Numinous Crisis
Frequently Asked Questions
Event Cards
Do Spirits gain Energy from Numinous Crisis if that Event doesn't flip the Blight Card?
Yes, the Spirits gain 3 Energy for
Blight Numinous Crisis removes from the Blight Card, not just the extra Blight removed to force a Blight Card flip.
Numinous Crisis
General Play
When you return presence to your tracks, can you cover one of the leftmost solid-circle spaces that start the game without presence?
No, the leftmost spaces with solid circles cannot be covered by presence.
Similarly, "Bonus" spaces, which start uncovered, can never be covered.
Presence track
Bonus Spaces
Volcano Looming High
Fractured Days Split the Sky
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Spirits and Innate Powers
What happens when an Incarna would go to place off the island that only Presence goes, like being returned to a Presence Track by "Numinious Crisis" or moved to Serpent's "Deep Slumber" track by "Absorb Essence"?
It leaves the island, ceases to be Presence because it's no longer on the island, and returns to the Incarna supply instead of wherever it was going to go. It can then be added to the island normally by anything that adds that Incarna.
For "Absorb Essence" in particular, both Serpent and the other Spirit will get the immediate benefits of using the Power, but Serpent's Presence limit won't go up.
Counts As
Absorb Essence (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island)
Deep Slumber (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island)
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How do the elements placed onto Starlight's Presence tracks work?
Once set, they work exactly like Elements on other Spirits’ Presence Tracks. If Presence is returned onto an Element, leave the Element Marker in place.
Presence track
Element markers
Starlight Seeks Its Form
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If Starlight returns Presence to one of its Growth track rows, does it lose access to that Growth choice?
Yes, until that row is cleared again.
(JE p. 32)
When the row is cleared, the choice of which of the two Growth options to unlock cannot be revisited.
Discussion elsewhere
Starlight Seeks Its Form
Numinous Crisis
Growth Begets Growth (Starlight Seeks its Form)