When does the Intensify Aspect spend Element Markers? Does it have to have Element Markers handy when it plays a Power during Spirit Phase?

When does the Intensify Aspect spend Element Markers? Does it have to have Element Markers handy when it plays a Power during Spirit Phase?

When it's actually performing the instruction it wants to boost. In the case of Powers, this generally means when using the Power in either Fast Phase or Slow Phase. However, if a Power creates Triggered Actions, the markers are spent when the Triggered Action actually happens, which might be at a later time.
As an example, consider Infestation of Venomous Spiders. In the Fast Phase, Intensify can spend an Animal marker to add +1 Beasts and a Water marker to gather up to +1 Beasts. If it hits the threshold, it can also spend Fire each time the Damage triggers (usually in the Ravage Step, Build Step, or Explore Step) to increase that instance of Damage by 1.
Category: Aspects
Tags: Timing, Element markers, Triggered Actions, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages)
Products: Nature Incarnate
Created: Jul 19, 2023 4:36:25 AM
Last modified: Jul 19, 2023 4:36:25 AM