Power Cards

Errata / Updates

Branch & Claw - 3rd printing
Errata for Major Power "Insatiable Hunger of the Swarm" -- The line starting "Each deal 1 (Fear), ..." should read "Each (Beasts) does 1 (Fear)..."
Core game - 1st and 2nd printing
Errata for timing on Vengeance of the Dead -- The base (pre-threshold) effect text should read, "3 Fear. After each effect that destroys Town/City/Dahan in target land, 1 Damage per Town/City/Dahan destroyed."
What the Power does is identical, but the timing is different ("after" instead of "when"). This mostly only matters for Bringer of Dreams & Nightmares.
(Eg: A land has two Towns and a City with 1 Damage. Bringer of Dreams & Nightmares uses Vengeance of the Dead. Lightning's Swift Strike uses max level Thundering Destruction to destroy Town, Town, City. The rephrased version clearly does 3 "Damage" after the complete resolution of Thundering Destruction; the original version was ambiguous.)
Core game - 4th and 5th printings
Errata for Major Power "Dissolve the Bonds of Kinship" -- Line 3 is missing an Explorer symbol; it should read "Push all {Explorer} from target land."
Branch & Claw - 3rd printing
Errata for Major Power "Pent-Up Calamity" -- "Remove an Invader of" should read "Remove any number of"
So the instructions for the 2nd option (after the "~or~") should read "Remove any number of (Beasts)/(Disease)/(Strife)/(Wilds). For each token removed, 1 (Fear) and 3 Damage."
A corrected version is planned for Errata Pack (Core 4th/5th, B&C 3rd).
Tags: Pent-Up Calamity
Branch & Claw - 3rd printing
Errata for Minor Power "Tormenting Rotflies" -- All three "generate Fear" instructions should be grouped together as the 2nd part of the "~or~". (I.e.: If you add Disease, you do not generate any Fear.)
A corrected version is planned for Errata Pack (Core 4th/5th, B&C 3rd).
Tags: Tormenting Rotflies

Frequently Asked Questions

When selecting a land with Mantle of Dread, do I have to choose a land with an Explorer and a Town if I can?
No. The intent of the power is that the target Spirit may select one of their lands with only an Explorer or only a Town, even if they have another land with both Explorers and Towns.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Mantle of Dread (Shadows Flicker Like Flame)
What happens if you play Entwined Power in a solo game?
As usual, you can use it on yourself. As the power is worded, you can gain two powers and, if you hit the threshold, gain 6 Energy.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Solo games, Entwined Power
Can Vengeance of the Dead trigger itself? How about if it's Repeated?
It can't trigger itself. But if it's Repeated, the two different triggers can set each other off.
Example 1: You use Vengeance of the Dead on a land with many Towns which have each taken 1 Damage. If a Dahan dies there, Vengeance of the Dead will trigger and deal 1 damage (destroying a Town), but will not trigger further because it can't trigger itself.
Example 2: Same situation, but you've used Vengeance of the Dead twice via a Repeat. This sets up two triggered actions, call them A and B. If a Dahan dies there, trigger A will go off, destroying a Town (triggering B, destroying a Town), then trigger B will go off, destroying a Town (triggering A, destroying a Town). Neither branch can go further because triggers cannot trigger themselves, even indirectly.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Repeat, Triggered Actions, Vengeance of the Dead
If I have one Presence in a land, and I play Entwined Power on another Spirit who has one Presence there, do we have a Sacred Site?
You may target Powers as if you had a Sacred Site there, and they may target Powers as if they had a Sacred Site there. But for all other purposes, no, because Entwined Power only lets you use each others' Presence for targeting Powers - not for anything else, including resolving Powers.
For instance, Gift of Living Energy (a Minor Power) wouldn't count it towards "If you have at least 2 Sacred Sites...", nor would Fear of the Unseen (a Fear Card) treat it as a Sacred Site for scaring away Invaders.
Note that if you Entwine with River Surges in Sunlight, their River's Domain Special Rule only applies to them (read it as "counts as your Sacred Site"). So for targeting, they would treat any Wetland where either of you have Presence as a Sacred Site, but you would still need 2+ Presence as usual.
Tags: Sacred Sites, Presence, Entwined Power, River's Domain (River Surges in Sunlight), 6 more...
If "Entwined Power" is used on Downpour Drenches the World and another Spirit: can lands with 2 of the other Spirit's Presence be treated as Downpour's Sacred Sites (and thus Wetlands) while the other Spirit is targeting?
No, only while Downpour is targeting. "Entwined Power" is "each Spirit may use the other's Presence while it is targeting", not "both Spirits' Presence belongs to both of them while either is targeting".
There is no formal definition of "using another Spirit's Presence"; informally consider it "treat it as yours for anything related to the act of targeting".
Tags: Targeting, Sacred Sites, Downpour Drenches the World, Entwined Power, 5 more...
Does the marked Beasts from Unearth a Beast of Wrathful Stone need to move in order to do Damage?
No, the marked Beasts will do Fear and Damage in its land no matter what. The choice is just whether or not to Push it first.
Resolving the second sentence is not conditional on making particular choices in the first sentence.
Tags: Unearth a Beast of Wrathful Stone
Damage from a single effect is done simultaneously. For instance, with the threshold effect of Dissolve the Bonds of Kinship, a City, a Town, and 5 Explorers can wipe each other out.
If you Repeat Infestation of Venomous Spiders with threshold, does the "this Power" in the threshold refer to all uses of the Power that turn, granting Damage twice from each skip?
No, when you check what "this Power" does, it refers to one use of the Power, not every use that turn. Any Action skipped by one use of Infestation of Venomous Spiders will only cause Damage from that use's threshold, not from any Repeats.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Repeat, Infestation of Venomous Spiders, Focus the Land's Anguish, 8 more...
Infinite Vitality only changes what happens when you would add Blight to a land. It doesn't restrict in any way your ability to choose the land as a place Blight is added to.
Tags: Blight, Infinite Vitality
How does Mists of Oblivion destroy invaders, if it only does one damage to each Town/City?
Usually, only if the Invaders are already damaged by some other effect, or if you hit the threshold.
The instruction "1 Fear per Town/City this Power destroys" means that you generate some extra Fear if the power happens to destroy things. It's up to you to arrange how this happens, using the rest of the card.
Tags: Mists of Oblivion
If you target yourself with Transformative Sacrifice, do your new Powers help you hit the threshold?
No, the threshold is checked before taking any cards, much less playing them and getting their Elements.
Tags: Elements, Timing, Transformative Sacrifice
What happens if one Action adds or moves pieces into two lands that were marked by Bargain of Coursing Paths?
They all move together to the same land, since that Action only triggers Bargain of Coursing Paths once.
In the less common case that you move pieces into lands marked by different uses of Bargain of Coursing Paths, it'll trigger each of those bargains separately. Each bargain can then move pieces to a different destination land.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Move, Bargain of Coursing Paths
If you use Weave Together the Fabric of Place, what is the number of the conjoined land? Which board is it on?
For land types based on contents ("a land with Blight") or geography ("a land adjacent to Mountains"), check the contents or geography of the conjoined land normally. Whether a land is Coastal bases off of its geography (whether it is adjacent to the printed Ocean area), so joining a Coastal land with an Inland land results in one big Coastal land. As a special exception, a land joined with the Ocean is still Coastal.
For land types based on intrinsic (printed) characteristics (terrain, land number, Setup symbols, board), the conjoined land has the type of both original lands, even if this is normally impossible – you can create a land that's both Wetland and Jungle, both land #3 and land #1, has 4 Dahan setup symbols, and on both Board A and Board B.
If you need to choose "the board" containing the conjoined land (e.g., Tsunami) or its "land number", you choose which single board or land number to use.
Tags: Terrain, Land Types, Weave Together the Fabric of Place, Tsunami, 2 more...
Why is there a copy of Sea Monsters in Jagged Earth *and* in Branch & Claw? What's the difference?
The copy of Sea Monsters in Jagged Earth replaces the original version in Branch & Claw. It limits the maximum amount of Fear generated, to avoid ridiculous combos with Many Minds Move as One. The new text reads: "Add 1 [Beasts]. If Invaders are present, 2 [Fear] per [Beasts] (max. 8 [Fear]). 3 Damage per [Beasts]. 1 Damage per [Blight]. -If you have- 3 Water, 3 Animal: Repeat this power." If you have just Branch & Claw, you are welcome to use this new wording if you like, but it's not required.
If you have Jagged Earth but not Branch & Claw, technically, you shouldn't add Sea Monsters to the Major Power deck. But it's not a huge deal if you do - the elemental balance of the Major Power deck isn't as tightly tuned as that of the Minor Powers.
Tags: Updated/Replacement Components, Sea Monsters, Many Minds Move as One
If you reach the threshold effect of Instruments of their Own Ruin, can the ravaging Invaders destroy adjacent Invaders before they ravage?
Yes, the Invaders in the targeted land can destroy Invaders in adjacent lands before they get a chance to Ravage.
In general, you can choose in what order to resolve effects, including Invader Actions.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Instruments of their Own Ruin
The rules for Strife start “Whenever Invaders Damage the Dahan and/or the Land …” An Explorer under the sway of Voice of Command is damaging other Invaders, and so is not affected by the Strife.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Strife, Voice of Command
For the threshold of Dream of the Untouched Land: Should it respect the "don't use together" icons on the boards? What if we have 6 players?
No, randomly select from all unused boards. If you have 6 players, you're component-limited (and thus don't add the board) unless you happen to have a spare copy of the game handy.
If you are unable to add an extra board, you do not get to skip Builds and "Each Board" Adversary actions.
Tags: Island Boards, Dream of the Untouched Land
What sources of Energy gain do Bargains affect?
All sources: Growth, Gain Energy, power effects, events, etc. It never actually takes away Energy you have banked, though.
If you have trouble remembering to gain less Energy, covering up numbers on your Energy track can be an easy reminder.
Tags: Energy, Bargain, Bargains of Power and Protection, Bargain of Coursing Paths, 0 more...
In cases where multiple boards can be protected, like sacrificing Presence to "New Cash Crops Take Hold," the land is only protected if both boards are skipped.
Tags: Matches, Weave Together the Fabric of Place, Dream of the Untouched Land, New Cash Crops Take Hold, 0 more...
The joint land is Coastal, but the split when Weave Together the Fabric of Place expires is considered a move, and Ocean's Presence cannot move to an inland land.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Weave Together the Fabric of Place, Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Volcano Looming High, Mountain Home (Volcano Looming High), 3 more...
You evaluate the condition when the Power is executed, not when the effect happens. For instance, "The Trees and Stones Speak of War" (without the threshold) gives Damage and Defense per Dahan present at the time you execute the power, not Dahan present during the Ravage Step.
This only applies to Powers with a localized effect. “Everywhere” effects that modify an entire class of things operate differently.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Defend, Guardian Serpents, Prey on the Builders (Sharp Fangs behind the Leaves), The Trees and Stones Speak of War, 13 more...
How does Rumbling Earthquakes' ability to ignore Health bonuses interact with already-Damaged Invaders?
Rumbling Earthquakes ignores Health bonuses only on pieces it damages. [Nature Incarnate, p. 21] (So, e.g., destroying a Durable town with 2 Damage still requires allocating 1 Damage to it.)
Note that Health penalties are not ignored.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Health, Damage, Rumbling Earthquakes
What happens if Cast Down into the Briny Deep sinks a board where a land is under Absolute Stasis?
If you want and you have a convenient coaster or other object that can represent the Stasis'd land, then the Stasis'd land survives. If it is disjoint from the rest of the island, consider it Range 2 from the land(s) nearest to it, per the Archipelago rules in Jagged Earth. If you don't want to do this, or have no convenient way of representing a single land, then Cast Down into the Briny Deep overwhelms the Stasis, ending its effects and affecting the land normally.
If by doing this you create a land with no adjacent lands, see this FAQ for how, e.g., Blight Cascades work.
Similarly, if the Deeps aspect of Ocean's Hungry Grasp creates a land separated by ocean from the rest of the island, consider it Range 2 to cross the ocean for all purposes, including (e.g.) Growth.
Tags: Player-convenience choices, Absolute Stasis (Fractured Days Split the Sky), Cast Down into the Briny Deep, Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), 0 more...
Can Wrap in Wings of Sunlight grant Defend if you Move 0 Dahan?
No. "That land" means "the land moved to". You can choose to move 0 pieces, but then nothing moves, and no land was moved to.
Tags: Move, Wrap in Wings of Sunlight, Rally to the Defense of Distant Kin
Does Fragments of Yesteryear restore the Disease and Beasts added as part of Branch & Claw / Jagged Earth setup on the balanced boards?
No, since those are not printed setup symbols, unlike the tokens printed on the thematic boards. However, restoring them is the more thematic option, so you're welcome to do that if your group is willing to take the extra time to figure out where the Beasts started.
If you want to put in a bit more work, the most thematic option is to restore the land to how it looked at the end of setup, including the first Explore and all Spirit, Adversary, and Scenario setup. If you need to add Presence for a Spirit, use their destroyed Presence; if they don't have enough destroyed Presence, add as much as you can. Depending on the exact combination of Adversaries, Scenarios, and Spirits, this may require a good memory or photographs of the starting board state to track variable setup options (e.g., where Ocean's Hungry Grasp put its second Presence).
Tags: Spirit setup, Island setup, Disease, Beasts, 2 more...
Can you choose a land joined by Weave Together the Fabric of Place twice for a Fear card that asks each player to choose a different land?
No, the joined land is no longer two different lands, and the two lands that went into making it don't exist independently at that time.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Weave Together the Fabric of Place
In Pent-Up Calamity, when you "return" Strife, where does it go?
"Return" here means to Add back into the targeted land. In the case of Strife tokens, they can go onto any Invaders, not necessarily the ones that they were removed from.
This also counts as adding those tokens for the purposes of, e.g., Grinning Trickster's A Real Flair for Discord special rule.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Pent-Up Calamity, Grinning Trickster Stirs Up Trouble, Roiling Waters (Wounded Waters Bleeding), Wounded Waters Bleeding, 1 more...
Can Spirit-targeting Powers let a Spirit pick "one of their lands" where nothing happens - eg, use Pact of the Joined Hunt to do damage in a land where you cannot gather a Dahan?
Yes. While not supported by a strict reading of the rules, the intent is that when a Spirit does something in one of their lands, they get to choose which of their lands.
So for Pact of the Joined Hunt, the target spirit chooses one of their lands, gathers a Dahan if possible, and then does damage. Similarly, you can use Mantle of Dread to push an Explorer from a land without any Towns, or use Tidal Boon to push Dahan from a land without a Town.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Pact of the Joined Hunt, Tidal Boon (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Mantle of Dread (Shadows Flicker Like Flame)
When a Power (say, Blazing Renewal) does damage to each Invader, then its threshold effect says "+4 Damage", is that +4 overall Damage, or +3 Damage to each Invader?
+4 overall Damage, done when the threshold is resolved. If it were a per-Invader improvement, the text would read "+4 Damage to each Invader".
Generally, the "+" in threshold effects is just to remind players that the damage is in addition to the damage up in the normal effects.
(Mists of Oblivion changed between the second and third printings, and the current printings no longer have the "+".)
Tags: Damage, Mists of Oblivion, Blazing Renewal
Whose Presence does the range in Unrelenting Growth target from?
It measures range from the target Spirit, since it's part of instructions telling the target what to do.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Unrelenting Growth
How much Fear does Tsunami's threshold effect generate?
If you have the elements for Tsunami, you will get an extra fear for each other coastal land, typically +2 Fear.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Tsunami
If you do have the threshold, you don't get the +1 Range again. (This is counter to a strict reading of the rules; the threshold would be better written as "This Power's Range is 1", the way Talons of Lightning's is.)
This does not apply to Carapaced Land, which has a greater Range for targeting lands with Beasts as an intrinsic part of its effect.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Repeat, Range Boosts, Elements, Sap the Strength of Multitudes, 2 more...
For the power Storm-Swath, what happens if the origin land is the same as the target land?
You do 2 damage to each Invader - the "target land" and "origin land" effects each still apply, just to the same land.
Tags: Targeting, Storm-Swath
What does the threshold effect of Infinite Vitality protect against?
Anything that would Damage or Destroy Dahan in that land, whether Powers, invader Ravages, Events, etc.
It does not protect against effects that "remove" or "replace" the Dahan.
If the threshold effect of Cast Down into the Briny Deep is used, the Dahan can survive. They would then be moved to the nearest legal land (as per anytime an Invader/Dahan piece is left in an illegal place).
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Illegally placed pieces, Infinite Vitality, Cast Down into the Briny Deep
Why do some of the Power cards have colored corners?
These are the cards that match the Power Progression Cards for the starting Spirits. You may ignore them after your first games.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Corners of Power Cards, Learning
When using the threshold of Plague Ships Sail to Distant Ports, must Energy be spent to add the final Disease?
No, the energy cost is only to remove the top card of the Fear Deck from the game. It's possible to resolve the threshold as just "1 Fear. 3 Damage. Add 1 Disease." if you don't want to pay.
Tags: Plague Ships Sail to Distant Ports
Does Sky Stretches to Shore boost Range arrows inside a Power's effect text?
Yes. On a strict reading, it shouldn't - Range arrows inside a Power's effect text aren't part of "targeting", and it reads "for targeting Coastal lands" - but it's much clearer to have all Range boosts work the same way.
(In general, Range boosts affect all Range arrows, including those in the text of Powers.)
Tags: Range Boosts, Sky Stretches to Shore
If two lands are joined using Weave Together the Fabric of Place, is the conjoined land considered adjacent to itself?
Changed ruling: No. (The old ruling was creating waaay too many weird edge cases.)
The original ruling was made because the definition of "Coastal" is "adjacent to the printed Ocean", and a Coastal land Woven together with an in-play Ocean should definitely still be Coastal. Turns out it's much better to just rule that that's how it works.
Tags: Land Types, Push, Move, Gather, 3 more...
When Weave Together the Fabric of Place expires, what if pieces in the joined land can't be legally moved to one (or both) of the printed lands?
If a piece can moved legally, it must be. If it can't be legally moved to any of the constituent lands, then it is cleaned up to one of them (player's choice which). This applies to all pieces, not just Invaders/Dahan.
(Cleaning up is not an action, not considered a move, and does not trigger actions; it is a correction of the game state.)
This can happen with, e.g., Presence placed in a normally-illegal location via Indomitable Claim.
In the ridiculously rare edge case of two Woven lands which are both no longer lands, when Weave expires, clean up all Woven pieces as if they were illegally placed in one of the used-to-be-lands. (This may require judgment calls.) If this ever arises naturally, you win an edge-case award.
Tags: Illegally placed pieces, Weave Together the Fabric of Place
If you use Encompassing Ward ("Defend 2 in every land where Target Spirit has Presence"), then the target Spirit moves some of their Presence, does the Defend move/change?
Changed answer: Yes. The Power modifies the target Spirit so it provides Defend 2 in any lands where it happens to have Presence at that moment.
This is for consistency with other effects that alter an entire class of things, mostly on Fear Cards and Event Cards. Powers that affect a single land, or a land and its neighbors (e.g., Bloodwrack Plague; Prey On the Builders) – check state at the moment they resolve.
This is entirely for ease of play. For a single-land effect, it's much easier to check prerequisites at the moment of resolution and not have to remember, e.g., "oh, I need to leave a Beasts in this land to cancel the Build". For widespread effects, it's much easier to remember a general rule like "Invaders skip actions in lands with 2 or more Dahan" than it is to note and remember every single land with 2 or more Dahan at that moment, and keep that memory until the Ravage happens.
Tags: Defend, Changed rulings, Encompassing Ward, Bargains of Power and Protection, 2 more...
If you target yourself with Growth Through Sacrifice and remove your only Presence on the island, is that land still considered "your land"? (So you could re-add a Presence to avoid losing?)
No - "your land" / "your lands" are checked when you reach that instruction in the text. When it comes time to add a Presence to one of your lands, you have no lands and cannot do so.
This logic doesn't apply to Moving or Repositioning your only Presence, however - in those cases, there's never a point in time when the Presence is off the island, so you still can measure Range or have a valid "your land".
Tags: Adding Presence, Repositioning Presence, Move, Presence, 2 more...
If I meet the threshold for Draw Towards a Consuming Void, can I choose a different target land?
No. You are not Repeating the Power, you're just making a single use of the Power do more.
Tags: Draw Towards a Consuming Void
When exactly do you have to pay a "cost to use" on a Power Card?
Before targeting it - "using" / "resolving" a Power includes choosing a target land and verifying that it's legal.
This can be relevant for cards like Scream Disease Into the Wind, which set up a triggered action after a Power is used on a land.
Tags: Cost To Use, Triggered Actions, Scream Disease Into the Wind, Mists Shift and Flow (Shroud of Silent Mist), 4 more...
Do damage boosts affect the damage from the threshold effect of Instruments of their Own Ruin? Does Strife?
Damage boosts (eg, from Sweden level 3) usually do affect it, as they are still Ravaging. Strife does not, as the Invaders are damaging other Invaders.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Strife, Damage, Instruments of their Own Ruin
Is Trees Radiate Celestial Brilliance limited to targeting a Jungle without Blight?
No, it can target any Jungle OR any land without Blight.
The slash works just like it does for "Remove 1 Town/City". If it were "Jungle without Blight", there would be an "AND" or "&" between them.
Tags: Targeting, Trees Radiate Celestial Brilliance
You can target yourself with powers that say 'Another Player', but any effects that are conditional on targeting someone else do not activate. (Rulebook p. 22)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Solo games, Boon of Vigor (River Surges in Sunlight), Gift of Constancy, Elemental Boon, 6 more...
If you have a choice between destroying a normal Beasts token and a Beasts token marked by Unearth a Beast of Wrathful Stone, can you pick the marked Beasts? If so, what happens?
Yes, you can pick the marked Beasts, and it's generally advantageous to do so: if it would be destroyed, removed, or replaced, skip those effects.
It won't count as destroyed, removed, or replaced for effects that scale off the number of Beasts that leave the board, like A Dreadful Tide of Scurrying Flesh or Pent-Up Calamity.
Tags: Destroy, Remove, Replace, Unearth a Beast of Wrathful Stone, 12 more...
When does the target Spirit choose when to use the Damage bonus of Gift of Furious Might?
At the moment they do Damage. They don't have to "lock in" which Power gets the bonus in advance.
This could be much later in the turn than the original Power use if the Power sets up a later condition for doing Damage (e.g., Vengeance of the Dead).
Tags: Damage, Triggered Actions, Gift of Furious Might (Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot), Devouring Teeth Lurk Underfoot, 0 more...
Wait, is the target land of Bargains of Power and Protection relevant?
None of the text effects affect the target land - but you do need to have a valid target land in order to enact the bargain.
Tags: Bargains of Power and Protection
The limit is on the damage done by the card itself, not by any outside boosts from effects like Badlands or Flame's Fury.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Blood Draws Predators
When using a land-targeting Power with Range "—," which land is the origin land?
In the rather rare case that it matters, you can choose any land with your Presence to be the origin of the Power.
If you don't have any Presence to use as the origin (e.g., because all of your Presence is under Absolute Stasis or in the Endless Dark), you can't use the Power.
Tags: Range, Absolute Stasis (Fractured Days Split the Sky), Emerge from the Dread Night Wind (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), Frightful Keening (Wandering Voice Keens Delirium), 7 more...
If you choose Call on Midnight's Dreams as the usual card to forget when you gain the Major Power, then you may follow the conditional and put the card in play.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Forgetting, Call on Midnight's Dreams (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares)
If you Repeat a Power card with Powerstorm or Gift of Strength, do you get double the elements?
No, you only get the elements once, when you play the card (p. 19, under Repeat).
If you Repeat a Power card that explicitly grants elements (like Elemental Boon) then you do get the benefit twice.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Repeat, Elements, Powerstorm, Gift of Strength (Vital Strength of the Earth), 0 more...
For Forests of Living Obsidian, when do you check whether the origin land is your Sacred Site?
At the time you reach that instruction in the card text - so, e.g., if you're Thunderspeaker and just moved out all your Presence along with the Dahan, you no longer have a Sacred Site there.
Tags: Forests of Living Obsidian, Thunderspeaker
When a piece is removed from the board, it goes to the supply (or other destination) for that physical type of piece, it doesn't "remember" what it was while on the island.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Pieces, Counts As, Incarna, Pent-Up Calamity, 4 more...
What happens when Invaders Ravage in a land with a Badlands affected by Voice of Command? Can Badlands damage that would normally be done to Dahan be assigned to Explorers?
The Explorers are still considered Invaders - boosting Damage done to them does not count as boosting Damage to Dahan.
Voice of Command changes what "side" the Explorers are fighting on during Ravage (from "attackers" to "counterattackers"), but does not change what type of pieces the Explorers are, which is what Badlands cares about.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Badlands, Ravage, Voice of Command
You perform a Power's instructions in order, so the Blight is added before the extra Fear/Damage are done.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Poisoned Land
It works differently than Serpent Wakes in Power (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island) because that innate says "Other Spirits with (condition) do likewise", rather than working via targeting particular Spirits.
Tags: Targeting, Repeat, Gift of Twinned Days, Serpent Wakes in Power (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island), 0 more...
In "Veil the Night's Hunt," if there are fewer Invaders than Dahan, how much damage is done?
If there are fewer Invaders than Dahan, each Invader takes 1 damage and the remaining damage is wasted.
That is, the Damage must be dealt to different Invaders or it is wasted, rather than the Damage merely being spread as evenly as possible.
Tags: Veil the Night's Hunt, Suffocating Shroud (Shroud of Silent Mists), The Fog Closes In (Shroud of Silent Mist), Shroud of Silent Mist, 0 more...
What happens if you use Entwined Power to give another Spirit a card with Spirit-specific effects? (E.g., Absorb Essence, Swallow the Land-Dwellers)
As usual, do as much as you legally can, skipping instructions you can't perform. However, Special Rules can define new types of effect (like "Drown") usable by anyone with a Power referencing it.
More specifically:
With Terror Turns to Madness, if Fear from it gets you to the next Terror Level, do you also get the next Terror Level's effects?
No, it's a 3-way conditional: you only check the Terror Level at the time you reach the first of the lines.
Tags: Resolving Powers, Terror Turns to Madness
With Entwined Power, can Shroud of Silent Mist Gather another Spirit's Presence?
Yes. When Shroud of Silent Mist targets a Power (which its Presence-Gather is part of) it treats the other Spirit's Presence as also being its Presence.
If the effects of the special rule didn't have anything to do with targeting the Power, it might be more ambiguous (since Entwined Power is only supposed to affect targeting), but Mists Shift and Flow is very explicit that it can be used to target Powers.
Tags: Targeting, Move, Shroud of Silent Mist, Mists Shift and Flow (Shroud of Silent Mist), 2 more...
What happens if you gift Bargains of Power and Protection to another Spirit, who uses it? Now that the Reminder Card is in front of them, do you still get the benefit?
The permanent effects of the Bargain persist and are associated with you even if you don't have the Power Card any more.
It doesn't matter who the Reminder Card is in front of; it's just a reminder. If table configuration allows, it is probably most convenient to put the Reminder Card between the players who have used the Power Card so that they can all easily reference it.
For example, if two Spirits each use Bargains of Power and Protection once, both of those Spirits grant Defend 1 to each Dahan within Range 1; it doesn't matter which one more recently used the Power. If a single Dahan is within Range 1 of both Spirits, that Dahan will provide Defend 2, since the two Defend 1 effects stack.
Similarly if you Forget the Power, you continue to get the benefits and pay the costs, even if another Spirit eventually gains and uses it.
Tags: Reminder Cards, Bargain, Bargains of Power and Protection, Bargain of Coursing Paths, 1 more...
If Weave Together the Fabric of Place joins lands on two adjacent boards, how does that work with "On each board" effects?
The conjoined land is considered to be on both boards. An "on each board" effect could affect the conjoined land twice.
Tags: On Each Board, Weave Together the Fabric of Place
What speed is Song of Sanctity?
It is a Slow power.
(The card was misprinted in the 2nd and 3rd printings of the core game, without the circle around the energy cost. It still has the turtle icon.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Song of Sanctity
The elemental threshold on "Powerstorm" allows the target spirit to repeat up to three different power cards.
When using Sweep Into the Sea, what does "Push... one land towards the nearest Ocean" mean? What if you move a piece inland?
When you Push towards the Ocean, the land you Push to must be closer to the nearest Ocean than the land they're currently in, measuring by Range. So a land 2 away from its closest Ocean could only Push to lands 1 away from that Ocean (Coastal to it). As with all ambiguous cases, if multiple Oceans are closest, you decide which one to consider "nearest".
Similarly if you move a piece inland, you move it further away from the Ocean: each land it moves through must be further from (any) Ocean than the one it left.
All game notions of "closer" and "further" use Range – you never need a ruler, and a land that looks physically closer might not actually be at shorter Range!
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Range, Move, Sweep into the Sea
Can Sky Stretches to Shore let you, during the Slow Phase, Repeat an already-used Fast Power? (Assuming you have a Repeat from somewhere, like Powerstorm or Gift of Strength.)
Yes. Even after a Power is used, it stays in play, and can be modified - there's just usually little point in doing so. So the Fast Power can be made Slow1 with Sky Stretches to Shore, then used via the Repeat.
1 Effects reading "Use a Power as if it were (Fast/Slow)" should be interpreted as "Make a Power (Fast/Slow)", and would have been better phrased that way.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Repeat, Speed (Fast/Slow), Sky Stretches to Shore
If you Repeat a Power, can you use another Power in between the two uses, or do the original Power and its Repeat have to go right after each other?
If the Power itself grants the Repeat (e.g., Creepers Tear into Mortar or The Land Thrashes in Furious Pain), then following the instructions on the first use you are told to Repeat the power, so you have to do it immediately.
Powerstorm and Gift of Strength let you use a Repeat at any point in the turn, so in that case you can use another power in between the two uses of the Repeated power.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Repeat, Gift of Strength (Vital Strength of the Earth), Powerstorm
The threshold effect should specify "4 Damage in that land." (The Power doesn't target a land, so there's not any other place one could deal the Damage anyhow.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Destroyed Presence, Blazing Renewal
Does an "or" line on a power divide the entire card?
No. The "or" line only applies to the clauses immediately above and below the line, without extra whitespace.
For example, if you use Crops Wither and Fade, you always gain 2 fear and then you may choose whether you are replacing a City or a Town. On the other hand, on Tormenting Rotflies, you either choose everything above the "or" or everything below it.
To be explicit, the following cards have clauses that are not part of the "or" choice (separated by whitespace): Crops Wither and Fade; Growth Through Sacrifice; Sacrosanct Wilderness; Gift of the Primordial Deeps; Gift of Flowing Power; Call to Guard; Vanish Softly Away, Forgotten by All; Thickets Erupt with Every Touch of Breeze
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Crops Wither and Fade (Shadows Flicker Like Flame), Growth Through Sacrifice, Sacrosanct Wilderness (Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds), Gift of the Primordial Deeps (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island), 15 more...
With Voice of Command, can Explorers take Damage from Towns/Cities? How does distributing damage work when you have a mixed group of Dahan and Explorers?
Yes, Explorers can take Damage. You can destroy Explorers before Dahan. (And will usually want to do so.)
You can also mix-and-match - destroy an Explorer or two, then deal damage to a Dahan - if for some reason you want to leave some Explorers alive.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Dahan, Explorer, Ravage, Damage, 1 more...
How does "Absolute Stasis" interact with victory condition X or loss condition Y?
It doesn't, per the text on the card. The land is an ordinary land for any game-end conditions.
For instance:
Does the Energy Ocean’s Hungry Grasp gains from Drowning count as gaining Energy for the purpose of Bargains?
Yes. Ocean doesn’t get to skip out of paying for its Bargains just because its main source of Energy isn’t one of the common sources.
That being said, Ocean is not required to exchanged Drowned Invaders for Energy at a particular time, so it can save up Invaders on turns when it will not gain much Energy (avoiding fully paying for its Bargains on those turns) and then cash them out on a turn when it will gain a lot of Energy.
Tags: Energy, Bargain, Drowning (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Ocean's Hungry Grasp, 2 more...
It still counts as being resolved "for the first time" (JE rulebook p. 27), since it was turned face-down and returned to the Invader Deck; it has no "memory" of what it did the previous time it left the Invader deck.
Tags: Stage II escalation, The Past Returns Again (Fractured Days Split the Sky)
For Vengeance of the Dead, what counts as an "effect"? If a Power has multiple instructions that damage/destroy things, are those separate "effects"?
No. Using a Power is a single action ("effect" means "action"; terminology introduced in Jagged Earth), so Vengeance of the Dead is triggered (or not) after the whole thing resolves.
Does the second effect of Tidal Boon *(“if Dahan are pushed...”)* last for the whole turn?
No, that clause only applies to Pushes that happen from the Push on the power itself.
Tags: Tidal Boon (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
Can Gift of Strength or Powerstorm (both Fast powers) be used on a Slow power card?
Yes. Gift of Strength targets a Spirit, not a Power Card. At any point during the turn, that Spirit may choose to Repeat a power card (of the specified Energy cost or lower), whether it is a fast power or a slow power.
They need not choose which power card to Repeat until they actually use the ability. The repeated power activates with the same speed as the first use of the power. See the description of Repeat [p. 19]
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Repeat, Speed (Fast/Slow), Gift of Strength (Vital Strength of the Earth), Powerstorm, 0 more...
If a Spirit with an Incarna uses Settle Into Hunting Grounds, can the Incarna still move that turn?
Yes, but only if you choose not to count it as Presence for that action (and therefore not count it as Badlands or Beasts with Settle Into Hunting Grounds either).
For instance, Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine using Leave a Trail of Deathly Silence can't get the Badlands bonus if they choose to Push the Incarna.
Tags: Counts As, Incarna, Settle Into Hunting-Grounds, Leave a Trail of Deathly Silence (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine), 1 more...
You can skip as many as you want, up to the limit given. You are not obliged to use all skips to which you are entitled (you could always be saving them for a future Invader Action caused by something unusual). Unused skips do not carry over to the next turn (as normal for effects that don't change pieces).
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Skipping Actions, A Dreadful Tide of Scurrying Flesh (Many Minds Move as One), Infestation of Venomous Spiders, Exaltation of the Incandescent Sky, 5 more...
If I get a Range boost, what Ranges does it affect?
Anything that's your action, has a printed Range arrow, is not itself a Range boost, and obeys other restrictions (e.g., if the bonus is restricted to Powers or merely targeting Powers).
So not just the arrow under "Target Land" on most Power Cards, but also, e.g., Range arrows in the text of Powers (e.g., Unrelenting Growth) and Range arrows in Spirit Phase actions (like "Move a Presence 1" as a Presence-track ability). Obviously, Power Cards that boost Range won't be able to help with Spirit Phase actions, because Power Cards are used too late in the turn for that.
  • They do not affect Gather or Push, because there is no Range arrow. (And the definition of those keywords involves "an adjacent land".)
  • They do not affect "Your land" or "lands with your Presence" because there is no Range arrow. (And that wording is about what is in the land, not how far away the land is.)
  • They do not affect Ranges on other players' Powers (even if targeting you), because they are not your actions.
It also doesn't boost the Range at which Flame Markers make lands vulnerable to damage/destruction in Rituals of the Destroying Flame.
The original wording of "Sky Stretches to Shore," if read strictly, would cause it to work a little differently (only affecting targeting, not Range arrows in the text of Powers), but for the sake of consistency with other Powers that boost Range, it boosts all Range arrows.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Range Boosts, Reaching Grasp, Flow Like Water, Reach Like Air, Gift of Proliferation (A Spread of Rampant Green), 10 more...
If Gift of Nature's Connection comes up as an Event randomizer, does it work like Elemental Boon (we get to choose if it has the element or not)?
No, treat it as it appears - it has no elements. (Unlike Elemental Boons, which has question-marks.)
In hindsight, this is how Elemental Boon should have worked, since it avoids an exception case / specific rule just for it.
Tags: Choice Events, Gift of Nature's Connection, Elemental Boon
The icon is an older version of the Town icon that snuck through. (It was changed because it looked too much like the City icon.)
Tags: Iconography, Call to Trade
How do Badlands / Flame's Fury work with Veil the Night's Hunt? How about Trickster's innate "Why Don't You and Them Fight"? Or (other Power that specifies unusual conditions on what can be damaged)?
For Veil the Night's Hunt, deal 1 bonus Damage to an Invader that's already taking Damage. (You can't use it to deal damage to more Invaders than there are Dahan in the land.) For Let's You and Them Fight, damage boosts can only apply to the Dahan and Invader taking damage from each other.
Badlands and Flame's Fury respect limits on "What could this Power have damaged?" This may include caps on the number of Invaders being Damaged, or specification of exactly which Invader(s) are to be damaged.
What happens if you destroy the entire island with Cast Down into the Briny Deep?
You win a Sacrifice Victory (p. 12). You have won (since all the Invaders are destroyed) but you have also lost (since there is no Spirit presence left on the island).
Thematically, it's also something of a Pyrrhic victory - but some Spirits of water and deep earth would survive.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Sacrifice victory, Cast Down into the Briny Deep
Can Powerstorm or Gift of Strength let someone Repeat Innate Powers?
No. Powerstorm (Major Power) and Gift of Strength (Innate for Vital Strength of the Earth) both specifically say "Repeat a Power Card". (If they said "Repeat a Power", the answer would be yes.)
Tags: Repeat, Powerstorm, Gift of Strength (Vital Strength of the Earth)
What happens if you give a Range boost to someone who's used Bargains of Power and Protection? Does it matter if they played Bargains on that turn or an earlier turn?
In either case, for the turn the Range boost is active, it increases the "within Range 1 of your Presence" at which that Spirit affects Dahan. The boost wears off at the end of the turn, even though Bargains of Power and Protection doesn't.
This includes range bonuses to "your Power Card" (e.g., Volcano Looming High), but not bonuses specifically for targeting.
If a Range boost only increases the Range for a single Action (e.g., the Reach Aspect ignoring Range), then the farther-afield Dahan only grant Defend for one action of your choice (usually a single Ravage in one land).
Tags: Range, Range Boosts, Bargains of Power and Protection, Reaching Grasp, 7 more...
When a Power generates Fear directly and also destroys a Town or City, do you get Fear both times?
Yes. For instance, on Lightning Swift Strike's power card Shatter Homesteads, you get 1 Fear directly, then (if you successfully destroyed a Town), get an extra Fear from that. Similarly if you trigger the more powerful effect of Rituals of Destruction (Vital Strength of the Earth).
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Fear, Destroy, Shatter Homesteads (Lightning's Swift Strike), Rituals of Destruction (Vital Strength of the Earth), 0 more...
The cards say to "Skip all actions in target land". The Explore Action is performed only in lands of the type shown on the Invader Card. The process of resolving an Explore Action checks to see what's in adjacent lands - but the Explore Action isn't happening there, so can't be skipped there.
Tags: Explore, Paralyzing Fright, A Year of Perfect Stillness (Vital Strength of the Earth)
If you have 5 Dahan in the target land, then Push 2 of them to two different adjacent lands, you'll end up with a Defend 6, a Defend 2, and a Defend 2, no matter how many/few Dahan are in the Pushed-to lands. (If you'd Pushed both Dahan to the same land, you'd end up with a Defend 6 and a Defend 4.)
If the Defend is boosted in some way in target land, that bonus Defend stays in target land and can't be moved with the Dahan. If this Power is boosted to move more than 2 Dahan, Defend 2 moves with each of those additional moved Dahan. (Later moving the Dahan with another Power doesn't move the Defend with them.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Defend, Push, Dahan, The Trees and Stones Speak of War, 1 more...
As a general rule, "X deals damage to Y" merely specifies what you're allowed assign the damage to. Effects which damage every-one-of-a-thing will explicitly use the word "each", "every", or "all" - e.g., "to each Invader", "in every adjacent land", "destroy all Invaders", etc.
You may split up the damage from a single Invader.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Damage, Instruments of their Own Ruin
How does "+1 Damage with Damage-dealing Powers" (e.g., Flame's Fury) work? What exactly does it increase?
For every power that does Damage, it increases one part of that Damage by 1.
For instance, if a power does "1 damage to each Invader", Flame's Fury would let you do 2 damage to one of those Invaders. If a power does "1 Damage to each Town/City", Flame's Fury would let you do 2 damage to one of the Towns or Cities. If a power does "1 Damage to 1 Town/City", then Flame's Fury would let you do 2 Damage to 1 Town/City. If a power does "1 damage" and then (with another condition) another "1 damage", then you deal a total of 3 damage. If a power does damage in multiple different lands, you only get the bonus in one of the lands. If a power ends up doing no damage at all for some reason, then you do not get a damage bonus.
You only get the bonus once per use of a damage-dealing power. If you use a Power multiple times by Repeating it, or if a Power sets up a triggered action that is triggered more than once, the bonus applies each time.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Damage, Badlands, Triggered Actions, Heart of the Wildfire, 7 more...
For Dream of the Untouched Land, what orientation should the new board be placed in? Can it use Archipelago rules?
It's not specified, so you choose any orientation that would be legal during setup and fully interlocks with a side of the target board. You may not use Archipelago rules, as that is not "next to".
If all three interlockable edges of target board are accounted for (e.g., if target board is the "face" of the standard 5-player "crab" layout), then you can use any legal interlocking position that has a corner-to-corner adjacency with target board, even though that's not strictly "next to" target board. In the rare case even that isn't possible due to setup restrictions (e.g., Oceans being aligned during The Great River scenario, thematic boards all having only one possible position and orientation), you fail to add the new board and probably should have used the Power somewhere else.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Player-convenience choices, Archipelago, Thematic map, Dream of the Untouched Land, 1 more...
This doesn't follow from a strict reading of the card, but is both the intended interaction and thematically appropriate.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Isolate, Threatening Flames (Heart of the Wildfire), Heart of the Wildfire
When using *Unlock the Gates of Deepest Power*, can target Spirit voluntarily choose to Forget when gaining a Major Power?
Yes, target Spirit is merely given the option not to Forget, not a requirement to take advantage of that benefit. That being said, Forgetting anyway is almost never beneficial.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Forgetting, Unlock the Gates of Deepest Power
If you sink a board when playing against Russia Lvl 2+, does the Pushed Explorer have to leave the destroyed board?
Technically, no — but if you try Pushing the Explorer to a land on the sinking board, it can't be destroyed a second time by the same action. It will end up in an illegal state and be placed in the closest legal land.
Tags: Illegally placed pieces, Cast Down into the Briny Deep, Tsardom of Russia, Transforming Aspect (Heart of the Wildfire), 1 more...
Can Weave Together the Fabric of Place affect victory/loss condition X?
Yes, Weave Together the Fabric of Place makes the lands one land for all purposes, including victory/loss for conditions like in the Dahan Insurrection scenario.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Victory and Defeat, Weave Together the Fabric of Place, Kingdom of Scotland, Dahan Insurrection, 1 more...
You add 1 Wilds to both the originating land (the land from which you're measuring Range) and the target land. At Range 0, these will be the same, so both Wilds tokens are added to the same land.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Targeting, Strangling Firevine
If you use Bargain of Coursing Paths twice, can you move pieces back and forth between the marked lands an unlimited number of times?
No, the first bargain can't trigger itself, even indirectly. In almost all cases, the pieces can move once from the first bargain and once from the second bargain, but won't move a third time.
Cleverly overlapping multiple bargains in the same land(s) can squeeze out more than one move per bargain, but this is usually a waste of a bargain, rarely results in extra movement that matters, and grows in complexity far faster than it grows in utility. It is mentioned here only to acknowledge the possibility of constructing a situation where the above answer is technically incorrect, just not in a way that matters >99% of the time.
Tags: Triggered Actions, Move, Bargain of Coursing Paths
Do Defend effects stack normally with Weave Together the Fabric of Place?
Yes, if you join a land with Defend 3 and another land with Defend 4, the combined land has Defend 7.
Similarly, if one land was Isolated before the join, then the joint land will be isolated afterwards, or if Dahan got a Health bonus in one land, they would now get it in the joint land.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Isolate, Defend, Health, Weave Together the Fabric of Place, 0 more...
The Presence removed from the Presence track doesn't double-count.
Tags: Transformative Sacrifice
Can Bargain of Coursing Paths move pieces back into one of the marked lands?
Yes. The pieces are still considered moved for the purpose of effects that check for that.
This won't normally trigger Bargain of Coursing Paths again, since it can't trigger itself.
Tags: Move, Triggered Actions, Bargain of Coursing Paths
In which land does the threshold of Sleep and Never Waken generate fear?
The target land. All effects of a land-targeting Power happen in the target land unless otherwise specified somehow.
Tags: Fear, Targeting, Sleep and Never Waken
If you gain a Major Power by non-standard means or from a place other than the Major Power deck, do you have to Forget a card? How about the "gifting" of Entwined Power's threshold or "taking" a Major Power?
"Gifting" is a transfer and does not require Forgetting, and "taking" explicitly doesn't require Forgetting. But for any Gain of a Major Power, you must Forget unless the effect specifically exempts you.
As usual, you may Forget the Major Power you just gained, if you'd prefer that to losing any of your other Power Cards.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Gaining Power Cards, Forgetting, Taking Power Cards, Transferring Power Cards, 7 more...
If Weave Together the Fabric of Place joins lands on two adjacent boards, what happens if you destroy one of those boards with Cast Down Into the Briny Deep?
It will destroy everything in the joined land, since it's on the board being Cast Down. (The land is on both boards.) If you target the conjoined land, you choose which single board to sink.
If you want (player option) and you have a convenient item handy to mark a land as "destroyed, no longer exists", then Cast Down Into the Briny Deep will also destroy lands that are normally on other boards but were part of the destroyed board at the time of its destruction. (If this splits a board in two, lands on one side of the gap are considered Range 2 from lands on the other side.) But if you don't want to do this, or have no convenient way of marking the land as obliterated, it survives. Also, you can't do this for the Ocean, even if Oceans are in play.
Tags: Player-convenience choices, Weave Together the Fabric of Place, Cast Down into the Briny Deep
Does Flame's Fury boost damage to Dahan?
With Flame's Fury, you must boost one instance of Damage of your choice, either to Invaders or Dahan.
Usually, you will choose to do that Damage to Invaders, but with a power like Twilight Fog Brings Madness, you would have to do extra Damage to Dahan. Note that this is different from Badlands, which separately boosts Damage to Invaders and to Dahan.
With a power like Insatiable Hunger of the Swarm that deals damage to both Dahan and Invaders, you can choose to boost damage to Invaders, even if there are no Invaders in the land.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Damage, Twilight Fog Brings Madness, Flame's Fury (Heart of the Wildfire), Might Aspect (Vital Strength of the Earth), 1 more...
What is the exact timing of "you may do both?" on cards like Growth Through Sacrifice?
It's checked at the moment you need to know, so as soon as you must choose A ~or~ B.
For Growth Through Sacrifice, you check the threshold as soon as you face the choice between "add a Presence" and "remove a Blight" (to see if you can do both). If you don't have 2 Sun at that point, it doesn't matter if you get 2 Sun by adding a Presence, the time for checking "can you do both?" has passed. (Note that the ordering of the two options is irrelevant to this.)
For Unleash a Torrent of the Self's Own Essence, the choice comes at the very start of the card, so if you have the threshold at that point, you still get to do both even if Forgetting a card (from play) for the first option drops you below the threshold for the 2nd option.
Tags: Timing, Growth Through Sacrifice, Unleash a Torrent of the Self's Own Essence
If a Power on a Power Card has been modified, do those modifiers persist if the Power Card leaves play?
No, any modifiers to a Power in play, whether modifying Speed, Range, Target, or Effect, are to the Power in play, not to the Power Card itself. If the Power Card leaves play, it does not retain those modifications, nor does it automatically re-gain them if it is played again that turn.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Action Modifiers, Speed (Fast/Slow), Range Boosts, Slip the Flow of Time (Fractured Days Split the Sky), 1 more...
Mantle of Dread and Exaltation of the Incandescent Sky notably don't specify where the Fear is earned, and thus can't add Defend with Dread Apparitions or trigger a Push from Stretch Out Coils of Foreboding Dread.
Tags: Fear, Dread Apparitions (Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares), Foreboding Aspect (Shadows Flicker Like Flame), Mantle of Dread (Shadows Flicker Like Flame), 1 more...
If a Unique Power Card is transferred to another Spirit and then Forgotten, which Spirit is eligible to get it back via an effect that re-gains Forgotten Unique Powers, like *Tell the Old Stories*?
Any Spirit that has had that Unique Power Card (whether in hand, in play, or in discard) at some point during play. This may mean that multiple Spirits are eligible to re-gain a particular Unique Power Card.
Tags: Forgetting, Transferring Power Cards, Entwined Power, Tell the Old Stories, 2 more...
So if you had a City, a Town, and an Explorer all with Strife, the Town + Explorer could destroy the City while the City destroyed the Town + Explorer.
The same applies to the Terror Level III effects of the Fear cards "Discord" and "Theological Strife," and to the "Afflict with Bloodthirst" Innate Power of Wounded Waters Taste of Ruin.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Strife, Instruments of their Own Ruin, Discord, Theological Strife, 2 more...
How does Bargains of Power and Protection work if you use it multiple times?
Additively. If you've set aside a total of 6 Presence, Dahan within Range 1 of your Presence provide Defend 6, and you gain 6 less Energy per turn.
Tags: Bargain, Bargains of Power and Protection
When you use a Power outside of its normal phase (eg, during the Invader Phase via the Rouse the Spirits event), if Repeats have been granted to you (eg, from Gift of Strength), can you use them then?
Changed answer: No. Unlike Lightning's Boon or Sky Stretches to Shore, you're not actually changing the Power's speed, you're just using it (once) ignoring speed. Repeats can happen in the phase matching the Power's actual speed.
The first-pass answer was "yes" based on the idea that these things changed the Power's speed, but that proved the wrong direction.
Note that this only applies to granted Repeats, like from Gift of Twinned Days or the like. It does not apply to Powers which have "Repeat this Power" as one of their instructions; those can and must be Repeated immediately as an action triggered by the initial use. (After any other triggered actions.)
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Repeat, Events, Timing, Changed rulings, 8 more...
How does Voice of Command interact with Events that boost Invader damage or count Invaders?
Events usually interact with "sides" (attacker vs counterattacker):
  • Boosts to total Invader Damage only benefit the Invaders' side - not the Explorers fighting alongside Dahan.
  • Boosts to "Invader Damage against Dahan" (Xenophobia) apply to damage done to the Dahan side - it doesn't matter if the damage is allocated to Dahan or Explorers.
  • Events counting the number of Invaders Ravaging (Fearful Mobs) count the pieces on the Invader's side - so not the Explorers. (A strict reading would count them, but this is wording for the normal case)
(The last works differently from Badlands, which care about whether damage is actually done to Dahan pieces.)
Tags: Ravage, Voice of Command, Fearful Mobs, Xenophobia, 3 more...
You must follow the instructions as written as best you can if you choose to activate the Unlock the Gates threshold.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Unlock the Gates of Deepest Power
Can you disconnect the island using Cast Down into the Briny Deep?
Yes. For instance, if you sink the middle board in the "Coastline" layout variant 3-player game, there are now two island boards left. By default, there is no way to get from one board to the other, but if you want (player option), you may treat lands that were Range 2 from each other before the sinking as still being Range 2 after the sinking, per the Archipelago rules. (This can be annoying to track, which is why it's not a mandatory rule.)
The Archipelago rules do not apply, since the coasts are not facing each other and it is not game setup.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Island setup, Archipelago, Player-convenience choices, Cast Down into the Briny Deep, 0 more...