Promo 2 - 1st printing Errata for Kingdom of Scotland Lvl 1 -- Scotland's Level 1 "Trading Port" ability is missing a "1" in front of the Explorer. It should read " Coastal lands, Explore cards add 1 Town instead of 1 Explorer".
So if an Explore would normally add 2 Explorers - due to an Event, or combining Scotland with France - it would instead add 1 Town and 1 Explorer. Tags: Explorer, Kingdom of Scotland
What's the difference between an Invader and an Explorer (the stick figure)? Explorer refers only to that type of piece, represented both on cards and on the board by a figure of a person. Invader is a generic term, referring to any of the types of pieces representing the settlers, i.e., an Explorer (stick figure), Town (two buildings), or City (three buildings).
If a rule tells you to do something to an 'Invader', like on Level 3 of the Fear card Isolation, it refers to any one of the three types. If it tells you to count Invaders (like on that same Fear card), it is counting any of the three types equally.
Similarly, "1 Damage to each [Town]/[City]" means "1 Damage to each piece that is either a Town or a City". (Or, in theory, both - though this would require some bizarre new piece considered both a Town and a City in order to be a relevant case.)
This is described in the reference on the back cover of the rulebook.
You can also mix-and-match - destroy an Explorer or two, then deal damage to a Dahan - if for some reason you want to leave some Explorers alive. (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Dahan, Explorer, Ravage, Damage, 1 more...