If an effect changes the Health of all pieces that meet a particular condition, does that affect pieces in The Endless Dark?
If an effect changes the Health of all pieces that meet a particular condition, does that affect pieces in The Endless Dark?
Yes, so long as it checks the traits of the piece itself (e.g., what type it is, how much Strife it has) rather than the traits of the land it’s in (e.g., if Blight is present, if at least 3+ Invaders are present).
Category: Spirits and Innate Powers
Tags: Health,
Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine,
The Endless Dark (Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine),
Kingdom of England,
Life's Balance Tilts,
Well-Prepared Explorers,
Tight-Knit Communities,
Farmers Seek the Dahan for Aid,
Years of Little Rain,
Dahan Threaten,
Habsburg Monarchy (Livestock Colony)
Products: Nature Incarnate
Created: Jul 22, 2023 3:45:36 AM
Last modified: Sep 24, 2023 6:19:50 PM