Does the Bonus space on the Intensify Aspect grant extra Element Markers?

Does the Bonus space on the Intensify Aspect grant extra Element Markers?

No, that space works like any other Elements on a Presence Track: Shifting Memory of Ages adds those Elements to its total for the purpose of hitting Elemental thresholds and paying for Choice Events.
However, the Moon element gives the Intensify Aspect reliable access to at least one Element Marker each turn via "Observe the Ever-Changing World."
Category: Aspects
Tags: Bonus Spaces, Elements, Element markers, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), Observe the Ever-Changing World (Shifting Memory of Ages)
Products: Nature Incarnate
Created: Aug 12, 2023 4:07:28 AM
Last modified: Dec 4, 2024 6:47:00 AM