Consider a Harmonious Nature (Relentless Gaze of the Sun)
Frequently Asked Questions
Elements and Elemental Thresholds
Can you use the threshold effects of Innate Powers, even if you can't use the effects above them?
Yes, each line is evaluated independently, depending on the Elements you activate the power with.
(You are allowed to pretend you have fewer Elements than you actually have, but need to be consistent for the whole power.)
Discussion elsewhere
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Discussion elsewhere
Sparking Aspect (Lightning's Swift Strike)
Haven Aspect (River Surges in Sunlight)
Foreboding Aspect (Shadows Flicker Like Flame)
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Spirits and Innate Powers
When Relentless Gaze of the Sun is the only Spirit in the game, can it choose itself for the Plant thresholds of Consider a Harmonious Nature?
No, the "another Spirit" exception in solo play only applies to the "Target" box, not the effects of the Power. The last two thresholds will simply fail to do anything, since choosing another Spirit is impossible.
Solo games
Consider a Harmonious Nature (Relentless Gaze of the Sun)
Relentless Gaze of the Sun
When Relentless Gaze of the Sun uses Consider a Harmonious Nature to destroy Presence instead of adding Blight, which Presence can it pick?
It can destroy any of its own Presence anywhere on the island, which includes Presence in The Endless Dark.
destroy Presence that's not on the island, including:
On its Presence Tracks
Removed from the game, e.g., by a Bargain
Under the effects of
Absolute Stasis
On Serpent's
Deep Slumber
Absolute Stasis (Fractured Days Split the Sky)
Deep Slumber (Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island)
Consider a Harmonious Nature (Relentless Gaze of the Sun)
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When Relentless Gaze of the Sun chooses another Spirit with "Consider a Harmonious Nature," must that Spirit have Destroyed Presence?
No, Relentless Gaze of the Sun is free to choose any Spirit other than itself; the 3 Sun 1 Plant threshold just doesn’t do anything other than choosing a Spirit if the chosen Spirit has no Destroyed Presence.
The chosen Spirit can still receive Energy from the final threshold.
Destroyed Presence
Consider a Harmonious Nature (Relentless Gaze of the Sun)
Relentless Gaze of the Sun