Event Cards
Errata / Updates
The "Blight Spreads" event appears on two Event Cards; the other one (headed by "Well-Prepared Explorers") is correct.
Frequently Asked Questions
If Invaders do extra damage in a land where all Invaders have Strife, what happens?
Changed answer (as of Jagged Earth): The damage boost does not apply.
(JE, p. 7) Per-land damage boosts only apply if the Invaders manage to muster up at least 1 Damage prior to Defend, so empty lands which manage to Ravage, lands where all Invaders are Strifed, or lands full of Explorers that are affected by Mesmerized Tranquility don't get per-land damage boosts.
This is a change from pre-Jagged Earth, as noted on the JE rules p. 7.
Sometimes, after you have moved a Town once, there is no way to move it a second time; this happens, for instance, on Board A if you move from land 3 to land 4. You cannot then move it to land 5, since land 5 is not further inland than land 4. (Both are adjacent to a Coastal land.)
All the effects wear off at the same time during Time Passes, so if you put Towns in the Ocean when Weave Together expires, Relentless Optimism is no longer active.
A single event card usually has three separate events: a main event, a token event (Disease, Beasts, etc), and a Dahan event. They are all separate, applied in order. _(See the Jagged Earth Action rules for more precision on this.)
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Events, Effect
The general rule is that when the game tells you "For each [thing that meets conditions], do [some action]", you first note which things meet the conditions, and then do the action on each of those things
(in an order of your choosing). That is, the actions don't change which things met the conditions.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Conditions, Rouse the Spirits (Dahan Event)
Making a Slow Power Fast will NOT let you resolve it immediately - the Fast phase is done - but will let you keep it in play (perhaps for its elements) without paying Outpaced. Making a Fast Power Slow would let you discard it to gain Energy regardless of whether you used it during Fast, but you could not "resolve it now" unless you had not used it during the Fast phase already.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Speed (Fast/Slow), Sky Stretches to Shore, Outpaced
So (if nothing else happens) it will explore every land that has no Towns or Cities and is either Coastal or adjacent to a Town or City.
However, the Power Card will be Forgotten before you have a chance to use any Powers in Slow Phase, so it won’t help you hit the Elemental thresholds of those Slow Powers.
Tags: Elements, Ethereal Conjunction
"On each board" cares about the land the Dahan are currently in; it's fine to Push them onto a different board.
Like all instructions that don't involve targeting or "choose a land", if you
can obey them, you must - eg, if there's a land with 2 Dahan and a City that happens to be surrounded by Cities, you can't point at it and say "we would Push those, but we can't because there are no legal lands", just as you couldn't subvert "Add 1 Blight to a Sands" by pointing at a Wetland and saying "It's not a Sands, so we don't add Blight".
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Dahan, Events, Retreat (Dahan Event)