What can the Intensify Aspect spend its Element markers on, aside from its Powers?
What can the Intensify Aspect spend its Element markers on, aside from its Powers?
Any other Spirit action that Shifting Memory of Ages is doing. However, almost all of the Spirit actions that the Intensify Aspect can usefully boost are either the use of one of their powers or a triggered action created by their powers (e.g., increasing the Damage from Vengeance of the Dead).
They generally can't spend Element Markers to boost the Powers of other Spirits, even if those Powers involving Shifting Memory of Ages making choices, since using a Power is the action of the Spirit targeting the Power, not the Spirit being targeted.
To cover some of the more unusual cases:
- Intensify can spend Element markers on actions granted to it by other Spirits to use at a later point in the turn, like adding a Disease with Scream Disease Into the Wind or doing Damage with Gift of the Sparking Sky.
- Intensify can spend a Fire marker on a Ritual of Destroying Flame.
- Intensify can't spend Element markers on benefits that aren't actions, like the ongoing defense from Bargains of Power and Protection.