
Errata / Updates

Invader Actions
  • Core game - 1st printing
    Errata for core rulebook, p. 9 (Ravage) -- Ravaging Invaders damage Dahan and the land separately, equally, and simultaneously. (The word "simultaneously" was accidentally omitted on p. 9, though the example on p. 11 is correct.)
    Currently relevant in certain cases of a Ravage destroying one of Vital Strength of the Earth's Sacred Sites. (The Defend 3 reduces overall damage done to both land and Dahan.)
    Wording fixed / clarified in 2nd printing. Numbered list replaced with a bulleted list in 3rd printing.
    Tags: Rulebook, Ravage, Damage, Earth's Vitality (Vital Strength of the Earth), 0 more...
Power Cards
  • Core game - 1st and 2nd printing
    Errata for timing on Vengeance of the Dead -- The base (pre-threshold) effect text should read, "3 Fear. After each effect that destroys Town/City/Dahan in target land, 1 Damage per Town/City/Dahan destroyed."
    What the Power does is identical, but the timing is different ("after" instead of "when"). This mostly only matters for Bringer of Dreams & Nightmares.
    (Eg: A land has two Towns and a City with 1 Damage. Bringer of Dreams & Nightmares uses Vengeance of the Dead. Lightning's Swift Strike uses max level Thundering Destruction to destroy Town, Town, City. The rephrased version clearly does 3 "Damage" after the complete resolution of Thundering Destruction; the original version was ambiguous.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Effect Rules
Event Cards
General Play
Invader Actions
Power Cards
Spirits and Innate Powers