How can Ocean's Hungry Grasp get Presence on inland lands?

How can Ocean's Hungry Grasp get Presence on inland lands?

With the base set and Branch & Claw, only by using Indomitable Claim (which explicitly says to ignore land-type restrictions - other presence-adding powers do not allow you to ignore the restriction). With Promo Pack 2, Finder of Paths Unseen can potentially make inland lands Coastal with Open The Ways; if you add Presence to such a land while it's Coastal, it doesn't need to remain so for your Presence to remain there.
Category: Spirits and Innate Powers
Tags: Adding Presence, Ocean's Hungry Grasp, Indomitable Claim, Finder of Paths Unseen
Products: Core game
Last modified: Aug 19, 2020 6:58:10 PM