How does "+1 Damage with Damage-dealing Powers" (e.g., Flame's Fury) work? What exactly does it increase?
How does "+1 Damage with Damage-dealing Powers" (e.g., Flame's Fury) work? What exactly does it increase?
For every power that does Damage, it increases one part of that Damage by 1.
For instance, if a power does "1 damage to each Invader", Flame's Fury would let you do 2 damage to one of those Invaders. If a power does "1 Damage to each Town/City", Flame's Fury would let you do 2 damage to one of the Towns or Cities. If a power does "1 Damage to 1 Town/City", then Flame's Fury would let you do 2 Damage to 1 Town/City. If a power does "1 damage" and then (with another condition) another "1 damage", then you deal a total of 3 damage. If a power does damage in multiple different lands, you only get the bonus in one of the lands. If a power ends up doing no damage at all for some reason, then you do not get a damage bonus.
You only get the bonus once per use of a damage-dealing power. If you use a Power multiple times by Repeating it, or if a Power sets up a triggered action that is triggered more than once, the bonus applies each time.
Category: Power Cards
Tags: Damage,
Triggered Actions,
Heart of the Wildfire,
Might Aspect (Vital Strength of the Earth),
Creepers Tear into Mortar (A Spread of Rampant Green),
Territorial Aggression (Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot),
Intensify Aspect (Shifting Memory of Ages),
Gift of Furious Might (Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot),
Flame's Fury (Heart of the Wildfire),
Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot
Products: Promo,
Jagged Earth,
Feather & Flame,
Nature Incarnate
Created: Sep 3, 2018 8:51:02 PM
Last modified: Mar 27, 2024 9:37:00 PM