Overseas Trade Seems Safer
Frequently Asked Questions
Fear and Fear Cards
How does Overseas Trade Seems Safer at Terror 2 ("Invaders do not Build Cities in Coastal Lands this turn") interact with effects that change what gets Built?
Check if a City would be Built
any modifiers to how the Build action would work.
Overseas Trade Seems Safer
skips the Build entirely, and you resolve all "skip this Action" effects before any "modify this Action" effects.
Skipping Actions
Action Modifiers
Overseas Trade Seems Safer
Fathomless Mud of the Swamp
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How does Overseas Trade Seems Safer at Terror 2 ("Invaders do not Build Cities in Coastal Lands this turn") interact with Disease?
Overseas Trade Seems Safer
as skipping the Build if a City would get built (ie, Towns > Cities). So for Disease, you can choose to apply the
Overseas Trade
skip first, preserving the Disease token.
Overseas Trade Seems Safer
With the Fear card Overseas Trade Seems Safer at Terror level 2, what happens if a City would be built in a Coastal land?
Nothing is built: no City, and also no Town.
If a Town would normally be built, it is built as normal.
Discussion elsewhere
Overseas Trade Seems Safer