Gift of the Sparking Sky.
  • Intensify can spend a Fire marker on a Ritual of Destroying Flame.
  • Intensify can't spend Element markers on benefits that aren't actions, like the ongoing defense from Bargains of Power and Protection.
If the Mentor Aspect gives another Spirit Elemental Boon, which Element Markers can they pick from? How about if it gives Gift of Nature’s Connection?
While not in play, Elemental Boon counts has having whichever Elements on it are most convenient, so Mentor can get 2 Element Markers of their choice when gifting that Minor Power. Gift of Nature's Connection, on the other hand, has no Elements printed on it, so Mentor gets only 1 Element Marker when gifting it.
Tags: Element markers, Elemental Boon, Gift of Nature's Connection, Mentor Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), 0 more...
Do the modifiers from Intensify carry over when Repeating a Power?
No, since they apply to actions (e.g., one use of a Power) rather than to Powers directly. However, since each new use of a Power is a new action, the marker limit resets for each subsequent use.
Tags: Repeat, Action Modifiers, Element markers, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), 0 more...
Does the Bonus space on the Intensify Aspect grant extra Element Markers?
No, that space works like any other Elements on a Presence Track: Shifting Memory of Ages adds those Elements to its total for the purpose of hitting Elemental thresholds and paying for Choice Events.
However, the Moon element gives the Intensify Aspect reliable access to at least one Element Marker each turn via "Observe the Ever-Changing World."
Tags: Bonus Spaces, Elements, Element markers, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), 1 more...
Does the Deeps Aspect change which lands are Coastal by sinking lands?
Yes. Lands are Coastal if they're adjacent to any Ocean, even one on another board.
This can be rather inconvenient when the Coastal lands Invader Card shows up or against the Kingdom of Scotland, so be careful!
Tags: Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Kingdom of Scotland, Weave Together the Fabric of Place
When Dark Fire gains a Moon/Fire for only a single action (e.g., when playing Elemental Invocation), can it treat that Element as the other?
Yes. That is an Element available to you, even if it's only available for a limited purpose.
This also applies in the rare case that the Dark Fire Aspect is gifted "Elemental Teachings" and spends a prepared Element marker to have an Element for a single action. But it doesn't let the Dark Fire Aspect use Moon markers as Fire markers or vice versa, whether to spend with "Elemental Teachings" or spend for the effect via the Intensify Aspect. (The Dark Fire Aspect has flexibility in the first case only because even though it spends a Moon Marker as a Moon Marker, the resulting Moon Element can instead count as a Fire Element.)
Tags: Elements, Element markers, Elemental Invocation, Dark Fire Aspect (Shadows Flicker Like Flames), 2 more...
Do Explorers gathered by the Lair Aspect's final threshold enable that threshold to gather more Invaders?
No, the amount of times the Lair Aspect gets to gather with that threshold is set at the start of the threshold.
Nevertheless, the other two thresholds can increase this count, since they're resolved first.
Tags: Timing, Lair Aspect (Lure of the Deep Wilderness)
When happens to the Deeps tokens left over by Reclaimed by the Deeps? Can they be used to sink other lands if they can somehow get moved (e.g., by Weave Together the Fabric of Place)? If they are moved, does that un-sink the land they were in?
The remaining Deeps tokens become reminder markers, which are just helpful reminders to players of which areas of the board are part of the Ocean. Reminder markers don't interact with anything on the island and don't do anything as far as the rules are concerned.
In particular, they can't be moved and aren't Deeps tokens for future uses of Reclaimed by the Deeps.
Tags: Pieces, Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
What happens when the Mentor Aspect uses Entwined Power on another Spirit? How about if another Spirit targets Mentor?
If Mentor targets another Spirit, then that Spirit gains a Power Card normally (drawing four and picking one) and Mentor gains two of the remaining three Power Cards. If another Spirit targets Mentor, then Mentor draws two Power Cards (4-2), gains two (1+1), and the other Spirit has no cards left to gain from.
Tags: Gaining Power Cards, Entwined Power, Mentor Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages)