Build Step
Frequently Asked Questions
Does a Build have to happen for Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony) Level 1 to Gather Towns?
No, there is
a Build Step, so the Level 1 "Migratory Herders" effect still Gathers Towns into
matching land, even if a Build Action didn't happen there because there were no Invaders present or because the Build Action was explicitly skipped.
Build Step
Skipping Actions
Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony)
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Against the Habsburg Mining Expedition Level 1+, does Disease only prevent Ravages in Mining lands during the Build Step?
No, Disease in Mining lands will prevent
Ravage, including those caused by Ravage/Build Cards (common), Events (uncommon), or Powers (rare).
Build Step
Habsburg Mining Expedition
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For Habsburg Level 1 (Migratory Herders), does it check all Build Cards, or just those in the normal Build Space?
is that it only checks cards in the Build Space printed on the Invader Board, but that isn't explicitly spelled out for space reasons (and because it doesn't matter 99% of the time). If you play it as written (also checking Build Cards in other places), that's totally fine.
Situations where it makes a difference include are playing double-Adversary with England Lvl 3+ (the High Immigration step has Build Cards) and the Event Card "Farmers Seek the Dahan for Aid" (which can turn a Ravage Card into a Build Card).
Build Step
Build Cards
Combining Adversaries
Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony)
2 more...
How does Farmers Seek the Dahan For Aid affect Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony) Level 1?
It doesn't — it changes the next Ravage Card to a Build Card, but doesn't affect the Invader Steps.
Likewise if the Build is entirely skipped by Immigration Slows, there is still a Build Step and Habsburg Lvl 1 still happens.
Build Step
Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony)
Farmers Seek the Dahan for Aid
Immigration Slows
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Does Ceaseless Mining (Habsburg Mining Expedition Level 1) cause Ravages in Mining lands from extra Build Steps (e.g., from High Immigration when combining with the Kingdom of England)?
Ceaseless Mining
only affects the ordinary Build Step corresponding to the Build Space printed on the Invader Board, since it refers to
Build Step. Build Cards in extra Build Steps will Build normally.
Mining Boom
(Levels 3 & 5) won't trigger after extra Build Steps, and
The Empire Ascendant
(Level 6) won't affect Explore Cards resolved during extra Explore Steps.
Combining Adversaries
Build Step
Kingdom of England
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