Can a land sunk by Deeps be targeted with Powers?
Yes, but only insofar as it's part of the entire Ocean on that board, and that Ocean as a whole can be targeted (if Ocean's Hungry Grasp is still present on the board).
It's impossible to only target the part of that Ocean that was formally a particular land in the same way that it's impossible to only target the left side of a printed land, or only target part of a joined land created by Weave Together the Fabric of Place. Tags: Targeting, Deeps Aspect (Ocean's Hungry Grasp), Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
This is also the case for Powers like The Jungle Hungers, where a threshold modifies the instructions earlier in the Power. Technically, every use of "Instead..." in an innate power works this way; it's pretty simple for human minds to understand the intent, but the formal specification is messier.
There are no adjacent lands to add Blight to, so Blight does not cascade.
Push can't Push anything (unless you can Push to a land 2 away - eg, Many Minds Move as One - and there's a land 2 away, see below).
Whether you can target the land depends on whether you can measure Range from your Presence to it. If you made a disjoint land via Cast Down into the Briny Deep + Absolute Stasis, yes, because the land is Range 2 from other lands. But if you completely wall off a land via Repeats of Absolute Stasis, then there's no way to measure Range to it, so the only way to target Powers there would be to either have Presence in the land or the ability to ignore range (eg, Finder of Paths Unseen).
Note that Isolate is NOT usually sufficient to generate any of these situations, since it only affects adjacency for Invader pieces (JE rules, p. 10). Tags: Island Boards, Push, Range, Targeting, 2 more...
During the Spirit phase, you play and pay for Power Cards and gain their elements, but you don't actually need to pick the targets at that point. You will find your first games go more smoothly if you trust that there will be a useful place to use your powers.
If you plan a target at the beginning of the turn and then it is no longer a valid target, you have to pick a different target. (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Targeting, Speed (Fast/Slow)
If the effects of the special rule didn't have anything to do with targeting the Power, it might be more ambiguous (since Entwined Power is only supposed to affect targeting), but Mists Shift and Flow is very explicit that it can be used to target Powers. Tags: Targeting, Move, Shroud of Silent Mist, Mists Shift and Flow (Shroud of Silent Mist), 2 more...
You add 1 Wilds to both the originating land (the land from which you're measuring Range) and the target land. At Range 0, these will be the same, so both Wilds tokens are added to the same land. (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Targeting, Strangling Firevine
The slash works just like it does for "Remove 1 Town/City". If it were "Jungle without Blight", there would be an "AND" or "&" between them. Tags: Targeting, Trees Radiate Celestial Brilliance
Do Range buffs apply to Powers that affect "a land with your Presence" or "one of your lands"?
No. "A land with your Presence" specifies a requirement for the land you're affecting (similar to, eg, "a land with Dahan" or "a land with Blight"), not a numeric Range. While it is usually the same in practice as "a land at Range 0", when using effects that modify Range the distinction matters.
For powers like Punish Those Who Trespass or Firestorm that have a base effect with normal range and a further effect referring to "lands where you have presence", the range on the base effect can be extended, but the further part cannot.
For instance, if you reach all the thresholds of Punish Those Who Trespass and have extended range, you can use the base effect to deal damage in a distant land and use the further part to deal damage where you have presence (without extension). (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Range, Presence, Targeting, Reaching Grasp, 10 more...
All other targeting requirements still apply. This includes source restrictions, so if, e.g., a Power must be targeted from a Sacred Site and you have none, Shadows of the Dahan won't let you use it, or if it needs to be targeted from a Jungle, you need Presence in a Jungle to use it. The same applies for target restrictions other than Range, like lands with Invaders, unblighted lands, or restrictions on the target terrain; these must also be obeyed. (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Range, Targeting, Shadows of the Dahan (Shadows Flicker Like Flame), Finder of Paths Unseen, 3 more...
In the Second Wave scenario, where exactly can a power from the first wave be used? What if the power is targeted from a Sacred Site? What about (one of many weird exception cases)?
The power can target any land or Spirit it normally could – no current Spirit needs to have a Sacred Site (or Presence in a land of the correct terrain, etc.) The power is being "played" by the Spirit from the prior game – if it cares about the originating land, or where the Spirit has Presence / Sacred Sites, it can assume that for purposes of targeting and resolution the Spirit has up to 2 Presence in each land. The Power can't affect the playing Spirit (which is not in the game). Technically, Energy/other costs can't be paid, but it's more fun if you say that costs up to 8 Energy / 4 Time, can be paid. (Or rough equivalent, so "Elemental Teachings" can grant 3 of any element(s), "Draw Towards a Consuming Void" could redo its effects once, etc).
This won't let you get around any conditional requirements in the Power's effects though. For example, if Sear Anger Into the Wild Lands destroys the last Invader in a land, a Relentless Punishment Repeat of the Power can no longer meet the "if Wilds and Invaders are present" condition in the Power's effect to add more Fear. Tags: Repeat, Targeting, Shadows of the Burning Forest, Lure of the Unknown, 8 more...
This is usually irrelevant, but can occasionally be important (for, e.g., Scream Disease Into the Wind, or other "after using a power on a land..." effects.)
It does not need to actually do something, as long as it has an instruction that could in theory modify the game state. Setting up a triggered action for the current Power only (eg: Lure's first innate) doesn't count, either; it's effectively an internal modifier as well, despite using a trigger for timing. Tags: Targeting, Resolving Powers, Range Boosts, Range, 4 more...
Remember that if there are explicit instructions about where to Repeat a Power, those take priority. So if a Power Card says "Repeat this Power in an adjacent land", you may (and must) target a land adjacent to the original, rather than choosing a new target the usual way. (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Repeat, Targeting, Shadows of the Dahan (Shadows Flicker Like Flame)