Event Cards

Errata / Updates

Branch & Claw - 2nd and 3rd printings
Errata for the "Blight Spreads" Event on the card headed by "Tight-Knit Communities" -- "Add 1 Blight to a land with Blight" should read "Add 1 Blight to a land adjacent to a land with Blight".
The "Blight Spreads" event appears on two Event Cards; the other one (headed by "Well-Prepared Explorers") is correct.
A corrected version is planned for Errata Pack (Core 4th/5th, B&C 3rd).
Tags: Events, Blight Spreads
Branch & Claw - 3rd printing
Errata for Choice Event "War Touches the Island's Shores" -- "Discard the top Minor Power" should read "Discard the top Major Power".

Frequently Asked Questions

If Invaders do extra damage in a land where all Invaders have Strife, what happens?
Changed answer (as of Jagged Earth): The damage boost does not apply. (JE, p. 7) Per-land damage boosts only apply if the Invaders manage to muster up at least 1 Damage prior to Defend, so empty lands which manage to Ravage, lands where all Invaders are Strifed, or lands full of Explorers that are affected by Mesmerized Tranquility don't get per-land damage boosts. This is a change from pre-Jagged Earth, as noted on the JE rules p. 7.
If you wish to play with the old rule, you can, but the game will be harder.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Strife, Damage, Changed rulings, Destroy the Unnatural!, 9 more...
What are the restrictions on where Towns can go in Invaders Surge Inland?`
You move the Town from a Coastal land once or twice, moving further inland (farther from the coast) each time.
Sometimes, after you have moved a Town once, there is no way to move it a second time; this happens, for instance, on Board A if you move from land 3 to land 4. You cannot then move it to land 5, since land 5 is not further inland than land 4. (Both are adjacent to a Coastal land.)
The Town does enter intermediate lands.
Tags: Invaders Surge Inland
For the event War Touches the Island's Shores, does Defend reduce the damage?
Yes, if you allow the attacks, Defend reduces the damage to both the land and the Invaders.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: War Touches the Island's Shores
Do Spirits gain Energy from Numinous Crisis if that Event doesn't flip the Blight Card?
Yes, the Spirits gain 3 Energy for each Blight Numinous Crisis removes from the Blight Card, not just the extra Blight removed to force a Blight Card flip.
Tags: Numinous Crisis
All the effects wear off at the same time during Time Passes, so if you put Towns in the Ocean when Weave Together expires, Relentless Optimism is no longer active.
Similar comments apply for other reasons Invaders might die during Time Passes (Health bonuses wearing off, etc.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Time Passes, Timing, Relentless Optimism, Weave Together the Fabric of Place, 2 more...
For the event New Cash Crops Take Hold, do you get the benefit of the Canny Defense event on the same card?
No, the Events on a card are executed in order, so the extra Ravage takes place before you get the benefit of Canny Defense.
Likewise for A Strange Madness Among the Beasts, the Beasts deal damage after the first part of the card (in which some of them may be removed).
Tags: Events, New Cash Crops Take Hold, Canny Defense, A Strange Madness Among the Beasts, 0 more...
When do Spirits decide whether or not to destroy Presence for the Voracious Consumption event?
When the effect triggers on that particular board after the Ravage Step.
The payment is to prevent the addition of Blight, not to prevent the creation of the "after the Ravage Step,..." triggered action when the Event Card is initially resolved.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Timing, Voracious Consumption
In the Beasts Attack Event, how is the damage done and which Beasts get removed?
Each Beasts does damage in turn, distributed as you prefer as usual for damage to Invaders, and only Beasts that finish off a Town or City get removed.
For instance, in a land with two Towns and two Beasts, the first Beasts could deal 1 damage to each Town, and then the second one could finish off both Towns. Only the second Beasts would get removed.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Beasts, Events, Beasts Attack (Beasts Event)
Which elements does Elemental Boon have for the purpose of Events?
It is your choice (Branch & Claw rulebook, p. 16).
This is true whether you are discarding the power as a randomizer, or discarding/forgetting it to get +2/+4 Energy for Choice Events.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Discarding Powers as a randomizer, Choice Events, Elemental Boon
For Bureaucrats Adjust Funding, when do you check how many Towns or Cities there are on the boards?
At the time you draw the Event (not at the time when you Build), when you perform the "On Each Board" instruction.
(Discussion elsewhere) (Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Bureaucrats Adjust Funding, Mapmakers Chart the Wild
A single event card usually has three separate events: a main event, a token event (Disease, Beasts, etc), and a Dahan event. They are all separate, applied in order. _(See the Jagged Earth Action rules for more precision on this.)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Events, Effect
Playing with an Archipelago, Distant Exploration comes up (Invaders Explore at +1 distance). There's an empty islet with an Isolated Ocean. Can Invaders Explore its Coastal lands from facing islet's Coastal lands?
Only if you want to permit it. The "range 2" that Coastal lands are away from each other does need to measure through both board's Oceans, even though "2" isn't the additive number of steps to do so.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Archipelago, Explore, Range, Isolate, 1 more...
When an Event says, "On each board: Either destroy 2 presence <i>(total)</i> OR ...", what does "total" mean?
That you only need to destroy 2 Presence on that board, not 2 per Spirit.
So in a 4-player game, if you choose the "destroy Presence" option for every board, you'll destroy 8 Presence. If a given board doesn't have 2 Presence on it to destroy, you must choose the other option if possible.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Events, Total, On Each Board, Presence, 5 more...
What are 'Hills' in the Coming of Age section of the Event card Strange Tales Attract Explorers?
That should be 'Mountain'. That section should read "On Each Board: Add 1 Dahan to a Mountain or Sands with Dahan".
This is leftover from a late terminology switch.
Tags: Terrain, Strange Tales Attract Explorers, Coming of Age
On the Event card Sacred Sites Under Threat, what are the choices we are choosing from?
You are choosing between the two bold-faced headings: 'Let the Island's Strength Repulse them' and 'Guard them Yourself, for Well or Ill'. If you choose 'Guard them Yourself, for Well or Ill', then there is a further choice for each Sacred Site with Invaders.
On the further choice, in each relevant land you basically pay 3 Energy and do 2 damage; or else pay no Energy and destroy 1 Presence from each Spirit there. But the Energy cost is pooled and you pay it one time.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Choice Events, Sacred Sites under Threat
When War Touches the Island’s Shores does Damage in a land where Rising Heat of Stone and Sand has exactly 2 Presence, can you take advantage of the Health penalty from Blistering Heat to Destroy Invaders?
Yes. There is no point at which Rising Heat's Presence has already been destroyed by the Blight, but Invaders haven't yet been checked for taking enough Damage to destroy them.
This also applies to Far-Off Wars Touch the Island against Durable Invaders.
Tags: Blight, Timing, Health, Durable, 5 more...
Does a Spirit have to pay for the Power Card played via Ethereal Conjunction?
No, since the card is put directly into play without needing to pay its cost.
However, the Spirit still needs to pay any costs associated with using the Power, whether that's a mandatory "Cost to Use" (e.g., for Absolute Stasis) or a cost associated with a particular choice (e.g., for Hazards Spread Across the Island). You can pick a Power Card with a Cost to Use that you can't afford; in that case, you fail to use the Power and then Forget the card.
Tags: Cost To Use, Resolving Powers, Ethereal Conjunction, Absolute Stasis (Fractured Days Split the Sky), 3 more...
For the Event card Outpaced on the second option, can Spirits help each other pay the Energy cost?
No, each Spirit has to independently pay the cost (in Energy or Presence) for each Slow power they want to keep.
The Event card is worded differently from other Choice Events, which is why it is different.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Outpaced
What does the Distant Exploration event card do?
In the upcoming Explore, it lets the Invaders explore further from an existing base than normal.
Precisely, for each Explore action this turn they Explore in a land (of the correct type) if there is a Town, City, or Ocean within Range 2.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Distant Exploration
You have to add a Town instead of an Explorer that would actually be placed. You can only avoid the Town if no Explorers would actually be placed on a board.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Promising Farmland (Event)
The general rule is that when the game tells you "For each [thing that meets conditions], do [some action]", you first note which things meet the conditions, and then do the action on each of those things (in an order of your choosing). That is, the actions don't change which things met the conditions.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Conditions, Rouse the Spirits (Dahan Event)
"Bureaucrats Adjust Funding" only checks if the land matches the Build Card, not if it contains Invaders. This is different from "Pour Time Sideways," which checks where Invader Cards are already creating Invader Actions.
Tags: Build Cards, Matches, Bureaucrats Adjust Funding, Pour Time Sideways (Fractured Days Split the Sky), 1 more...
Making a Slow Power Fast will NOT let you resolve it immediately - the Fast phase is done - but will let you keep it in play (perhaps for its elements) without paying Outpaced. Making a Fast Power Slow would let you discard it to gain Energy regardless of whether you used it during Fast, but you could not "resolve it now" unless you had not used it during the Fast phase already.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Speed (Fast/Slow), Sky Stretches to Shore, Outpaced
Does damage to the land from War Touches the Island's Shores carry over to future ravages?
No, partial damage to the land is ignored, just as for multiple ravages (B&C rulebook p. 15, base rulebook p. 9)
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Ravage, Blight, War Touches the Island's Shores
If the Event Beasts Prey on the Injured happens in a game with Many Minds Move as One, do Many Minds' Sacred Sites count as a Badlands?
Yes. The Sacred Site counts as a Beasts due to Many Mind's special rule, then counts as a Badlands due to Beasts Prey on the Injured.
Note that this isn't relevant for Settle Into Hunting-Grounds, since the Presence of a Spirit affected by it already counts as Badlands - see this FAQ.
Tags: Counts As, Badlands, Beasts, Many Minds Move as One, 3 more...
Exactly where does Fortune-Seekers cause exploration?
The Explore card will be considered to match every land without Towns/Cities. It does not override the usual rules about sources of Explorers.
So (if nothing else happens) it will explore every land that has no Towns or Cities and is either Coastal or adjacent to a Town or City.
Note also that the subsequent Build and Ravage effects are not modified.
Tags: Matches, Fortune-Seekers
This affects 'Missionaries Arrive', 'New Species Spread', 'War Touches the Island's Shores', and 'Years of Little Rain'.
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Missionaries Arrive, New Species Spread, War Touches the Island's Shores, Years of Little Rain, 2 more...
When using a Power Card via Ethereal Conjunction, can you hit its thresholds? Do its own Elements contribute to those thresholds?
Yes and yes. You can use any Elements you have when you use the Minor/Unique Power, including the Elements on the Power Card itself.
However, the Power Card will be Forgotten before you have a chance to use any Powers in Slow Phase, so it won’t help you hit the Elemental thresholds of those Slow Powers.
Tags: Elements, Ethereal Conjunction
For the Dahan Event "Retreat", are you being told to (on each board) Push 2 Dahan from a *single* land with a City, or could you Push 1 Dahan from 2 different lands with Cities? What happens if you can't meet the full requirements?
You're being told to Push 2 Dahan from a single land with a City to a single land without a City. If that's impossible, but you can Push 1 Dahan following those constraints, do so. Otherwise, do nothing on that board.
"On each board" cares about the land the Dahan are currently in; it's fine to Push them onto a different board.
Like all instructions that don't involve targeting or "choose a land", if you can obey them, you must - eg, if there's a land with 2 Dahan and a City that happens to be surrounded by Cities, you can't point at it and say "we would Push those, but we can't because there are no legal lands", just as you couldn't subvert "Add 1 Blight to a Sands" by pointing at a Wetland and saying "It's not a Sands, so we don't add Blight".
(Discussion elsewhere)  Tags: Dahan, Events, Retreat (Dahan Event)
In the Visions Out of Time Event, what happens if multiple Omens end up in one land? How about if an Omen is temporarily out of the game due to being under Absolute Stasis?
On the turn after Visions out of Time is drawn, in each land that's in the game and has Omens, gain 2 Fear, Ravage once, and Remove 1 Omen after the Ravage Step. Any leftover Omens (whether due to multiple Omens stacking up in one land or the Omens not being in a land at the relevant time) can be removed from the board to reduce clutter, since it's unlikely they will do anything relevant for the rest of the game.
As a more thematic option, you can treat Omens as if they had the ability on the Event Card: "Starting next turn, after the Ravage Step: 2 Fear; Invaders Ravage; Remove this Omen." In that case, stacked Omens can cause multiple Ravages in one land, and Omens under Absolute Stasis will cause problems after Ravage Steps of future turns.
Tags: Visions Out of Time, Absolute Stasis (Fractured Days Split the Sky), Weave Together the Fabric of Place, Bargain of Coursing Paths, 0 more...