If Many Minds Moves as One gathers multiple Sacred Sites into one land with an action, do they still count as separate Beasts for the rest of that action?

If Many Minds Moves as One gathers multiple Sacred Sites into one land with an action, do they still count as separate Beasts for the rest of that action?

Yes, while Many Minds can only use A Joining of Swarms and Flocks on one pair of Presence in each of its Sacred Sites (Jagged Earth, page 29), those Presence-pairs-as-Beasts remain Beasts for the rest of the action even if they move to new lands. In particular, Many Minds can use The Teeming Host Arrives to gather Presence pairs from three different lands with the middle threshold and then Push each of those Presence pairs with the final threshold.
This doesn't let Many Minds gather multiple pairs of Presence from the same land with a single Gather instruction, so The Teeming Host Arrives can't gather more than two Presence from one land.