How exactly does Pour Time Sideways work?
How exactly does Pour Time Sideways work?
It affects each individual Invader Action – so if they’re Ravaging in Sands, on the board you move Presence to, each Sands with Invaders will Ravage twice. (Then similarly for both Build and Explore.) On the board you moved Presence from, each Sands with Invaders will Ravage zero times. It’s phrased as “one more time” and “one fewer time” instead of “twice” and “zero times” so it works properly if the Power is Repeated.
If you use a Power like Infestation of Venomous Spiders that lets you skip a number of Invader Actions in a land where they would Ravage twice, it has to skip each of the two individually.
The phrase ‘“Each board/Each land...” Actions’ refers to any Action (generally Event Actions, Fear Actions, or Adversary Actions like Escalation) which does something on each board or in each land, even if there are qualifiers (e.g., “In each land with Beasts...”)