Dahan Enheartened

Errata / Updates

Fear and Fear Cards
  • Core game - 1st printing
    Update to Dahan Enheartened Fear Card -- In the second+ printings, the effects for Terror Levels 2 and 3 read:
    • 2: "Each player chooses a different land. In chosen lands: Gather up to 2 Dahan, then 1 Damage if Dahan are present."
    • 3: "Each player chooses a different land. In chosen lands: Gather up to 2 Dahan, then 1 Damage per Dahan present."
    This is a minor change - mostly just a rewording for clarity (see Changes in core game second printing), but slightly more permissive than the first printing. (You can choose a land which already has Dahan, then Gather 0 Dahan and still do Damage. The first printing requires you to Gather 1 or 2 Dahan to each chosen land, which was not the original intent, and was confusing some players.)
    Designer's recommendation: Play with whichever version is easiest or most appealing for you; the difference is so minor it will not substantially affect game balance. (If the card hadn't wanted tweaking for clarity anyway, we wouldn't have bothered updating it.) If you wish to make a pasteup for your first-printing copy, an image of the new card has been uploaded here.
    Tags: Dahan Enheartened

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When does destroying a Town or City cause Fear?
    Always, regardless of how it's destroyed: directly via a Power that says to destroy one, from damage done by a Power, from damage done by Dahan counterattacking, due to a Spirit's special rules, from a Fear or Event card, etc. [p. 18]
    Fear from destruction is independent of any explicit Fear the Power does - e.g., Lightning's Shatter Homesteads reads "1 Fear. Destroy 1 Town." It will usually generate 2 Fear: 1 explicitly, and 1 for destroying a Town.
    Note that when you remove or replace a Town or City, it does NOT cause any automatic Fear. Removing Invaders happens most frequently via Fear Cards, and usually represents the Invaders fleeing, which doesn't make them any more afraid. Replacing an Invader represents some sort of transformation or change; if it's a scary change, the effect will explicitly specify how much Fear to do.
    (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Destroy, Fear, Dahan, Ravage, 10 more...
Fear and Fear Cards
Spirits and Innate Powers