If Invaders Ravage twice in the same round, how does Defend work? If each Ravage deals 1 damage to the land, do you add a Blight?

If Invaders Ravage twice in the same round, how does Defend work? If each Ravage deals 1 damage to the land, do you add a Blight?

Resolve the second Ravage just looking the current pieces on the board and ongoing effects; you don't need to remember if or how many times the Invaders previously Ravaged there that turn.
In particular:
  • Defend applies each time the Invaders deal Damage in a land – it isn't "used up" in the first Ravage.
  • Each time the land itself is damaged is separate – it does not accumulate Damage during a turn the way Invaders and Dahan do. Only add a Blight when a single instance of Damage is enough to cause Blight.
  • Similarly, Blight can be added to a land multiple times in a turn. Check each time the land takes Damage.
Category: Invader Actions
Tags: Ravage, Blight, Defend
Products: Jagged Earth, Branch & Claw
Created: Aug 14, 2020 8:49:12 PM
Last modified: Jan 6, 2025 8:22:43 PM