Power Cards
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What the Power does is identical, but the timing is different ("after" instead of "when"). This mostly only matters for Bringer of Dreams & Nightmares.
(Eg: A land has two Towns and a City with 1 Damage. Bringer of Dreams & Nightmares uses Vengeance of the Dead. Lightning's Swift Strike uses max level Thundering Destruction to destroy Town, Town, City. The rephrased version clearly does 3 "Damage" after the complete resolution of Thundering Destruction; the original version was ambiguous.)
So the instructions for the 2nd option (after the "~or~") should read "Remove any number of (Beasts)/(Disease)/(Strife)/(Wilds). For each token removed, 1 (Fear) and 3 Damage."
Frequently Asked Questions
Example 1: You use Vengeance of the Dead on a land with many Towns which have each taken 1 Damage. If a Dahan dies there, Vengeance of the Dead will trigger and deal 1 damage (destroying a Town), but will not trigger further because it can't trigger itself.
Example 2: Same situation, but you've used Vengeance of the Dead
twice via a Repeat. This sets up
two triggered actions, call them A and B. If a Dahan dies there, trigger A will go off, destroying a Town (triggering B, destroying a Town), then trigger B will go off, destroying a Town (triggering A, destroying a Town). Neither branch can go further because triggers cannot trigger themselves, even indirectly.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Repeat, Triggered Actions, Vengeance of the Dead
For instance, Gift of Living Energy (a Minor Power) wouldn't count it towards "If you have at least 2 Sacred Sites...", nor would Fear of the Unseen (a Fear Card) treat it as a Sacred Site for scaring away Invaders.
Damage from a single effect is done simultaneously. For instance, with the threshold effect of Dissolve the Bonds of Kinship, a City, a Town, and 5 Explorers can wipe each other out.
If you Repeat Infestation of Venomous Spiders with threshold, does the "this Power" in the threshold refer to all uses of the Power that turn, granting Damage twice from each skip?
No, when you check what "this Power" does, it refers to one use of the Power, not every use that turn. Any Action skipped by one use of
Infestation of Venomous Spiders will only cause Damage from that use's threshold, not from any Repeats.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Repeat, Infestation of Venomous Spiders, Focus the Land's Anguish, 8 more...
Infinite Vitality only changes what
happens when you would add Blight to a land. It doesn't restrict in any way your ability to choose the land as a place Blight is added to.
Tags: Blight, Infinite Vitality
The instruction "1 Fear per Town/City this Power destroys" means that you generate some extra Fear if the power happens to destroy things. It's up to you to arrange how this happens, using the rest of the card.
Tags: Mists of Oblivion
In the less common case that you move pieces into lands marked by
different uses of
Bargain of Coursing Paths, it'll trigger each of those bargains separately. Each bargain can then move pieces to a different destination land.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Move, Bargain of Coursing Paths
For land types based on intrinsic (printed) characteristics (terrain, land number, Setup symbols, board), the conjoined land has the type of both original lands, even if this is normally impossible – you can create a land that's both Wetland and Jungle, both land #3 and land #1, has 4 Dahan setup symbols, and on both Board A and Board B.
Why is there a copy of Sea Monsters in Jagged Earth *and* in Branch & Claw? What's the difference?
The copy of Sea Monsters in Jagged Earth replaces the original version in Branch & Claw. It limits the maximum amount of Fear generated, to avoid ridiculous combos with Many Minds Move as One. The new text reads: "Add 1 [Beasts]. If Invaders are present, 2 [Fear] per [Beasts] (max. 8 [Fear]). 3 Damage per [Beasts]. 1 Damage per [Blight]. -If you have- 3 Water, 3 Animal: Repeat this power." If you have just Branch & Claw, you are welcome to use this new wording if you like, but it's not required.
If you have Jagged Earth but
not Branch & Claw, technically, you shouldn't add Sea Monsters to the Major Power deck. But it's not a huge deal if you do - the elemental balance of the Major Power deck isn't as tightly tuned as that of the Minor Powers.
Tags: Updated/Replacement Components, Sea Monsters, Many Minds Move as One
The rules for Strife start “Whenever Invaders Damage the Dahan and/or the Land …” An Explorer under the sway of Voice of Command is damaging other Invaders, and so is not affected by the Strife.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Strife, Voice of Command
You evaluate the condition when the Power is executed, not when the effect happens. For instance, "The Trees and Stones Speak of War" (without the threshold) gives Damage and Defense per Dahan present at the time you execute the power, not Dahan present during the Ravage Step.
What happens if Cast Down into the Briny Deep sinks a board where a land is under Absolute Stasis?
If you want and you have a convenient coaster or other object that can represent the Stasis'd land, then the Stasis'd land survives. If it is disjoint from the rest of the island, consider it Range 2 from the land(s) nearest to it, per the Archipelago rules in Jagged Earth. If you don't want to do this, or have no convenient way of representing a single land, then
Cast Down into the Briny Deep overwhelms the Stasis, ending its effects and affecting the land normally.
If by doing this you create a land with no adjacent lands, see
this FAQ for how, e.g., Blight Cascades work.
If you want to put in a bit more work, the most thematic option is to restore the land to how it looked at the end of setup, including the first Explore and all Spirit, Adversary, and Scenario setup. If you need to add Presence for a Spirit, use their destroyed Presence; if they don't have enough destroyed Presence, add as much as you can. Depending on the exact combination of Adversaries, Scenarios, and Spirits, this may require a good memory or photographs of the starting board state to track variable setup options (e.g., where Ocean's Hungry Grasp put its second Presence).
Tags: Spirit setup, Island setup, Disease, Beasts, 2 more...
Generally, the "+" in threshold effects is just to remind players that the damage is in addition to the damage up in the normal effects.
If you do have the threshold, you don't get the +1 Range again. (This is counter to a strict reading of the rules; the threshold would be better written as "This Power's Range is 1", the way Talons of Lightning's is.)
It does not protect against effects that "remove" or "replace" the Dahan.
(Cleaning up is not an action, not considered a move, and does not trigger actions; it is a correction of the game state.)
This can happen with, e.g., Presence placed in a normally-illegal location via Indomitable Claim.
This is for consistency with
other effects that alter an entire class of things, mostly on Fear Cards and Event Cards. Powers that affect a single land, or a land and its neighbors (e.g.,
Bloodwrack Plague;
Prey On the Builders) – check state at the moment they resolve.
This is entirely for ease of play. For a single-land effect, it's much easier to check prerequisites at the moment of resolution and not have to remember, e.g., "oh, I need to leave a Beasts in this land to cancel the Build". For widespread effects, it's much easier to remember a general rule like "Invaders skip actions in lands with 2 or more Dahan" than it is to note and remember every single land with 2 or more Dahan at that moment, and keep that memory until the Ravage happens.
Tags: Defend, Changed rulings, Encompassing Ward, Bargains of Power and Protection, 2 more...
This logic doesn't apply to Moving or Repositioning your only Presence, however - in those cases, there's never a point in time when the Presence is off the island, so you still can measure Range or have a valid "your land".
Tags: Adding Presence, Repositioning Presence, Move, Presence, 2 more...
More specifically:
- "Absorb Essence" effectively becomes "Gain 3 Energy. Target Spirit gains Any Element and 1 Energy." (You cannot follow the instruction "Move 1 of target Spirit's Presence to your 'Deep Slumber' track", because you do not have a Deep Slumber track.)
- Ocean's Special Rules define what "Drown" means: "Destroy Drowned pieces, placing Drowned Invaders here [on Ocean's playmat]." So if another Spirit Drowns an Invader, it is Destroyed (by that Spirit), then goes onto Ocean's playmat. Similarly, since "Terror Stalks the Land" defines what "Abduct" means, abducted pieces go to The Endless Dark whether or not Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine is the one using the Power.
- "Elemental Teachings" lets other Spirits prepare Element Markers, but what what they can do with them depends on whether or not Shifting Memory of Ages is using an Aspect.
- Powers that reference specific Incarna can still interact with that Incarna, but may be less effective.
- While any Spirit could perform the effects of many of Fractured Days' Unique Powers, they can't pay the time cost to use them in the first place.
Tags: Transferring Power Cards, Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Entwined Power, Swallow the Land-Dwellers (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), 8 more...
It doesn't matter who the Reminder Card is in front of; it's just a reminder. If table configuration allows, it is probably most convenient to put the Reminder Card between the players who have used the Power Card so that they can all easily reference it.
For example, if two Spirits each use Bargains of Power and Protection once, both of those Spirits grant Defend 1 to each Dahan within Range 1; it doesn't matter which one more recently used the Power. If a single Dahan is within Range 1 of both Spirits, that Dahan will provide Defend 2, since the two Defend 1 effects stack.
(The card was misprinted in the 2nd and 3rd printings of the core game, without the circle around the energy cost. It still has the turtle icon.)
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Song of Sanctity
The elemental threshold on "Powerstorm" allows the target spirit to repeat up to three different power cards.
Similarly if you move a piece inland, you move it further away from the Ocean: each land it moves through must be further from (any) Ocean than the one it left.
For example, if you use Crops Wither and Fade, you always gain 2 fear and then you may choose whether you are replacing a City or a Town. On the other hand, on Tormenting Rotflies, you either choose everything above the "or" or everything below it.
That being said, Ocean is not required to exchanged Drowned Invaders for Energy at a particular time, so it can save up Invaders on turns when it will not gain much Energy (avoiding fully paying for its Bargains on those turns) and then cash them out on a turn when it will gain a lot of Energy.
Tags: Energy, Bargain, Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Ocean's Hungry Grasp, 2 more...
So not just the arrow under "Target Land" on most Power Cards, but also, e.g., Range arrows in the text of Powers (e.g., Unrelenting Growth) and Range arrows in Spirit Phase actions (like "Move a Presence 1" as a Presence-track ability). Obviously, Power Cards that boost Range won't be able to help with Spirit Phase actions, because Power Cards are used too late in the turn for that.
- They do not affect Gather or Push, because there is no Range arrow. (And the definition of those keywords involves "an adjacent land".)
- They do not affect "Your land" or "lands with your Presence" because there is no Range arrow. (And that wording is about what is in the land, not how far away the land is.)
- They do not affect Ranges on other players' Powers (even if targeting you), because they are not your actions.
It also doesn't boost the Range at which Flame Markers make lands vulnerable to damage/destruction in Rituals of the Destroying Flame.
The original wording of "Sky Stretches to Shore," if read strictly, would cause it to work a little differently (only affecting targeting, not Range arrows in the text of Powers), but for the sake of consistency with other Powers that boost Range, it boosts all Range arrows.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Range Boosts, Reaching Grasp, Flow Like Water, Reach Like Air, Gift of Proliferation (A Spread of Rampant Green), 10 more...
The icon is an older version of the Town icon that snuck through. (It was changed because it looked too much like the City icon.)
Tags: Iconography, Call to Trade
Badlands and Flame's Fury respect limits on "What could this Power have damaged?" This may include caps on the number of Invaders being Damaged, or specification of exactly which Invader(s) are to be damaged.
If you have 5 Dahan in the target land, then Push 2 of them to two different adjacent lands, you'll end up with a Defend 6, a Defend 2, and a Defend 2, no matter how many/few Dahan are in the Pushed-to lands. (If you'd Pushed both Dahan to the same land, you'd end up with a Defend 6 and a Defend 4.)
If the Defend is boosted in some way in target land, that bonus Defend stays in target land and can't be moved with the Dahan. If
this Power is boosted to move more than 2 Dahan, Defend 2 moves with each of those additional moved Dahan. (Later moving the Dahan with another Power doesn't move the Defend with them.)
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Defend, Push, Dahan, The Trees and Stones Speak of War, 1 more...
As a general rule, "X deals damage to Y" merely specifies what you're allowed assign the damage to. Effects which damage every-one-of-a-thing will explicitly use the word "each", "every", or "all" - e.g., "to each Invader", "in every adjacent land", "destroy all Invaders", etc.
For instance, if a power does "1 damage to each Invader", Flame's Fury would let you do 2 damage to one of those Invaders. If a power does "1 Damage to each Town/City", Flame's Fury would let you do 2 damage to one of the Towns or Cities. If a power does "1 Damage to 1 Town/City", then Flame's Fury would let you do 2 Damage to 1 Town/City. If a power does "1 damage" and then (with another condition) another "1 damage", then you deal a total of 3 damage. If a power does damage in multiple different lands, you only get the bonus in one of the lands. If a power ends up doing no damage at all for some reason, then you do not get a damage bonus.
If all three interlockable edges of target board are accounted for (e.g., if target board is the "face" of the standard 5-player "crab" layout), then you can use any legal interlocking position that has a corner-to-corner adjacency with target board, even though that's not strictly "next to" target board. In the rare case even that isn't possible due to setup restrictions (e.g., Oceans being aligned during The Great River scenario, thematic boards all having only one possible position and orientation), you fail to add the new board and probably should have used the Power somewhere else.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Player-convenience choices, Archipelago, Thematic map, Dream of the Untouched Land, 1 more...
You add 1 Wilds to both the originating land (the land from which you're measuring Range) and the target land. At Range 0, these will be the same, so both Wilds tokens are added to the same land.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Targeting, Strangling Firevine
Cleverly overlapping multiple bargains in the same land(s) can squeeze out more than one move per bargain, but this is usually a waste of a bargain, rarely results in extra movement that matters, and grows in complexity
far faster than it grows in utility. It is mentioned here only to acknowledge the possibility of constructing a situation where the above answer is technically incorrect, just not in a way that matters >99% of the time.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Move, Bargain of Coursing Paths
If you want (player option) and you have a convenient item handy to mark a land as "destroyed, no longer exists", then Cast Down Into the Briny Deep will also destroy lands that are normally on other boards but were part of the destroyed board at the time of its destruction. (If this splits a board in two, lands on one side of the gap are considered Range 2 from lands on the other side.) But if you don't want to do this, or have no convenient way of marking the land as obliterated, it survives. Also, you can't do this for the Ocean, even if Oceans are in play.
Tags: Player-convenience choices, Weave Together the Fabric of Place, Cast Down into the Briny Deep
Usually, you will choose to do that Damage to Invaders, but with a power like Twilight Fog Brings Madness, you would have to do extra Damage to Dahan. Note that this is different from Badlands, which separately boosts Damage to Invaders and to Dahan.
For Growth Through Sacrifice, you check the threshold as soon as you face the choice between "add a Presence" and "remove a Blight" (to see if you can do both). If you don't have 2 Sun at that point, it doesn't matter if you get 2 Sun by adding a Presence, the time for checking "can you do both?" has passed. (Note that the ordering of the two options is irrelevant to this.)
If a Power on a Power Card has been modified, do those modifiers persist if the Power Card leaves play?
No, any modifiers to a Power in play, whether modifying Speed, Range, Target, or Effect, are to the Power in play, not to the Power Card itself. If the Power Card leaves play, it does not retain those modifications, nor does it automatically re-gain them if it is played again that turn.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Action Modifiers, Speed (Fast/Slow), Range Boosts, Slip the Flow of Time (Fractured Days Split the Sky), 1 more...
So if you had a City, a Town, and an Explorer all with Strife, the Town + Explorer could destroy the City while the City destroyed the Town + Explorer.
The first-pass answer was "yes" based on the idea that these things changed the Power's speed, but that proved the wrong direction.
- Boosts to total Invader Damage only benefit the Invaders' side - not the Explorers fighting alongside Dahan.
- Boosts to "Invader Damage against Dahan" (Xenophobia) apply to damage done to the Dahan side - it doesn't matter if the damage is allocated to Dahan or Explorers.
- Events counting the number of Invaders Ravaging (Fearful Mobs) count the pieces on the Invader's side - so not the Explorers. (A strict reading would count them, but this is wording for the normal case)
Can you disconnect the island using Cast Down into the Briny Deep?
Yes. For instance, if you sink the middle board in the "Coastline" layout variant 3-player game, there are now two island boards left. By default, there is no way to get from one board to the other, but
if you want (player option), you may treat lands that were Range 2 from each other before the sinking as still being Range 2 after the sinking, per the Archipelago rules.
(This can be annoying to track, which is why it's not a mandatory rule.)