Victory and Defeat

Frequently Asked Questions

Effect Rules
General Play
    • Pieces representing humans (Dahan / Invaders) are cleaned up to the closest legal land — this is not considered a move, is not an action, and does not trigger anything, it is simply a correction of the game state. This happens only once you are not in the middle of an action, and there are no pending triggered actions (i.e., after each action tree), just before checking for victory/defeat.
    • All other pieces remain where they are, but are considered out of play unless/until they're no longer in an illegal state.
    On the other hand, if the place was destroyed and pieces within it somehow survived the destruction, they all get cleaned up.
    This sort of thing can happen if pieces survive the sinking of a board (like Dahan via Infinite Vitality with threshold or Explorers via the Tsardom of Russia's A Sense for Impending Disaster), if an Ocean stops being a land (by Ocean's Hungry Grasp losing its Presence there) while other Spirits' Presence is there, or if Invaders/Dahan are left in the Ocean after an action but manage not to Drown in some way.
    If the nearest legal land is unclear, use your best judgment, based on physical distance if necessary. If there is literally no legal land to put the pieces in, return them to the supply; this is still considered cleaning up (not an action, not a move/remove/destroy, does not trigger anything).
    Tags: Pieces, Illegally placed pieces, Victory and Defeat, Action tree, 12 more...
  • What creates a sacrifice victory? What do you finish evaluating before deciding whether you have won or lost?
    You finish evaluating the current action - for instance a Power, or a Ravage in a single land - until you are not in the middle of an action, and have no triggered actions left to resolve. If you meet both a win condition and a loss condition, it is a sacrifice victory (p. 12).
    For instance, if Pillar of Living Flame does enough damage to destroy the last needed Invader and then adds the last Blight to the island, that is a sacrifice victory. If a Ravage in a land adds the last Blight, but then the Dahan retaliate and wipe out the last Invaders for the current victory condition, that is also a sacrifice victory.
    However, Ravages are evaluated land-by-land (in an order you choose), so a Ravage in one land can cause a victory before a Ravage in another land can add the last Blight and cause defeat.
    You only check at the end of the action tree, so, for instance, Confounding Mists can prevent loss against the Kingdom of England by pushing out a building the moment it is built.
    The loss condition of The Kingdom of France (Plantation Colony) is based off of "try to add a Town and fail" rather than the game state. If you try to add a Town and fail, note that you've done so; you will lose (or get a Sacrifice Victory) at the end of the action tree.
    (Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Sacrifice victory, Timing, Victory and Defeat, Effect, 1 more...
  • What is the timing of Victory / Defeat?
    Check Victory/Defeat after each action tree is entirely complete – i.e., when you're not in the middle of an action, and there are no pending triggered actions. Example: if a Ravage action destroys a Spirit's last Presence, you still finish the Ravage action (which might involve a Dahan counterattack), plus any actions it triggers (e.g., "Blood Draws Predators"), but you do not resolve any further Ravages from the same Ravage Card.
    This is a slight rules change; it was originally released on this site before being formally published in the Nature Incarnate expansion. (The core game rules say to check for Victory/Defeat immediately and the Jagged Earth rules say to check after each and every action, which could be in the middle of a tree of actions – e.g., between the Ravage action and "Blood Draws Predators".)
    For loss conditions which key off of "you try to do something but can't" (e.g: The Kingdom of France's loss condition, when you are unable to add a Town), the loss is noted as soon as that happens, but you may play out the rest of the action tree to see if you achieve a Sacrifice Victory. Other loss conditions, like The Kingdom of England, are only checked when the tree is complete.
    Tags: Victory and Defeat, Sacrifice victory, Changed rulings, Ravage, 2 more...
Power Cards
Spirits and Innate Powers