When Ocean's Hungry Grasp is in play, can Blight, other Spirit Presence, Beasts, or other tokens end up in the Ocean?
When Ocean's Hungry Grasp is in play, can Blight, other Spirit Presence, Beasts, or other tokens end up in the Ocean?
Yes, the Ocean is a Coastal Wetland for many purposes, and Blight and any of the tokens from Branch & Claw can end up there. Spirit Presence from other spirits cannot be placed there during the Spirit Phase, but can end up there as a result of cards like "Indomitable Claim" or "Flow Like Water, Reach Like Air." So long as Ocean's Hungry Grasp has Presence on the board, non-human pieces in the Ocean continue to behave normally and are considered "in play" — so a Disease would count for an Event which checks if the board has Disease, for instance, even though that's an Event Action.
Invaders never take actions there, so many of the tokens will have no effect.
Category: Spirits and Innate Powers
Tags: Ocean's Hungry Grasp,
Indomitable Claim,
Growth Through Sacrifice,
Unrelenting Growth,
Gift of Proliferation (A Spread of Rampant Green),
Overgrow in a Night (A Spread of Rampant Green),
Flow Like Water, Reach Like Air,
Unrelenting Growth,
Blazing Renewal,
Ocean In Play (Ocean's Hungry Grasp)
Products: Core game,
Branch & Claw
Last modified: Oct 20, 2024 3:07:16 AM