If you damage an Invader/Dahan and then replace it with another Invader/Dahan, does the new piece enter the game damaged?
If you damage an Invader/Dahan and then replace it with another Invader/Dahan, does the new piece enter the game damaged?
Yes. (Rulebook p. 18) When you replace a piece with another piece, the new piece comes in with whatever Damage the original piece had.
For example, if you deal 2 Damage to a City and then replace it with a Town, that Town is immediately destroyed.
If you replace a damaged piece with two or more pieces (as when "Dissolve the Bonds of Kinship" replaces a City with two Explorers), the damage (and Strife tokens, if applicable) get divided between the new pieces as you choose.
Note that if a piece is replaced as part of being saved from destruction (as is done by the Transforming Aspect), then Damage is cleared before the piece is replaced, so there's no Damage to divide. (Strife tokens are still divided normally, if relevant.)
Category: General Play
Tags: Damage,
Crops Wither and Fade (Shadows Flicker Like Flame),
Call of the Dahan Ways,
Winds of Rust and Atrophy,
Dissolve the Bonds of Kinship,
Forsake Society to Chase After Dreams (Lure of the Deep Wilderness),
Trade Suffers,
Mimic the Dahan,
Missionaries Arrive,
Cities Rise,
Cultural Assimilation,
Cultures Mix and Clash,
Kingdom of Sweden,
Shadows of the Dahan (Shadows Flicker Like Flame),
Lure of the Deep Wilderness,
Waters Renew (Wounded Waters Bleeding),
Wounded Waters Bleeding,
Lost in the Endless Dark (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine),
The Endless Dark (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine),
Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine,
Transforming Aspect (Heart of the Wildfire),
Tangles Aspect (A Spread of Rampant Green)
Products: All
Last modified: Dec 24, 2024 8:11:14 AM