If a Spirit has an unusually-shaped Presence Track, how does it determine the number of Energy/Plays it has access to each turn?
If a Spirit has an unusually-shaped Presence Track, how does it determine the number of Energy/Plays it has access to each turn?
Use the highest single Energy number and Plays number, then add any +Energy and +Plays from other spaces on the tracks.
For example, if Finder of Paths Unseen has uncovered its spaces with:
- Sun
- 1 Energy, Moon
- 2 Energy, Water
- +2 Energy
- +1 Energy, +1 Range
- +1 Card Play/Turn
Then it has 5 Energy/turn (2 + 2 + 1, ignoring the Moon space because the Water space grants a higher base amount) and 2 Plays/turn (1 + 1).
Category: Spirits and Innate Powers
Tags: Presence track,
Finder of Paths Unseen,
Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island,
Wounded Waters Bleeding,
Stone's Unyielding Defiance
Products: Promo,
Promo 2,
Feather & Flame,
Jagged Earth,
Nature Incarnate
Created: Jul 19, 2023 5:36:35 AM
Last modified: Jul 19, 2023 5:36:35 AM