Why is there a copy of Sea Monsters in Jagged Earth *and* in Branch & Claw? What's the difference?
Why is there a copy of Sea Monsters in Jagged Earth and in Branch & Claw? What's the difference?
The copy of Sea Monsters in Jagged Earth replaces the original version in Branch & Claw. It limits the maximum amount of Fear generated, to avoid ridiculous combos with Many Minds Move as One. The new text reads: "Add 1 [Beasts]. If Invaders are present, 2 [Fear] per [Beasts] (max. 8 [Fear]). 3 Damage per [Beasts]. 1 Damage per [Blight]. -If you have- 3 Water, 3 Animal: Repeat this power." If you have just Branch & Claw, you are welcome to use this new wording if you like, but it's not required.
If you have Jagged Earth but not Branch & Claw, technically, you shouldn't add Sea Monsters to the Major Power deck. But it's not a huge deal if you do - the elemental balance of the Major Power deck isn't as tightly tuned as that of the Minor Powers.