When Habsburg Mining Expedition Level 1+ resolves a Build Card, when does it check which lands are Mining lands (which will Ravage instead of Build)?

When Habsburg Mining Expedition Level 1+ resolves a Build Card, when does it check which lands are Mining lands (which will Ravage instead of Build)?

When you start resolving the Build Card, determine which lands get Invader Actions and what type of Invader Actions those will be. Changing the number of Invaders in the land after that doesn't change the type of Action.
If every Invader in a Mining land doesn’t participate in Ravage, that land gets no Invader Action; if only some aren’t participating, it’ll still get a Ravage Action, since whether or not a land is a Mining land isn’t affected by participation in Ravage (or lack thereof).
Category: Adversaries
Tags: Do not participate in Ravage, Build Cards, Matches, Habsburg Mining Expedition
Products: Nature Incarnate
Created: Feb 26, 2025 5:47:32 AM
Last modified: Feb 26, 2025 8:19:32 AM