When instructed to discard a card, which cards can you choose from? Where do those cards go?
When instructed to discard a card, which cards can you choose from? Where do those cards go?
"Discard a card" without any other qualifiers means "put a Power Card from your hand into your discard pile." This most commonly occurs as part of paying for a Choice Event, but can also appear as a cost or detrimental effect.
Some effects (most notably, the standard effects of Time Passes) discard Power Cards from play because they interact with a specific card that's in play or with cards in play in general. In that case, put the Power Card(s) from play into your discard pile. You can't discard a Power Card from play unless otherwise instructed to do so.
If instructed to discard a card not controlled by a player, the card goes to that deck's discard pile. This most commonly occurs when gaining a Power Card, discarding the top card of the Event Deck on Turn 1, and when discarding a Minor Power as a randomizer.
Category: Definitions
Tags: Discarding Powers as a randomizer,
Choice Events,
Turmoil's Touch (Wandering Voice Keens Delirium),
Wandering Voice Keens Delirium,
Overenthusiastic Arson (Grinning Trickster Stirs Up Trouble),
Grinning Trickster Stirs Up Trouble,
Let's See What Happens (Grinning Trickster Stirs Up Trouble),
The Border of Life and Death,
Shattered Fragments of Power,
Aid From Lesser Spirits,
Terror Spikes Upwards,
Visions Out of Time,
Ethereal Conjunction,
Life's Balance Tilts,
Lesser Spirits Imperiled,
Missionaries Arrive,
Slave Rebellion,
War Touches the Island's Shores,
New Species Spread,
Years of Little Rain,
Destiny Unfolds
Products: Branch & Claw,
Jagged Earth,
Nature Incarnate
Created: Feb 7, 2025 11:54:50 PM
Last modified: Feb 7, 2025 11:54:50 PM