New Species Spread
Frequently Asked Questions
When the Dark Fire Aspect discards a card with both Moon and Fire to pay for a choice event, how much Energy does that count towards the cost? How about if it forgets the power card isntead?
2 Energy and 4 Energy, respectively. The discard and forget options for Choice Events check
a card has a relevant Element, not
how many
of that Element is on the card.
Choice Events
Sacred Sites under Threat
New Species Spread
2 more...
Event Cards
For the token effect "New Diseases", you do something on half the boards. Are you allowed to choose boards with no valid lands?
Yes, you can choose boards with no lands that have both Invaders and Dahan.
Discussion elsewhere
Half the boards
New Species Spread
Farmers Seek the Dahan for Aid
New Diseases
0 more...
When Event cards ask you to discard the top major or minor power and do something on each board, do you discard just one card overall or one per board?
You discard one card for each board and follow the instructions on that board.
This affects 'Missionaries Arrive', 'New Species Spread', 'War Touches the Island's Shores', and 'Years of Little Rain'.
Discussion elsewhere
Missionaries Arrive
New Species Spread
War Touches the Island's Shores
Years of Little Rain
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