You can choose differently for nested actions - eg, if you flip the Blight card and it has immediate effects. (Example: You play Insatiable Hunger of the Swarm, and count all of your Sacred Sites as Beasts. It adds Blight which flips the Blight Card, revealing the one which destroys 1 Beasts on each board. You choose to not count any of your Sacred Sites as Beasts for that. You then continue resolving Insatiable Hunger of the Swarm, and your Sacred Sites count as Beasts for it.) (Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Counts As, Settle Into Hunting-Grounds, Many Minds Move as One, A Joining of Swarms and Flocks (Many Minds Move as One), 0 more...
Nevertheless, Roiling Waters Bleeding deals Damage if repositioning a piece on the island that already counts as a Beasts, whether that's the Incarna of Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, the Presence of a Spirit under "Settle Into Hunting Grounds", or a Sacred Site belonging to Many Minds Move as One. Tags: Counts As, Repositioning Presence, Roiling Waters (Wounded Waters Bleeding), Wounded Waters Bleeding, 5 more...