Fear and Fear Cards
Errata / Updates
Core game - 1st printing
Update to Dahan Enheartened Fear Card -- In the second+ printings, the effects for Terror Levels 2 and 3 read:
- 2: "Each player chooses a different land. In chosen lands: Gather up to 2 Dahan, then 1 Damage if Dahan are present."
- 3: "Each player chooses a different land. In chosen lands: Gather up to 2 Dahan, then 1 Damage per Dahan present."
This is a minor change - mostly just a rewording for clarity
(see Changes in core game second printing), but slightly more permissive than the first printing.
(You can choose a land which already has Dahan, then Gather 0 Dahan and still do Damage. The first printing requires you to Gather 1 or 2 Dahan to each chosen land, which was not the original intent, and was confusing some players.)Designer's recommendation: Play with whichever version is easiest or most appealing for you; the difference is so minor it will not substantially affect game balance. (If the card hadn't wanted tweaking for clarity anyway, we wouldn't have bothered updating it.) If you wish to make a pasteup for your first-printing copy,
an image of the new card has been uploaded here.
Tags: Dahan Enheartened
Frequently Asked Questions
For instance, the same Explorer can move multiple times with the Fear card 'Retreat!', and the same Beast can be moved multiple time with 'A Strange Madness among the Beasts'.
At that time, you pick up the stack of earned Fear Cards, flip it over (which means you're reading them in the order earned), and resolve them one at a time, without looking ahead. If you earn more Fear Cards while so doing, they go on the bottom of the stack.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Fear, Fear Cards
A strict reading of the Terror 2 text would be "one action in each land with Towns followed by one action in each land with Cities", which, when it matters at all, is super-fiddly and counter to the card's intent. A strict reading of the Terror 3 text would probably be similar (though there's a case to be made that the Explorer destruction would be a single action
total, which is even weirder).
Tags: Actions, Scapegoats, Tsardom of Russia, Observe the Ever-Changing World (Shifting Memory of Ages), 0 more...
If earning the card causes you to reach a new Terror Level, subsequent Fear Cards immediately start using the new Terror Level.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Fear, Fear Cards
This applies to all Event / Fear cards that affect all lands with (some contents) - you treat it as a game-wide rule for the turn, so you don't have to keep track of where pieces
used to be across the entire board. Powers which affect all lands of a particular type
work the same way, for the same reason.
Powers which
affect only one land check land contents at the moment of use, again to minimize required memory: it's easier to remember "this specific land has Defend 3" than "this land has Defend equal to the number of Dahan in it at the time".
Unusual cases:
Thematically, Fear effects are what the Invaders do as a result of their rising terror.
(Or, sometimes, what the Dahan do when enheartened by the Invaders' faltering resolve.) While the players make the decisions, it's not the Spirits actually taking action.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Fear
(If similar things come up in the future, we may tweak the Ravage sequence, but for 1 card it's less disruptive to just say "yes, you get this benefit".)