If there's only 1 Blight on the Healthy Island card, and you need to add 2 at once (eg: Sweden 1), what do you do?

If there's only 1 Blight on the Healthy Island card, and you need to add 2 at once (eg: Sweden 1), what do you do?

Immediately flip the card; any Blight that was on it is added to the newly created Blight pool. If the Blight Card has any immediate effects, resolve them. Then add the 2 Blight to the board.
Immediate effects of the flipped Blight card are nested actions - you resolve them completely (including anything they trigger) before returning to what you were doing.
Category: Blighted Island cards
Tags: Blighted Island, Nested Actions, Blight, Timing, Kingdom of Sweden
Products: Core game
Created: Jan 10, 2021 7:14:04 PM
Last modified: Jan 10, 2021 7:23:19 PM