Offer No Firm Foundations (Fathomless Mud of the Swamp)
Frequently Asked Questions
Spirits and Innate Powers
When the Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony) Level 2+ would Build a City in an Inland Fathomless Mud Sacred Site, how many Explorers get Built?
One or two Explorers, your choice.
If you choose to apply
Offer No Firm Foundations
first, it switches the Build from a City to an Explorer, so
More Rural Than Urban
doesn’t apply. On the other hand, if you choose to apply
More Rural Than Urban
first, it switches the Build from a City to two Towns, which
Offer No Firm Foundations
then switches to two Explorers.
Action Modifiers
Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony)
Offer No Firm Foundations (Fathomless Mud of the Swamp)
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Does Mud’s Offer No Firm Foundations special rule do anything useful against The Kingdom of France Level 2+?
Yes, it still has two uses:
Slave Labor
only triggers in lands that had 2+ Explorers before Building, the Explorers built via
No Firm Foundations
won't trigger that ability (though they would still be upgraded if the land
had 2+ Explorers).
At some points in the game, preventing new Cities from being built can be worth adding extra Towns. This is particularly true against Level 4+, when a City that causes
Triangle Trade
would add another Town anyway.
Triggered Actions
Offer No Firm Foundations (Fathomless Mud of the Swamp)
Fathomless Mud of the Swamp
Kingdom of France
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