Can the Intensify Aspect spend Moon to increase the amount of [thing not on the island] removed by an Action?

Can the Intensify Aspect spend Moon to increase the amount of [thing not on the island] removed by an Action?

No, Intensify can only affect the number of pieces removed from the island by the Remove keyword. It has no effect on actions that remove pieces from other locations (e.g., removing Presence from Presence tracks with Bargains or Transformative Sacrifice ).
Category: Aspects
Tags: Remove, Bargain, Transformative Sacrifice, Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages), Bargain of Coursing Paths, Bargains of Power and Protection
Products: Nature Incarnate
Created: Jul 16, 2023 10:55:18 PM
Last modified: Jul 16, 2023 10:55:18 PM