When a Ravage changes which pieces are in other lands, can that cause additional Ravages from the current Ravage Card?
When a Ravage changes which pieces are in other lands, can that cause additional Ravages from the current Ravage Card?
No. Determine which lands Ravage before resolving any of those Ravages. A land with no Invaders at this point won't Ravage even if Invaders are later added or moved there. However:
This applies both to lands that "naturally" match the Ravage Card (e.g., a Jungle when the Ravage Card is Sands+Jungles) and to lands that match the Ravage Card due to an extra effect (e.g., lands with 3+ Explorers against the Tsardom of Russia Level 3+). Thus, for instance, against the Tsardom of Russia level 3+, if a Ravage pushes an Explorer by the Level 2 effect "A Sense for Impending Disaster", it can't cause a Ravage to happen by the Level 3 effect "Competition Among Hunters" from the same card, but can cause a Ravage from a following Ravage Card added by the Level 5 effect "Entrench in the Face of Fear."
Explore and
Build Cards work similarly, albeit without the concern around the amount of Damage.
Category: Invader Actions
Tags: Ravage,
Do not participate in Ravage,
Tsardom of Russia,
Kingdom of Sweden,
Dahan Insurrection,
Resourceful Populace
Products: Core game,
Jagged Earth
Created: Apr 27, 2023 4:46:29 AM
Last modified: Jan 11, 2025 9:41:34 AM