If the end of a Step or Phase triggers multiple Actions, are those Triggered Actions part of the same Action Tree?

If the end of a Step or Phase triggers multiple Actions, are those Triggered Actions part of the same Action Tree?

No, they each start their own Action Tree.
This can matter if one Action Tree will win the game and another will lose the game — the players can choose which Action Tree resolves first and check for Victory after that one.
For instance, the Triggered Actions from Russia Level 6 each start their own Action Tree, each potentially winning the game (e.g., with Call to Guard) or losing the game (e.g., combined with France or England).
Category: Definitions
Tags: Action tree, Triggered Actions, Victory and Defeat, Visions Out of Time
Products: Jagged Earth, Nature Incarnate
Created: May 2, 2022 10:13:01 PM
Last modified: Jul 7, 2023 6:48:30 AM