How does Voice of Command interact with Events that boost Invader damage or count Invaders?
How does Voice of Command interact with Events that boost Invader damage or count Invaders?
Events usually interact with "sides" (attacker vs counterattacker):
- Boosts to total Invader Damage only benefit the Invaders' side - not the Explorers fighting alongside Dahan.
- Boosts to "Invader Damage against Dahan" (Xenophobia) apply to damage done to the Dahan side - it doesn't matter if the damage is allocated to Dahan or Explorers.
- Events counting the number of Invaders Ravaging (Fearful Mobs) count the pieces on the Invader's side - so not the Explorers. (A strict reading would count them, but this is wording for the normal case)
(The last works differently from Badlands, which care about whether damage is actually done to Dahan pieces.)