Storm Swath
Frequently Asked Questions
General Play
If you deal damage in multiple lands with a single instruction, does the damage happen simultaneously? Against Russia level 2+, if one of those lands is Isolated, can you attempt to Push an Isolated Explorer and thus destroy it?
Damage instructions are simultaneous in all the lands where they apply. Russia's
Sense for Impending Disaster
effect requires you to Push an Explorer if you can (and generate 1 Fear); you cannot pick an Isolated Explorer as the one to Push if you have another choice.
This applies to any effect that deals damage in multiple lands at once.
Action Modifiers
Bloodwrack Plague
Fire and Flood
12 more...
Power Cards
If you Repeat a card that boosts its own Range via an elemental threshold (eg: Sap the Strength of Multitudes), but don't have the threshold when you Repeat it, is the Repeat's range still boosted?
Yes. Changes to Range/Speed persist across Repeats.
If you
have the threshold, you don't get the +1 Range again. (This is counter to a strict reading of the rules; the threshold would be better written as "This Power's Range is 1", the way Talons of Lightning's is.)
This does
apply to Carapaced Land, which has a greater Range for targeting lands with Beasts as an intrinsic part of its effect.
Discussion elsewhere
Range Boosts
Sap the Strength of Multitudes
2 more...
For the power Storm-Swath, what happens if the origin land is the same as the target land?
You do 2 damage to each Invader - the "target land" and "origin land" effects each still apply, just to the same land.