If a Dahan is not participating in Ravage, can it still grant Defend 1 in that Ravage from Bargains of Power and Protection or Canny Defense?

If a Dahan is not participating in Ravage, can it still grant Defend 1 in that Ravage from Bargains of Power and Protection or Canny Defense?

No, if a piece is not participating in Ravage, it can’t grant Defend in that Ravage or count towards an effect that grants Defend in that Ravage. However, in the rare case that Invaders do Damage to the land or to the Dahan outside of a Ravage due to a Power or Event, the Dahan will grant Defend and reduce that Damage.
This is only a problem for effects that apply to the entire island, and are thus rechecked every time they are relevant. Effects that check for or count Dahan in a single land lock in their Defend amount earlier in the turn.