
Errata / Updates

Invader Actions
  • Core game - 1st printing
    Errata for core rulebook, p. 9 (Ravage) -- Ravaging Invaders damage Dahan and the land separately, equally, and simultaneously. (The word "simultaneously" was accidentally omitted on p. 9, though the example on p. 11 is correct.)
    Currently relevant in certain cases of a Ravage destroying one of Vital Strength of the Earth's Sacred Sites. (The Defend 3 reduces overall damage done to both land and Dahan.)
    Wording fixed / clarified in 2nd printing. Numbered list replaced with a bulleted list in 3rd printing.
    Tags: Rulebook, Ravage, Damage, Earth's Vitality (Vital Strength of the Earth), 0 more...
Spirits and Innate Powers

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When does destroying a Town or City cause Fear?
    Always, regardless of how it's destroyed: directly via a Power that says to destroy one, from damage done by a Power, from damage done by Dahan counterattacking, due to a Spirit's special rules, from a Fear or Event card, etc. [p. 18]
    Fear from destruction is independent of any explicit Fear the Power does - e.g., Lightning's Shatter Homesteads reads "1 Fear. Destroy 1 Town." It will usually generate 2 Fear: 1 explicitly, and 1 for destroying a Town.
    Note that when you remove or replace a Town or City, it does NOT cause any automatic Fear. Removing Invaders happens most frequently via Fear Cards, and usually represents the Invaders fleeing, which doesn't make them any more afraid. Replacing an Invader represents some sort of transformation or change; if it's a scary change, the effect will explicitly specify how much Fear to do.
    (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Destroy, Fear, Dahan, Ravage, 10 more...
Effect Rules
Event Cards
Fear and Fear Cards
General Play
  • What is the timing of Victory / Defeat?
    Check Victory/Defeat after each action tree is entirely complete – i.e., when you're not in the middle of an action, and there are no pending triggered actions. Example: if a Ravage action destroys a Spirit's last Presence, you still finish the Ravage action (which might involve a Dahan counterattack), plus any actions it triggers (e.g., "Blood Draws Predators"), but you do not resolve any further Ravages from the same Ravage Card.
    This is a slight rules change; it was originally released on this site before being formally published in the Nature Incarnate expansion. (The core game rules say to check for Victory/Defeat immediately and the Jagged Earth rules say to check after each and every action, which could be in the middle of a tree of actions – e.g., between the Ravage action and "Blood Draws Predators".)
    For loss conditions which key off of "you try to do something but can't" (e.g: The Kingdom of France's loss condition, when you are unable to add a Town), the loss is noted as soon as that happens, but you may play out the rest of the action tree to see if you achieve a Sacrifice Victory. Other loss conditions, like The Kingdom of England, are only checked when the tree is complete.
    Tags: Victory and Defeat, Sacrifice victory, Changed rulings, Ravage, 2 more...
  • How can damage be allocated to Invaders? Do you need to destroy the Explorers before attacking Towns?
    Whenever damage is dealt to Invaders, you may allocate it as you like between Explorers, Towns, and Cities; you do not have to destroy them in any particular order, and you may choose to leave some Towns or Cities partially damaged (rulebook, p. 18).
    Remember that partial damage heals at the end of the turn. Typically it will be to your advantage to kill Cities or Towns when you can.
    (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Damage, Ravage
Invader Actions
Power Cards
Spirits and Innate Powers