Blighted Island cards
Frequently Asked Questions
You gain the elements on it immediately, and can use it for thresholds that same turn. You can also use the Power that turn, although if it is a Fast power and the Blight card flipped after the Fast phase you will not be able to use it this turn, unless something lets you use a Fast power as a Slow power.
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Speed (Fast/Slow), Elements, Aid from Lesser Spirits
- Anything that checks the cost of the Power Card checks its printed cost, which may be 1 Energy.
- It's not one of your Power Cards in play, so you can't Repeat it with Gift of Twinned Days (but it doesn't stop you from repeating a more expensive Power Card).
The amount of Blight on the base board is roughly balanced with the Blight cards - your total Blight pool is smaller, but you have no negative effect. However, it is slightly easier to play with - first, because the certainty of knowing exactly what will happen makes some decisions easier / clearer / less risky; second, because with ongoing-effect Blight cards, there's an early-game pressure to not let the island go Blighted (as the earlier it happens, the worse it is), whereas with the base blight space it doesn't matter when Blight is placed, only whether it empties.
(The early-game pressure is also present with immediate-effect Blight cards and the Event deck from Branch & Claw, as some Events key off the island being Blighted.)
(Discussion elsewhere) Tags: Blight, Blighted Island
So with the extra card, you:
The card is "used as if played", but is not your card.
If it says "Every Spirit Phase", you do it every turn, during the Spirit Phase.
If it says "At the start of each Invader Phase" or "Each Invader Phase," you do it every turn, during the Blighted Island part of the Invader Phase.